Transcription 20 May 2010 LACRALO EN

Transcription 20 May 2010 LACRALO EN

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay, let's see, action items, I believe we now, myself and Andres are supposed to be contacting At-Large structures. I don’t know if Sylvia has also been contacting them. The reason being was, well, it was for two reasons. One was the ALSs to fill out the At-Large Survey and also this contact to find out from ALS's that haven't been participating, you know just to find out why they're not participating and so forth.

I have spoken to a few of the English-speaking At-Large structures and the main reason, and I guess probably it's obvious, is that the material coming from the mailing list and from the ICANN policies is overwhelming and they can't seem to follow, you know, the topic midstream, so to speak. So Sylvia do you have anything to say, have to talked to any of the Spanish-speaking ALS's or?

Sylvia Leite: Yes, I have and what I have confirmed is that some of the representatives have more than one email address and many times a lot of the communication that are being send, they are being sent to email addresses that they don't use that much and that they barely access. And this is why a lot of them did not get many of my previous communications. So now we are doing an update of the data that we have at this time.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Well that's good, especially with the At-Large survey. If they fill out that information then at least we'll be updated as to who's who in our At-Large structures within the LAC region, great. We proposed regional statements. Well, in the end, that's what was decided, was to just submit - was not to submit a regional statement but to just support the ALAC statements for, regarding the .xxx-sponsored top-level domain.

The third action item, send an email to the working group on the LACRALO by-law modifications. That has not been done. I see that the by-law modification is on the agenda, so I'll get to that topic when we cross - when we reach it in the agenda. Okay, next item. Item number three, open public consultations.

There are five topics, also topic consultations, two of them ALAC is working on draft statements on, the registrar accreditation agreement, subsection and the RSAC review. This is the Root Scaling - my mind has gone blank here as to what the - the Root Scaling Survey.

Male Voice: Survey.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yes, thank you. This week though there has been two new policies out for comment, the draft budget for 2011, the operating plan and budget has been posted for comment, and also the questions to the community on the accountability and transparency within ICANN. This is regarding the ATRT, the Accountability and Transparency Review Team. They have posted a list of questions asking, well questions relating to the accountability and transparency within ICANN. Does anyone have any comments on any of the policies up for comment?

Translator: And Sylvia would like the floor.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Sure, go ahead, go ahead Sylvia.

Sylvia Leite: In regards to the budget for the next fiscal year, I am part of the sub-committee for the budget and I would like to tell you that we are a bit concerned, because our general assembly has not yet been approved, which should be taking place in Columbia in December.

I've already sent several mails, in fact I've sent mails to Cheryl, but I would like it to be on the record that I am working on this because it still has not been approved, this budget, in order to carry out our next general assembly. As soon as I have any more information in regards to that subject, I will keep you informed. That was all.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Thank you Sylvia. Are there any other comments on any other issues for public comments? Okay then, okay, but I should just make a quick comment that ALAC - just to say ALAC statements are being made on the Registrar Accreditation Agreement, and actually it's quite an interesting topic, because it deals with, potentially how - it impacts how proxy services for registrants operate, so I would really suggest that people take a look at it.

It's a really short document. It's about like 8 - you know 5 pages. Item number four, update on the At-Large Board selection process. Well, neither James nor Jacqueline is here. Carlton, well as I see there is a review of the next steps of the At-Large Board selection process. Carlton, do you have anything to report on?

Carlton Samuels: Well, the - this is Carlton. The issue right now has been that there's still some unsettled business in the document - BCC document. We've had reports from the legal team; we're actually waiting also from some legal people. But in the meantime there has been quite a set of conversations about the question as to whether or not the document does not make the prerequisite requirements to be selected for the group too onerous. In other words, some people feel that it actually disqualifies people that we would not wish to disqualify. That seems to be a sentiment.

There are those of us who believe that we should make the document abundantly clear that we will only consider candidates who we believe take the At-Large posture and at least hold sentiments, if not the same, but certainly similar to the At-Large. And that has been a question - the question is how do you put it in the document so that all of the potential nominees understand that this is a basic requirement to be considered.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yeah, how do you quantify it as well? I imagine that is also -

Carlton Samuels: Yes, yes. This has been the big point, quantification. People, for example, say that somebody's workplace and where they work should not disqualify them. And the question was, well what if somebody says they represent At-Large interests, but they work for a registry or they are part of a registrar group.

