Transcription 22 April 2010 LACRALO EN

Transcription 22 April 2010 LACRALO EN

Andres: Let’s start with the action items we had from the previous teleconference. We haven’t done much on a lot of these action items. Dave told me that he did read a lot of these issues last night. But I keep noticing the LACRALO agenda keeps getting bigger and bigger. I think the staff is doing an amazing job. They give us so much assistance when the agenda.
Especially for all of the items that are included that are related to ALS actions. And also the fact that we’re contributing so much into a lot of these issues and this reflects in the agenda that we have for our teleconferences. There are new public comment periods, ALAC is preparing public statements for many open consultation periods and we participated in a lot of these items and so it makes our agenda very full.
So before giving Dave the floor I definitely want to thank all of you because this really reflects on the region and the work they do. And I do want to say the agenda is not in itself carried out by the staff it is just a suggestion but it is us that have to decide the agenda and we are also allowed to edit and anybody can add other items to the agenda if they wish too. Or they can send me or send an email if they wish to make any additions to the agenda as well.
So Dave if you have any comments to make about this or if anyone else wants to make any comments about what I just stated.
Dave: This is Dave and yes thank you Cher. It’s true we haven’t looked at the action items with particular integration issues and perhaps you can probably try to start working on that soon after this meeting. So that by next meeting we can at least begins discussion on the mailing list about the different issues regarding vertical integration between registries and registrars. So we can probably do that.
That is my key thing. Shall we just continue along with what is on the open public consultations?
F Interpreter: I think they just muted everybody so just give me a moment, because nobody is saying anything.
Andres: We do have 6 different drafts so we need to focus our contributions on these issues. I’m sure that Sylvia will be able to make some contributions. There is the working group for the Principles of Operations for LACRALO but let’s start with the public comment period.
Can everybody hear me?
Dave: This is Dave Yes. Hello.
Interpreter left.
Dave: Hello? Not good.
Interpreter joined.
F Interpreter: Hello Dave I’m so sorry there was a little issue with my phone.
Andres: So what I was talking about just now is I know we have a lot of issues that we have to work on and I was wondering from you guys if it would be a maybe good idea to focus on those items so we can get more work done because this is a democracy so I do want to hear everybody’s opinion.
I know that you Sylvia have a very important announcement today. But it would be something good that we think about and talk about. I think what you’re saying is interesting especially when you spoke about that it is true that a lot of the subjects on the agenda are suggested by the staff, but any of us can make any changes or adjustments and that is something we can build on. The fact that we do have so many issues that are on the agenda and the fact that we never cover any of them because we usually just end up talking about the 3rd or 4th one.
It would be interesting to go over the list let’s say the week before the teleconference and really agree to choose the 4 or 5 main subjects into which we can give more contributions and just post these items in the agenda, otherwise, we get the feeling we never finish the agenda. So I do think it is important, maybe not add so many things but yes have discussion on what are the issues we should focus on beforehand and that way we can make our job a bit more effective and not just you Andres or everybody but the fact that everybody has a chance to contribute to the agenda.
Is there anyone else who wants to speak?
Dave: This is Dave nobody else is answering.
Andres: Give me a moment to tell them you’re going to say something. Carlos Aguirre is going to make a comment.
Dave: Go ahead.
Carlos: I’m on the street so I’m sorry if you hear some horns this is my comment. I do think that beyond what we spoke about this morning in regards to the amount of subjects, I do agree with Sylvia. Another important issue or the second important issue that we need to bring up in order to maintain commitment, we spoke about limiting this to the important subjects but we also have to be committed there are a lot of ALS’s who are not that committed and that is something very important that we have to deal with.
So I definitely agree with the proposal of de-certifying those ALS’s that do not participate. That is my comment and that something I would like us to discuss at some point. Thank you Carlos.
Andres: It is very true that a lot of these, you know on Sundays meeting at the At-Large at the ALAC meeting on Sunday for Nairobi which was the longest meeting, there were many interesting proposals and Sylvia proposed this for everybody in At-Large concerned and not just for LACRALO and we do think it’s a very interesting proposal. We need to consider that opinion. It very related to be able to see how committed we are, because it’s not so much about de-certifying these associations but to have a role that will at least allow us to modify our system of operation and also that allows us to demand a bit more from the people that we do think that have other contributions that can bring forth to us.
