Action items: 2020-02-05 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call
Action items: 2020-02-05 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call
- Justine Chewto forward
relevant information regardingSubPro preliminary scorecards on UA and IDNs to the IDN mailing list. (Amended as discussed and agreed on CPWG call 12 February 2020) - Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) / Justine Chew to work with CPWG Co-Chairs on identifying a possible Single Issue Call regarding SubPro. (Will be taken up as needed, as agreed on CPWG call 12 February 2020)
- jonathan.zuck recommended a Single Purpose call on the New gTLD Auction Proceeds PC with the ALAC (on Monday 10 February) regarding a decision on the two options. gregory.shatan volunteered to draft a statement. CC Yesim Saglam / Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) / Heidi Ullrich to coordinate call. UPDATE: call no longer needed, as ALAC confirmed statement / option via the mailing list.
- jonathan.zuck to discuss At-Large Policy Platform and Gender Diversity on next week's CPWG.
- gregory.shatan to draft text for a short response to ASO to be sent by ALAC Chair Maureen regarding their request related to ISOC/PIR.
- marita.moll to deliver presentation on MSM during next week's CPWG.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to coordinate with Olivier Crépin-Leblond, marita.moll and ricardo.holmquist (Chair of FBSC) regarding process for submitting Finance PC / MSM portion of Finance PC.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to publicize the CPWG Monthly Reports page to the CPWG and ATLAS III, et al mailing lists.
- Yesim Saglam next CPWG call to be Wednesday, 12 February at 19 UTC.