How do you then make that distinction? These are some of what people consider practical issues that come out if it, and that there are different opinions as to why it would be important, to on that basis alone, to exclude people, as opposed to having a much more liberal interpretation, that it's not an issue. It's the positions and the postures that you hold.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Well this is Dave again. Well I noticed that this was a scheduled, well it seems to we have not - the At-Large direct appointment process hasn't followed the schedule. Is this a concern or is it - because I mean, the original proposal was that, inaudible 00:10:30 voting on the candidates list, and that certainly doesn't look like it's going to happen this month for sure. So is there any worries or any concerns about that, or do we feel that?

Carlton Samuels: No, not really. I mean, it's been inaudible 00:10:49 but you've seen that we should at least get the document, the basic document that decides who we want, right and then agreed before we should follow it, so. And we're still waiting for a full response from the legal people at ICANN.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Right, okay, well thank you, thanks Carlton. Any questions or comments on the Spanish channel? Very well, very well. With that, let’s move on in the agenda. Recent and upcoming activities of ALAC. Well, Carlton and Sylvia, who would wish to go first?

Carlton Samuels: Well, I'll tell you. I mean, they're telling you - I'll go first - there's - you would have seen that there were some ALAC statements that were considered unvoted and I believe they are listed…

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: … in the agenda.

Carlton Samuels: …in the agenda, and that has been over there, the Ex-Com meeting has been taken up with looking at the Brussels schedule, the schedule for there and there are still things coming in the draft Brussels schedule out and you can see a link in the - on the agenda page here that will take you to it. The business community has asked for a face-to-face in Brussels and I see from Cheryl that she has responded to say that we are trying to accommodate them.

And that's pretty much what has been happening. Oh, there has been a lot of arguments around the Accountability and Transparency Review Team as you all know. The chair of ALAC is the representative from the At-Large, on this team. This review team is part of the AOC structure, Affirmation of Commitment. This is the framework in which, having been released from direct oversight of the US government, ICANN now has an affirmation of commitment framework with which it is operating.


Translator: I'm sorry, Carlton. Carlton, I'm so sorry to interrupt you. You know what; you got a bit technical for me. You're going to have to repeat that again please.

Carlton Samuels: Okay. I'm saying that, as most of my colleagues will recall, that as a consequence of the withdrawal of the United States government from direct oversight of ICANN, we now have in place an affirmation of commitment which is a framework from - by which ICANN is supposed to operate from now into the foreseeable future.

As that affirmation of commitment framework compels ICANN to develop review teams to look at these operations, and one such of them is the Accountability and Transparency Team. Cheryl Langdon-Orr, who is chair of ALAC, is our representative on that team. And they had the first face-to-face meeting last week in California. And there has been a lot of traffic generated about what it means.

I mean most of the traffic has been taken up with the terms of reference for this review team, and how we could do its work. There's a very rich Wiki that is available for members to look at. And I would encourage members to have a look at the outcomes from that team. There is a Wiki page that you can look at, and it's there listed in the agenda document. I don't know if Sylvia might have something to add.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay, yes well, alright Sylvia. Or actually just before Sylvia, just I may I also mention the link I posted in the Adobe Chat, that takes you to the ATRT - what the activities of the ATRT team, and included is the - well I believe the recordings and summary minutes from the public sessions as Carlton mentioned.

Well it was two weeks ago actually, on the 5th and 6th of May 2010. So that's also for us to review, and again goes back to the questions that are now currently - the questions to the ATRT regarding transparency and accountability of ICANN. Sorry Sylvia, go ahead. Do you have anything to add regarding the ALAC activities?

Sylvia Leite: Yes, I would like to tell you that what we are doing at this time, and actually with the staff, we are organizing the activities that we are going to have in Brussels. And in particular, this is going to be the results of the survey that the five regions are carrying out, and so what will result from that survey. We are also trying to organize a meeting with Barbara to explain to her about the outreach program that we are organizing with Sheba in India. So these are the two main issues that I'm working on at this moment.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay, well the At-Large survey is - well it's right after the At-Large survey - let's see - unfortunately, according to the latest survey results at least there is fourteen out of - there are fourteen ALS's in LACRALO that have yet to respond to the survey. So the survey has been extended to Sunday.