This is a rule that should definitely be established and so to present as an obligatory condition a standard minimum participation so it’s not so much de-certifying but to do it through the legal system in order to do this.
Then this is me just going a bit deeper into what Carlos just stated and this is something that we’ve spoken about in Chat but this is something that we also spoke about in Nairobi. It would be important to have that minimum standard because it’s pointless to evaluate ourselves if we really don’t do anything about this and it would be good to do so.
When it comes to the core issues sometimes it’s difficult to get quorum but at the same time though the group of active members are usually the same people that are attending these teleconferences. So if we let’s say want to modify the bylaws and establish measures that we want to maybe carry out at some point.
I know that we have asked for and demanded that we can deal with many of these issues at the General Assembly in Cartagena and that would be a good time not only to bring forth this proposal but also other proposals.
There is definitely an overwhelming majority that does want this to happen. But it will also be good as well to take advantage of in order to make other decisions. I know that there are other people that may be not as active but we do need their support to let’s say modify the bylaws or things of that nature. It is important. But basically we are talking about the quality of participation and commitment.
And Sylvia I don’t know if you want to clarify what we just stated reflects your original proposal?
Sylvia: Yes I definitely wanted to say that in all our conversations we said that we want more participation from the ALS’s, we had also spoken about the fact that it would be great if each country in Latin America and the Caribbean had at least 1 representative or 1 ALS.
The idea of de-certifying certain organizations is for that reason because they were certified, they were given rules, especially to be certified and it’s been more than a year or two years that they’ve never sent a single email to the list or have they participated in any of the teleconferences nor have they even sent an apology because let’s say their schedule is conflicting.
So it’s not about removing people but at least adding people who always contribute and participate and that is something we definitely have to modify during the General Assembly that I’m hoping will take place in Cartagena.
Andres: Dave I think you wanted to say something, did you want to say something? Go ahead Dave.
Dave: Yes thank you Cher. Well regarding the participation I heard what Sylvia said regarding ALS’s are not participating. I was thinking about that and maybe what we should do is attempt to contact I believe currently, 2 ALS’s in LACRALO and we only have the same roughly 10 to 12 actively participating. But so maybe the thing is, well Andres could probably and this is just a suggestion, Andres could begin to contact those ALS’s that have been quiet on the list and find out, you know, what is their situation? And i would say encourage them to participate more and likewise, I will probably contact more of the ALS’s that speak English I can do that on my end. So that is one suggestion.
Secondly, regarding I believe it was Carlos who mentioned quorum and in terms of changing the bylaws. Regarding that just to clarify we can’t really change bylaws in a general teleconference like this. What has to happen is the text has to be prepared and then an email is then sent out for electronic vote whether to approve the text and there then has to be a 2/3rds majority of all the ALS’s participating in LACRALO for that change to take place. It can’t really take place within…
Andres: Dave can I clarify something?
Dave: Sure.
Andres: Yes that’s quite clear, of course, the issue is because there are ALS’s that are not that active it’s like they force us to make some of these decisions. And that is what we were talking about, many times we do not know what their opinions are and because they don’t participate they in a way force us or in a way they hinder our ability to take action. This is why we definitely think that Cartagena would be the perfect place, if we all are able to meet in person in order to deal with these issues because at the time, it’ll be something we can deal with but if you wanted to finish something else Dave, before that?
Dave: Sure, I understand what you’re saying. I was just trying to clarify what you meant. It was just a clarification on my end regarding the quorum and bylaws. But my suggestion still stands. Maybe the thing is to actively contact those ALS’s that have not been regularly participating on the teleconferences and on the mailing list and just as an inquiry as to you know why aren’t they participating? Is it finding the topic too difficult? That type of thing and maybe once we have an idea why they’re not participating perhaps something could be done about it. So that’s my suggestion.
I don’t know if Andres agrees with that.
Andres: Dave, I have to tell you that I completely agree with what you’re saying.
Dave: Okay.
Andres: I will take you word on this and it is a commitment I will hold you to. You will speak to all the English speaking ALS’s and then it will be my responsibility to get a hold of either by email or any other means with the Spanish speaking ALS’s.
Dave: Yes.
Andres: If there is anybody else who would like to say something about this issue or anyone who would like to do this as well? Their more than welcome to.
Fatima: Andres, this is Fatima can I say something?
