Meeting Summary 16 April 2009 en

Meeting Summary 16 April 2009 en

1. Designation of a Chair for the meeting

A Medina moved for having the Chair of LACRALO, A Piazza, presiding the meeting
A Medina, C Aguirre, JL Barzallo, D Monstarky, V Favia approved that decision.

2. Roll Call Apologies from the Members
Sylvia Herlein Leite sent her apologies. She will follow the meeting live on skype.

3. Adoption of the Agenda

D Monastersky added a point ‘8’ for the redistribution of the subgroups within LACRALO

N Ashton-Hart commented that he had included under the item ‘5’ of the agenda links to the ICANN open periods (four of them of direct interest for At-Large) as well as the At-Large comment period regarding the statement from the At-Large summit.



4. Open Public Comment Periods

Proposed Framework for ICANN's FY10 Operating Plan and Budget http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/#op-budget-fy2010
Deadline: 30 April (links to the 5 UN languages)

The ALAC statement to the public consultation on the travel framework for volunteers incorporates the request that the atlarge advisory committee and liaisons attend each ICANN meetings and for an annual Regional General Assembly for each RALO. LACRALO requests must emphasize how they support the objectives of the ICANN Strategic Plan, i.e.’ in support of the strategic plan objective to increase participation, we need to XXX in order to do XXX and in support of XXX’.
LACRALO must set out the specific activities that they wishes to carry out instead of just asking for a set amount of money.

Full details on the 2009-2012 Strategic Plan: http://www.icann.org/en/strategic-plan/strategic-plan-2009-2012-09feb09-en.pdf

The question is to see whether ICANN, after the end of the JPA in September 2009, becomes completely free standing with respect to the JPA or whether the agreement will be replaced with a new one and the measures to take to ensure that ICANN remains free from capture, transparent in its work and responsive to the community.

During the summit itself and during the ICANN meeting, the President Strategy Committee (PSC) released a new revised draft with proposals for the future of ICANN. The Public comment period ends on 11 May. Member’s comments are important for a LACRALO perspective on that subject. http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-12mar09-en.htm

At the same time, there is a comment period open on the WG2 statement on improving institutional confidence and WG2 of the summit has become a standing WG of At-Large. LACRALO members are welcome to join it.

Participants are urged by N Ashton-Hart to consider the text of the improving institutional confidence document (available in all six UN languages) and the At-Large statement about this process to provide any comment they think should be made by the At-Large community in its statement.

C Aguirre reminded that there were many LACRALO members in the Summit WG2 and that several suggestions against capture had been made in the WG2 statement: multilinguism, multi participation and ICANN transparency regarding budget.

5. Update on WGs

ALAC has decided that the five Summit working groups will continue to follow the issues within their remit, and all At-Large community members are asked to engage with one, or more, of the working groups. Regular meetings of each WG will be held, commencing shortly, and dedicated wiki work environments are being created.

https://st.icann.org/alac/index.cgi?at_large_officers_and_working_group_leaders https://st.icann.org/working-groups/index.cgi?at_large_working_groups

Statement on At-Large Participation in ICANN (ATLAS WG 1). Consultation closes 1 May, 2009 https://st.icann.org/alac-docs/index.cgi?at_large_participation_in_icann_al_alac_st_0309_1_en
Statement on the Future Structure and Governance of ICANN (ATLAS WG2).Consultation closes 11 April, 2009. https://st.icann.org/alac-docs/index.cgi?statement_on_the_future_of_icann_al_alac_st_0309_2_en
Statement on the New gTLD Program Application Process v2 (ATLAS WG3).
Consultation closes 25 April, 2009. https://st.icann.org/alac-docs/index.cgi?statement_on_new_gtlds_applications_process_v2_al_alac_st_0309_3_en
Statement on ICANN Transparency and Accountability (ATLAS WG4).
Consultation closes 11 April, 2009. https://st.icann.org/alac-docs/index.cgi?statement_on_transparency_and_accountability_al_alac_st_0309_4_en
Statement on DNS Security Issues (ATLAS WG5).
Consultation closes 30 April, 2009. https://st.icann.org/alac-docs/index.cgi?statement_on_dns_security_issues_al_alac_st_0309_5_en
to keep up-to-date with the policy work in the At-Large community, bookmark http://www.atlarge.icann.org/en/policycalendar

The leads of all the 'new' WG's will meet with ALAC to establish good understandings of procedures and processes. A Piazza suggested they gave some information in the next LACRALO teleconference. D Montarsky said that WG5 was very technical but the group had a clearer topic with DNS and members can always contact him for explanations.

6. Recent Activities of ALAC
Apologies from V Scartezini who could not joint LACRALO teleconference due to technical problems. C Langdon-Orr transmitted V Scartezini’s comments: ALAC urged the NonCom appointees to the ALAC, who represent the regional interests, to participate in regional meetings and in fact some of the various regions – APRALO – made it a requirement for the NonCom appointee to be active participants in the regional calls and to contribute to the workload.

The recent statements that ALAC has submitted include the travel support, the statements on the charters for non commercial stakeholder group, fast track IDN implementation and the new gTLD statement has been put in and is under current vote for ratification.

The next statement to put in will be the ALAC statement on the ALAC review

7. Recent Activities of RALOs

The APRALO and the NARALO have established an Adobe connect link for their calls to improve the communication both during the teleconferences and in between these. The EURALO are developing a working program for increasing outreach and also identify meetings in their regions which they wish to attend and consider who should attend them with what kind of promotional material. This will increase the input to At-Large policy making.

LACRALO has not sufficiently improved on these areas: first improve LACRALO mechanism of policy discussion and enhance the outreach working framework.

8. Any other Business

LACRALO sub-groups

D Monastersky reminded that this had been discussed in Mexico. He has received the comments of some LACRALO members and C Aguirre has identified the topics to consider for the framework. These should be discussed.

SYDNEY: preparation of the summit

Dev Anand was confirmed by the participants as the LACRALO secretary. A Piazza and Dev Anand will be the LACRALO participants going to Sydney in June. At-Large staff will contact Dev within the next 72 hours for his availability and the visa requirements.

The Australian government requires an extensive set of data for issuing visas:
Country of passport, passport number, passport expiry date, current country of residence, date of birth, last name (as it appears in passport) first and middle names (in full)
The proposed travelers need to liaise with Heidi on their details ASAP
She also needs: APPLICANT CONTACT DETAILS (i.e. email, telephone, address)