So I think we should try - myself and Sylvia who are on the At-Large survey review team that will be working on the At-Large survey, we should probably make the extra effort to contact those fourteen At-Large structures and respond accordingly. But globally though, I think there's about sixty At-Large structures that have responded to the survey out of, I think, it's like a hundred and twenty two At-Large, you know out of a hundred and twenty two At-Large structures globally.

Let me see. So we have a very aggressive time line. If you look on the agenda page, there is the schedule for the At-Large survey 2010. There is literally, between starting from the Sunday the 23rd, to having a presentation in, at the Brussels meeting with the summary of the results and an analysis of the survey results, as Sylvia mentioned. So we have quite a bit of work to sort through once the At-Large survey is complete. Any other - any further questions - any questions or comments?


Sylvia Leite: I just...

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Go ahead Sylvia.

Sylvia Leite: And, and Dave, I'm sorry, I wanted to clarify – it ends on May 23rd.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Right.

Sylvia Leite: That's what you said, right? Okay. And now so Dave is working with the Caribbean and I'm working with Latin America very hard. And I am trying to get in contact with everyone, checking emails and phone numbers. I've actually called some of these people over the phone and in order to make sure that everybody in LACRALO answers. And I'm sorry Dave, that's my apology. It just wasn't very clear when you said May 23rd that it was ending on May 23rd, so that's why she had to clarify that.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yes.

Sylvia Leite: I'm very sorry.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Well yeah, but I mean, it was scheduled to end this Monday but because of the low response, and so then it was extended to this Sunday the 23rd. And a good thing though is that a lot of the At-Large structures did respond in the last two or three days because of the mass, you know, calling and emailing them, so - which is good, so. Okay, next on the agenda - the upcoming activities of the working group and LACRALO bylaw modifications. Okay, I admit I have not sent the email out yet.

What I would suggest to do is that we just take - we have to - we had come up with a list of suggestions early in March 2010 before the Nairobi meeting, during a teleconference like this. And we agreed on certain principles that we should modify the bylaws. The key being that officers in LACRALO should be, for a period of two years, they should be - that these officers’ periods should not be more - for two consecutive periods.

And there is also consideration of whether to have a LACRALO Board. Okay, similar to how EURALO has a Board. And also that's what we have to consider, was also how do we allow for individual internet users within the region. We haven't really discussed that aspect yet in any great detail.

What I suggest though is we - instead of trying to do all of those things simultaneously, we just pick one item and just gradually look at board bylaw modifications for that one item and then proceed to the next one, rather than trying to tackle multiple things at the same time. Does anybody have any comments or questions or concerns about that?

Sylvia Leite: Yes. I would like to know if it would be possible to send to the list- the list of people who belong to the working group, for one thing, and also I would like to know if this working group has already me, if they had already started work, because from what I understand, I was part of that working group and I still have not received anything yet.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: That is, okay - who is that, by the way?

Translator: Oh, I'm sorry, yes that was Sylvia, and Fatimata would like to say something in regards to that.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay then, go ahead. Go ahead Fatimata.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: Also, I would like to know the same thing that Sylvia asked, because I also
was part of that working group and I never received anything, so I don't know if they've met already or what has taken place with that?

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay, well both Sylvia and Fatimata, there has been no emails issued as such. So there has been no further work - no work was done on the bylaw modifications. So there has been no - that no email has gone out as such. So the email that I will send will be the first email for this working group to look at the proposed items for modification. Okay, so there has been no emails up to now - there hasn't been any - no work has been done as such.

Okay, so I will - so that action item is still outstanding and I will post that soon. I am almost tempted - I am tempted to, instead of trying to do it separately, whether we should simply use the discussion mailing list, just so that everybody is aware of the - you know, what is happening. So I will be post - I will probably post that to the discussion list. And again, if anybody has any questions or comments or concerns about that?

Carlton Samuels: Could I suggest something? We're still talking about the amendments, proposed amendments to the ROP of LACRALO, correct?

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Correct Carlton that is correct.

Carlton Samuels: I would suggest that the three elements that we are considering making, inserting in the existing rules of procedure, might I suggest that we make the officers draft the language that we - a sense of the membership, that the membership would like to see, then we put that out for comment. Because if we don't have something these people can respond to, we might spend a lot of time going round and round the mulberry bush.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay, okay.