Andres: Yes just a moment, but also if we don’t have everybody’s emails (Interpreters Speaking together) and for those people whose contact information we don’t have maybe try to gather this from all the lists and maybe determine even the people from the list that aren’t ALS’s but do contribute in order to encourage something that way.
Carlos: Andres I would like to say something as well.
Andres: I have Sylvia, who is going to speak first, then Fatima, then Carlos. Sylvia please go ahead.
Sylvia: I think what Dave said is a great idea. I do want to clarify also that when we prepared for the summit in Mexico and then for Seoul as well as for Nairobi, I sent several emails to many of the ALS’s also the ones in the Caribbean trying to get a hold of them. So mind you this is something I did since Mexico and only one or two responded and I haven’t had any response from them.
So this is something I’ve tried to do since March 2009, of course, we have to persist and maybe try to approach it in a different manner to make it perfect.
Andres: Fatima, please.
F Interpreter: And Dave if you want to respond to any of these issues let me tell him so he can put you in the queue.
Dave: Sure after everyone speaks.
F Interpreter: So this is Carlos speaking now.
Carlos: This is a very good exchange of ideas. We are getting great results and they are very interesting ideas. I really like what Dave said. I think that in order to encourage participation is a permanent job we have and I think that’s a crucial point which is part of our job but we have to think that we also take urgent measures.
For example, and this is essential to do so right away and this is emotion. The ALS’s, for example, that have not worked, have not participated…
Andres: One second Dave he just got disconnected in the middle of his speech. I’m sorry.
Dave: No problem.
Andres: He’s back again. One second I’m sorry Carlos if you could please repeat? Because you were cut off for a minute or so. So if you could just repeat yourself again. So id like to then, you said you wanted to bring forth a motion.
F Interpreter: So the motion of action is the following:
Carlos: I completely agree with what Dave just said. It is true that we should try to convince ALS for their participation but for those who do not participated who have not participated or who will not participate from now until the next election they should not have the chance to vote in that election because it is pointless that somebody votes when they’ve never participated.
That little sanction should at least be imposed right away; if you will and then, of course, do everything possible in order to encourage that ALS’s to participate in all those issues, I think that is a great idea but I do think it is pointless to somebody who is not participating to have the right to vote because also when we need a big majority and there are ALS’s who have not participated we can’t reach that majority because we don’t even got the votes. So I think that when it comes to the voting issues we should even then exclude the ALS’s that have not participated and who have not participated. That was all.
Andres: Thank you Carlos. Fatima you wanted to say something aswell?
Fatima: Before we go any further I do want to remind you of this and Sylvia be reminded of this as well, in the last few months I know that Sylvia tried getting a hold of a lot of people who are part of LACRALO even those who are not on the list via email. I do remember that when we were in the participation working group and that there is a report that was presented in Nairobi, I know you did the same thing and tried getting a hold of a lot of the ALS’s and some of them responded and others did not.
I do agree however with Dave’s position but it’s true that we’ve tried to establish contact with a lot of these ALS’s at several times and I myself as President have tried to do this as well. Not in a massive manner where I sent everybody an email but I know that I’ve tried to get a hold of the majority of the ALS’s, especially when it comes to the very important subjects.
I’ve asked the people from the staff from now on that the issues that require participation are sent to personalized emails to the leaders of the specific ALS leaders that way we can get the commitments from these leaders because so far they’re leaders but really they’re not because there is no participation from them. I don’t think it’s good to continue using lists because lists are generalized and you cannot individualize a lot of these issues and that affects the commitment.
What type of emails did you say Carlos? The type of emails that require replies, require certain feedback and require participation. I do agree with you on that. So that is something we should write down as an action item. Matias did you want to say something?
Matias: Yes thank you, in fact we are actually preparing a poll for all the ALS’s in it is a portion of the agenda and I think it is item #9, the last item. There is a link there so you can see the draft of that questionnaire or poll. We will be sending it within 2 weeks. It is in 3 sections, one of these covers commitments, also the participation of the ALS’s and also issues regarding to the structure and the interest of the ALS’s. There is another section prepared by Rudy that talks about relations amongst ALS’s and, of course, the CCOTD, there is another section that talks about the geographical regions which has been prepared by the working group that deals with that. I sent an email this morning where I did ask all the original leaders if they were interested in adding specific issues for the ALS’s over their region. So this is something that we could maybe add to that global questionnaire that has very specific issues for the ALS’s of each region.
So this questionnaire would then be sent to all the ALS’s reps of the specific regions. So maybe we can combine both processes in order to get in contact with the ALS’s for one thing and also require of them that they fill out this questionnaire and we can do all this together in the weeks to come.
Andres: I do think this is a good idea. Matias I didn’t get this email this morning, however. So it would be a good idea to check something at some point. Right, because I got so many emails from you.
Dave: Okay this is Dave and I wanted to say something.
Andres: Okay let me go ahead and tell him.
F Interpreter: Give me one second Dave let me go ahead and check if i can jump in there. As you know when their speaking I don’t just want to jump in and interrupt, because that might seem rude. Go ahead Dave.
Dave: I would have to agree with Matias yes because of the upcoming ALS survey. I think that survey but also contacting them to find out at least make them aware and I actually it’s just think it would be good to have a direct contact with each ALS who are not participating and get to understand why they’re not participating. If it is because of lack of knowledge of how LACRALO works or whatever, then maybe we can have a session or maybe do a presentation to those ALS’s because also what we are going to have to do is also, there was a meeting, I can’t remember when but there was a meeting regarding the revitalization of the working groups. So we need to really get more people involved. If you can find out from each ALS, even if they’re not interested in all of the ICANN policies maybe they’re interested in one key thing and therefore we can assign him or her to that policy issues.
So I think what Matias said is good but I think we should also begin to move on to the rest of the agenda.
Andres: Of course. Would anybody like to then talk a bit more about some of the items on the agenda, especially what is on the public comment? I know ALAC is preparing a statement, somebody that is not me in my voice which I don’t like to sound up at this moment if possible.
Dave: This is Dave. The ALAC statements on who is accuracy and the VeriSign are staff requests. To me those are, I read those statement and think I agree with the draft ALAC statements that have been done for those 2 consultations.
I think we have to decide though regarding the process options for further consideration of the ICM application for the .xxx sponsored TLD. Should LACRALO draft a region of statements regarding this issue because I think all the regions are being asked whether we want to give a regional statement on the matter? I think it’s something we should decide on whether we should or shouldn’t.
Andres: Yes Dave. I think the Triple X in particular that is something we should participate in. So I don’t know if there is a consensus here or something you guys want to talk about at this moment.
Dave: One second Dave. Antonio is going to say something, then ill have you jump in again, ok?
Antonio: I’m sorry Andres I think I was having a problem with my phone, I was asking for the floor a few moments ago. First of all, I want to greet everyone and I want to talk about the information we got today. We are very happy about the decision that the Board to hold the ICANN summit in Cartagena on December 10th.
Therefore it presents a big challenge for our country and in advance I want to tell all of you and as I told you this morning as well in an email, we will welcome you with open arms and I truly hope that we have a few days where we can exchange ideas and where we reach a consensus that benefits all these citizens in our region.
Second point, I also want to state I haven’t heard anything about the public comment for the .com domain. I’ve been very on top of the participation for that issue. I think it’s a very important issue and something that I’ve submitted for consideration in my association. So it would be good to post on the list the different situations that people have undergone related to that issue because it is a very complex issue.
I’ve tried to be brief and concise with a lot of the points and issues that I’ve presented but I’ve had a lot of meetings, I’ve had a lot of hours, I participated in many forums when it comes to this. Also, I do want to state for the record, that this process that took place in Columbia was a very transparent process, widely open to participation and that now we have a .com domain that is a lot more appropriate especially from the point of the view of the services that are offered to the internet community.
In regards to a lot of the proposals that you have made from what I heard from Andres and Dave and also from what Carlos Aguirre said, I think that is very important. These are issues that we have spoken about in previous meetings. And besides always being in contact with a lot of the ALS’s that are registered and that have been created with whom we don’t have so much contact with, it is also important to find strategies to have them participate. This is also my mission but to also continue on the path of having more ALS’s in our Latin American regions as part of LACRALO.
I’m not going to leave yet, I have another minute for more comments. Unfortunately, I am in my office and I have to go into a meeting but if anyone would like to say anything about what I just stated?
Andres: Go ahead Fatima please.