Translator: Sylvia would like to say something else.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Go ahead Sylvia.

Sylvia Leite: And also, I would like to emphasize the fact that it would be important to send to the list as well, the names of the people that are part of the working group. And also one of the first actions that I would suggest is that those people also send out to the list, all of the items, all of the issues that we want to change in the bylaws, so we can start working ahead of time before our general assembly. And, you know, not just - and of course talking about the terms, limits, and since this is something that is a major priority, that is something that we need to do ahead of time. And Fatimata would like to say something as well.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay, go ahead Fatimata.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: Yes, Dave. What you are suggesting - are you suggesting to send everything to the list? I was very confused. So we're talking about the first mailing, that's what you were talking about, right?

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yes, I believe yes, but I certainly don't see a problem with using the discussion list as, the existing discussion list to have any people to make comments on the work items. So because of what I - so because the first email will be to, let's just say, make sure that everybody is, as Carlton says, agrees with the principle of what we want to do, in terms of why we - and you know, make sure everybody is aware of that.

And then, if you want, you can then have separate emails going out to who will do what to help draft a statement which could be put on the Wiki and then – but in other words, I don't want it to be closed off. I kind of want people to be aware of the activity of the bylaw modifications. I don't want to have it just - I want to keep everybody on the mailing list current with what is happening with it.

So, okay so Carlton, I think I agree with your suggestion that, you know, we should outline the principle of what we want to do to the public mailing list. And then I'll list the working group members, current that agreed to be on the working group in March. I guess invite anybody else who wishes to be on that working group, okay? So I'll work on that statement and send out on the public discussion list as soon as possible. Okay? Is that okay with everyone?

Carlton Samuels: Yes, I think that's the way to approach it.

Translator: Very well and Spanish agrees.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay, good. I'm also actually will look at - I have also been looking at working up on a guide to our meetings because I noticed there is probably like areas of the - our rules of procedure that just needs to be, I guess, clarified, because with the amendments that we've been making to the rules of procedure, they seem inconsistent with the wording in the another rules.

Translator: I'm sorry Dave, I'm sorry. They were speaking at that moment, so I lost that, so if you could please just start that sentence again, I'm very sorry. I just want to make sure that they don't miss anything that you say.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay, were you saying something to me first, or...

Sylvia Leite: Yes I was speaking to - you started talking about the rules of procedure. So, if you could just start that thought again please, I'm so sorry.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay, okay, I was just saying that also I'll be working on a sort of like a - I've been inspired by the non-lawyers guide to the RAA, which tries to explain in plain English the Registrars Accreditation Agreement, and I want to try to write something similar for At-Large structures for us to understand our rules of procedure. Because I think, you know, the way rules of procedure is drafted, while comprehensive, it does - it is kind of confusing to apply during a meeting, at least to me anyway.

So I'll be trying to work up on a guide, and wherever possible, where I think there has been some, how should I put it - that some rules need to be clarified. I will try to highlight that and then bring that to the working group's attention, as we move on. So that's what I have to say.

Okay, any further thoughts, comments, questions regarding the bylaw modifications? Okay. Very well, all right, let’s move ahead, continue then. Item- recent upcoming activities of LACRALO members. Well I'm not sure what exactly that item means, but I assume that - I don't know if this has any relation to it, but has there been any opportunities for outreach in, with this recent Internet Day activities that have been occurring in Latin America?

Carlton Samuels: I think that they – this is Carlton.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yes, go ahead.

Carlton Samuels: I think that’s what is intended to do. It is intended to pull from individual members any activities that have considered part of the At-Large activity framework.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay.

Carlton Samuels: Outreach framework. And I think the Internet Day activities in Argentina, for example, is one part of it. They've had some activities in Brazil that Sylvia probably could speak to.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yes. That's what I thought inaudible 00:32:33. So, Sylvia, you have any thoughts, or does anybody else on the Spanish channel have anything to say regarding this?

Sylvia Leite: And I do apologize for the noise, it's going to finish in a moment. Yes, so we have been working very hard with an organization that takes care of destitute children and they came in contact with Internet Brazil and I participated as a LACRALO representative. So I had the opportunity to speak to a lot of people that participated in that chat and give them our link and the LACRALO link and ICANN.