Fatima: I do have a question for Antonio. I just got home and I was not able to read the email. I am going to assume it’s on the list in regards to the .com. Antonio what you’re mentioning in regards to that whole process that was carried out on the .com are you saying that the users don’t use it or do not agree with it? I’m sorry I don’t think I understood your point.
Antonio: No I was telling you there was a very complex project that took many, many years. It was a whole legal process and a lot of government meetings, also many popular interactions in law firms. This is about representing the users. So the point is I’m telling you that we participated in a lot of these processes and forums and a lot of these processes have been opened to participation.
Fatima: But what I was asking was that the people who represent the users didn’t participate in these? Maybe you didn’t hear me but what I was asking you did the reps for the users participate in these, did they give statements? How did the user reps participate in these? For example.
Antonio: No what I’m telling you is in all these processes they were a specific forum of participation that were created and we participated in a lot of these forums, they were public where about 200 or 300 people attended that would hear the different positions.
I know many of the associations gave their own statements. There was an Assessment Committee that was established as well. Two years ago there was a process of identifying specific registries and there is actually on the website of the Ministry that has a link that gives a lot of this information.
Fatima: Well like I said I haven’t read this anywhere and so.
Antonio: I will send you that email that I was talking about and it’s an email I sent out as well. So Carlos and everyone I have to now leave the meeting. Thank you everyone.
F Interpreter: I think Antonio just left and Andres is telling him that he wanted to ask a couple of questions but he left.
Andres: Okay Carlos if you want to make any contributions on this subject?
Carlos: I wanted to ask Antonio a couple of questions. If he thought the lack of participation of the users was proper, meaning a multi-national company has the right to manage a product that belongs to the people and that serenity I just wanted to ask him if he agreed with this because it goes against the interest of the users.
I completely disagree with what he said and unfortunately I’m not in Columbia and the people that would have to take care of this are the people of Columbia. But Antonio thinks a multi-national company that to explode in a commercial manner, the participation of users intrinsically talking about this .com issue that establishes serenity, I think this goes against the benefit of the users and this is all I wanted to say. Thank you.
F Interpreter: Dave did you want to talk about something? Did you want me to tell them?
Dave: I wanted to talk about the .co thing. But if someone else wants to continue talking, if not I want to say something.
F Interpreter: Go ahead Dave.
Dave: Okay. Regarding the .co CCTLD issue perhaps we should continue to have that discussion on the list. I admit I’m not too familiar with all the details regarding .co but it was re delegated last year and ICANN Board did vote to approve the current situation as is. But again I think it’s good that Antonio was here to answer some questions and we can continue to follow that up on the mailing list.
I do want to try to move ahead with this agenda. So I want to confirm something regarding the Triple X going back to that agenda item. If you want to make a regional statement and if I could get some ideas on what you think regarding what should happen regarding the process options for the application for the Triple X sponsored TLD.
My opinion is that the ICANN Board should just sign the contract that they agreed to sign with ICM in late 2005/2006, early 2006 and sign that contract. They should not have to be that to me is the most sensible way of dealing with this. But I just want to get some ideas, is this supported by all of you or do you have differing opinions on it?
F interpreter: Dave this is Andres.
Andres: I support, I will take the liberty of doing this and I’m only doing this because I know how wonderful you are at your job. If you remember in the last teleconference many of us spoke about this and there was an agreement about our opinion in the Triple X issue.
What we just said about the subject I do agree. So what I propose then, I do have a great statement, if you would like to maybe carry out a draft, a text of the statement that you can send to me. I can not only go over it and also post it in Spanish for the list.
So based on what we said in the last teleconference that would have that information plus the opinion you just expressed to which I agree, of course. So with all these elements I think that we have a lot of room to work with. I don’t know what you think about this. Of course you know I’m completely available and at your disposal to work on this.
Dave: Okay very well.
Andres: But I think we already have a lot of information. I know a lot of us gave a lot of our opinions in the last teleconference. Carlos did you want to say something?
Carlos: Yes in regards to this Triple X issue I think it would be very good to explore once again through exploring this campaign that was done by a lot of the people at the GNSO. It was very important at the time and got a lot of support. It would be very good to really take advantage of this. We need to go to Lee (last name – 46:24) page, of course and I’ll look at the (name – 46:28) campaign because that I do think does summarize our position as a user in Latin America.
F Interpreter: He used some names that I literally pronounced by ear, I hope you know them.