We also have an ICANN link in Portuguese, so we've been able to do that. And we also participated as observers in elementary schools, so in that sense, we did not give any of our pamphlets. But at that other level, we have passed on our information and are creating noise about ICANN and all those things.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay, thank you Sylvia. Well I guess also the recent activities is also again with the At-Large survey and the contacting of At-Large structures that haven't been participating recently, would also help creating an in-reach to - for existing At-Large structures for, to get them to participate more.

Carlton Samuels: Can I say something Dave?

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Sure, go ahead Carlton.

Carlton Samuels: I just wanted to - this is Carlton. I wanted to talk about this inaudible 00:34:38 about outreach activities that I have participated in Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Oh, okay.

Carlton Samuels: They - Saint Kitts and Nevis, they have...

Translator: I'm sorry Carlton. I'm sorry to interrupt you, what is that name?

Carlton Samuels: Saint Kitts, the country of Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Translator: Okay, where?

Carlton Samuels: It's in the Caribbean.

Translator: In the Caribbean, okay. All right repeat that again Carlton. I'm so sorry.

Carlton Samuels: I have participated last week in an activity for Saint Kitts and Nevis. They had some groups, some NGOs, Non-Government Organizations, that were interested in looking at ICT for development issues. And I had an opportunity to talk about internet and internet governance. And I actually encouraged the groups; there were several groups, to become our structures.

I told them about the ICANN At-Large organization and told them that Saint Kitts does not have an At-Large structure, and I was encouraging them to join up. I also gave them the link to ICANN. Most of them were hearing about ICANN for the first time, so that was an opportunity to do a little outreach.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Excellent.

Translator: Fatimata would like to say something as well.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Sure, go ahead Fatimata.

Fatimata Seye Sylla: Yes, and I also wanted to say something. I was, I think, muted. I know that in Argentina, in Cordova, we also had the Internet Day, as you know, and we had a very specific subject that we dealt with, especially for a lot of the students. In that we also spoke about ICANN and we also invited them to participate with At-Large and also become part of our organization, so that they get involved with a lot of these subjects that affect our community, and that's what I wanted to say.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Thank you Fatimata. That's good. Okay, next item on the agenda, LACRALO participation in Brussels. Again, I think while Sylvia has already mentioned it, one of the big things we will be, myself, Sylvia, Andres, and well, Carlton and Carlos, I'm sure, would be all attending - will be attending Brussels in person. And one of the things that we'll be looking at is the analysis of the At-Large survey. There is a ten the tentative schedule for Brussels is in the Wiki is on the agenda page, I'll just quickly, let's see.

One of the - I think one of the bigger things that is going to happen in Brussels is going to be the new GTLD is going to be, a draft applicant guidebook version 4 released, so that will probably be one of the bigger things in, and also be a topic in Brussels. Let's see Carlton - I mean - you already talked about ATRT. Can you think of anything else you - that will be?

Carlton Samuels: Well the BCC, that’s the Board Committee that is supposed to select - Board Selection Committee is going to have - there's going to be some intensive discussions on that in Brussels. The document, by then we would have the response from the legal people at ICANN that look at our framework document. And I guess that we will have some decisions made then about how the document turns out, finally.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay.

Carlton Samuels: The Builder’s Constituency Team, you know that there has been ongoing discussion about having a new constituency developed…


Dev Anand Teelucksingh: The inaudible 00:39:19 yep.

Carlton Samuels: …business constituency and I believe that that is going to come to a head in Brussels. We are going to have some more - the interests to At-Large is the overlap that might be - that might come out of having constituency in the GNSO and how At-Large interests might be and are advanced, depending on the overlap that finally comes out of the broad definition of what this constituency should be. I think there is going to be some opportunities there.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yes, indeed. Sylvia, do you have anything to add? I mean, you talked about outreach already, and the budget. Anything else you wish to add?

Sylvia Leite: I'm just looking over here.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Oh?

Sylvia Leite: Yes I'm just looking here, that on Sunday in the morning we will have a first meeting with Barbara Clay and we will be able to talk about the outreach program. And I will be the one that will be doing the presentation. I did not know that was going to be so early. What does stand out is on the feedback to analyze, the survey, we've only gotten an hour and it's been given- it's been scheduled towards the end of the day.