Andres: What do you think Dave?
Dave: Okay I’ll put out an action item to come up with the draft statement to post to the list and get feedback. Okay good.
Andres: Of course I promise I’m completely available for that subject. Also I can contribute with a Spanish version of this. I think it’s a good opportunity to do this and I think that we’ve pretty much agreed on a lot of these issues.
I don’t know if anybody wants to talk about any of the other issues that are pending. If any of you are interested in any of the other issues that have been presented if you can comment now.
Daniel: I wanted to make a comment about what Carlos said in regards to the Triple X. Obviously, I’m committed in the fight against child pornography. I know this is something we dealt with a lot in my country. It is essential that we participate in this Triple X issue in order to be part of this fight. It is something that we need to move ahead and you definitely have my support. Thank you.
Andres: Thank you Daniel so much. It is a pleasure to have you and I didn’t know that you were here. You are always welcome. So we spoke about this stuff in the previous teleconference and Dave you take care of posting on the list a draft and I will then make sure that this draft is then translated into Spanish so we in that way will show ALAC what our position is.
So if anyone of you would like to participate in this it would be a great help. Of course, I would like to join you either summarizing or at least telling you what Argentina’s position is and the need to obviously have the cooperation of so many in order to continue with this fight.
Did anybody else want to say something about any of the other subjects that are in the open public comment? If not I will allow Sylvia to take the floor. Are we ready Sylvia? Please go ahead.
Sylvia: First of all I really wanted to talk to you about what happened with the Finance and Budget Committee. It has been in existence for a while but I know they have some problems and some difficulties but in full I was named the LACRALO rep which is a very big responsibility because it is my duty to pass onto the Committee but also to Kevin and the ICANN Finance Manager what our budget means for the next fiscal year, 2010/2011.
The first meeting we only had 24 hours in order to prepare a statement from our region. Each of the regions had this and again a statement about the budget needs for the 2010/2011 fiscal year. We, of course, have many subjects in which we don’t have a lot of information or sometimes we’re not aware the budget that’s available from ALAC.
So what I’m trying to do, what I’ve tried to do is to let’s say
F Interpreter: Give me a moment Dave.
Sylvia: What I’ve tried to do then is to first of all create some sort of rough outline to know what the needs are and also to get your opinion and to really know what the budget needs are for our region for this next year. We also have a weekly link I don’t have this available at this moment, so there are 5 specific items.
F Interpreter: Dave give me a second.
Dave: Sure.
Sylvia: There were 5 points that were presented to Kevin. The first point is of course that the General Assembly takes place, which according to our bylaws there needs to be a General Assembly. So in this fiscal year, for example, we haven’t had a General Assembly. So that is one of the first points that I requested, to define and establish a budget for this General Assembly. But we do hope it does take place this December in Cartagena.
In that request also I included 33 ALS’s because these are the ones that are in the information but, of course, because of Puerto Rico and Mexico we know it’s not really 33 LACRALO Associations that participated in all the General Assemblies.
The other point that I included as a request was LACRALO’s participation in LACNIC 14, we so do not know where this is going to take place.
Andrea: Are you talking about next year?
Sylvia: Right not for this year but for next year obviously. This fiscal year I’m speaking about starts in July and so this is why I ask for LACRALOs’ participation in LACNIC 14 and also asking where it’s going to take place so for the LACNIC 14 I also asked for financial support for approximately 25 LACRALO ALS representatives. I asked for this because this was the result from many other comments and as you stated previously Andres, also the results from our Nairobi meeting and the need to do outreach amongst all of the ALS’s in the region. I thought it was a great opportunity.
Of course, the General Assembly in December will be a great opportunity as well to be able to join the people LACNIC to deal with many issues. This is why I made this request. There is another even also that will be very important and I know the other regions have mentioned that they want to participate in this and I also included this. And this is the IGF meeting which will happen in September of this year. I also asked for a budget support for at least 1 or 2 LACRALO reps that can represent Norwegian for this IGF meeting in September.
As a 4th request, I also asked for the possibility to have more virtual meetings, more teleconferences so that as a mechanism so all the ALS’s are able to meet more than once a month in teleconferences that also have streaming, also has Adobe rooms available. So that would be an idea to then do virtual meetings in order to deal with a lot of the subjects that we are also interested in, especially a lot of the subjects that are under public comment.