The problem is when we have these activities at the end of the day; we don't get that many results. So it would be good to try and maybe change that as scheduled. But in regards to the outreach program, we really need to see what else it is that we can do, because we are still at the first steps of this.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Actually, I think also, just glancing through the agenda, one of the other big things will be the reinvigorating the At-Large working groups and this will also be in conjunction with the At-Large survey results. We can then start promoting and I won't say relaunching, but revitalizing existing At-Large working groups since the At-Large working groups have not been really - the activity of those working groups has fallen off since the Mexico summit. So, that will be also I think one of the key things that we'll be working on.

Sylvia Leite: And I completely agree, says Sylvia.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Let's see. Okay, I will just say our next meeting will be earlier. Our next - I'm trying to find it- because of the Brussels meeting, we are not going to have any LACRALO meeting during the meeting of Brussels, due to the time differences and the difficulties of finding, you know, conference facilities at such a late hour and so forth. So we are going to have the meeting at least a week earlier. And my mind is now feverishly trying to find a schedule for that. Matthias can you - if you are listening can you - do you know it offhand?

Matthias Langenegger: Isn't that - you're talking about the next meeting, right?

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yes, that’s right.

Matthias Langenegger: The next meeting is currently scheduled on the 10th, that is Thursday, June 10th at 21:00 ET.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Excellent, thank you very much Matthias, yes. So that's really not much time actually. That's literally just two and a half weeks, yes? Let's see -yes, three weeks from now, so.

Matthias: Yes, three weeks from now.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yes, great. Okay, well is there any other items of business that anybody wants just to bring up? Oh actually, I'm sorry, there is one other item that we are supposed to be doing, an update on the At-Large improvements process. Is that screen available?

Heidi Ulrich: Hi, Dave. This is Heidi. I'll be talking just a few minutes about the status of the At-Large improvements.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Thank you, Heidi, and go ahead.

Heidi Ulrich: Okay, just to let everyone know that we are very much working on the At-Large improvement. As was decided a few weeks ago, the ALAC and staff will be reviewing a lot of the thirteen recommendations that are part of the At-Large improvement. And each one of those thirteen recommendations have various tasks. So the At-Large, the ALAC and staff will be taking care of a lot of those various tasks.

Also, the ALAC Sub-Committee on Finance and Budget will be taking care of two of those thirteen recommendations. And we are currently working on several items related to this. One is updating the At-Large improvement site. I'm going to put that into the Wiki, into the Adobe Connect right now.

So please, I encourage everyone to take a look at that workspace that lists, has links to all of the thirteen recommendations with their various tasks. It lists who is going to be taking care of each one of those recommendations. And as you were just talking about the Brussels meeting, we're going to have most of the afternoon on Sunday, the 20th of June, dedicated to the At-Large improvement, including a review of where we are with those various recommendations.

Recommendation two deals with the At-Large Director selection process, so we will provide an update on that and then we'll talk about next steps on that. I think that is it.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay, thank you Heidi. And yes, Heidi has posted the link to the At-Large improvements workspace which also has the link to the spreadsheet.

Heidi Ulrich: Yes, yes, so it has a lot of things. It has the simplified outline which lists, again, each recommendation, each of the thirteen recommendations and their various tasks, and who is taking care of those tasks, as well as the approximate deadline for the completion of those tasks. It lists those- in addition to the simplified outline, we also have placed Wiki pages, separate, individual Wiki pages for each of those thirteen recommendations, where you can add comments.

And we also are now are now - or Seth is preparing a status log for the entire At-Large improvement implementation project, again, where we will be updating on a regular basis where we are on each of those recommendations. So again the - most of the Sunday afternoon, not the entire day but Sunday afternoon in Brussels, will be dedicated to that topic.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay, thank you Heidi.

Heidi Ulrich: Welcome.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Any questions or comments? Very well, okay. Well there being no other business, I declare the meeting - adjourn the meeting.

Heidi Ulrich: Thank you Dave.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay, no problem.

Male: Thank you very much.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay, thank you all and have a good day.

Heidi Ulrich: Okay, thanks very much. For the few minutes I listened, you were an excellent chair. Okay, take care.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay.

Sylvia Leite: And thank you Dave, you have a great afternoon

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay.

Sylvia Leite: Bye - bye.

Heidi Ulrich: Bye - bye, thanks.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Bye - bye.

-End of recorded material-