And as a last point, I also asked for the internet day 2011 for the celebration of this day which will take place May, 2011. I asked them for support for many of the organizations that are already preparing and organizing events, conferences on internet day. So the organizations that request financial support in order to hold events I’ve asked for a $4,000 of assistance for each of the organizations that want to hold events and that show evidence that they in fact want to organize these events.
So these are some of the projects, these are the 5 main items I presented as a request as part of the budget. Because there was not a lot of time the consultation period ended on April 1st even though, of course, the travel support portion is still open for the members. But I did want to tell you guys about this, so if there is something that I forgot to request and I also want your feedback so that way for the next fiscal year or if there is the opportunity to open the floor again to include another subject it would be great to have your feedback. Thank you.
Andres: Sylvia great, great contribution. I’m so happy that you reduced a bit of your financial requests because you know in comparison with this in Nairobi but I understand what you’re saying. We will be discussing with Barbara but those were different issues that we discussed.
Sylvia: I don’t think it’s too much money. I don’t know if it’s possible, for example, to rent a hotel and reserve it with $4,000 but it would be good at least if an organization does want to organize an event, it would be good as a support.
Carlos: Andres, Carlos. I also wanted to discuss at some point item #9 and this is for the survey that Rudy presented. I know we didn’t really talk about this, so it would be good to send out a mail to each of our ALS’s just like Matias said that will be sent out. But that they are informed, a lot of the ALS’s that they not only respond to this survey but they also get in contact with their CCTLD’s so the same situation that happened in Colombia doesn’t happen. That way we have more of an established relation with all the CCTLD organizations of all the ALS’s.
Andres: I can’t add anything else to what Carlos is saying. Dave did you want to say something?
Dave: Regarding the, was any discussion of whether and this is not necessarily for LACRALO but more for the global At-Large, whether we should try to budget for a second At-Large Summit? I mean I don’t know Sylvia did that come up at all in terms of trying to get financial support for such a second At-Large Summit like the one in Mexico? That was my question.
Sylvia: No the Finance and Budget Committee has not approached this subject as of yet no.
Dave: Okay.
F Interpreter: They’re quiet at the moment so one second. Carlos is going to say something.
Carlos: I do have to leave the teleconference and greetings to everybody, thank you so much.
F Interpreter: And just so you know Dave nobody was saying anything there’s been a silent moment for 20 seconds I don’t know why.
Andres: I was checking some messages, For example, the administration of some CCTLD’s and also for Columbia to be the place where we hold the next ICANN meeting. I know that some of us definitely want Buenos Aires to be the host but of course Cartagena took this honor so definitely my congratulations to that. That will be the first time for some of us that we will visit this country. So just really congratulations to Cartagena and also take advantage of the moment.
I think we’ve spoken about this. We have enthusiasm and a lot of support. Me as your President and Dave as your secretary we’ve received a lot of your support and encouragement. I was not expecting a lot of this encouragement. I’m hoping this means we’ve done a good job and we’ve met the expectations from the rest of the community. Of course we still have a lot more work to do and so thank you all for that.
Does anyone else want to say something? Very well Carlos was going to say something about item 8 on the agenda about the strengthening of the working group. I don’t know if anybody wants to add anything else on item 9?
Sylvia: Yes I just want to make a comment as well. This is in regards to the updating on the outreach program in India. I’m sorry that we are working with Sheba on who lives in India, not in India.
So we have also posted other means of participation such as radio and TV. The intention of this outreach program and it’s not from ALAC but really ICANN as a whole, the idea is to recruit people that are not necessarily part of the computer world. I know that many people like Carlton told us about an experience he had with podcasts in Jamaica. So that is something we’ve included and we will also try and speak to Barbara to try and really have this program take place. And that is, of course, totally independent from what ALAC is doing in outreach in each of the 5 regions.
So that is just the one thing I wanted to do and we’ve done a small modification. There is a poll that’s been posted online and if you would like the see the presentation we did the slides have been modified in the final portion but they do have all the contributions that I got and that we have received via email. It was going a bit slow because we were expecting for Barbara to take her post but we are still making progress. That’s all.
Andres: Thank you for that. Is there anybody who would like to bring anything else up? Dave?
Dave: Yeah just a quick reminder that the e-learning, what ICANN has done recently with, that Scott (last name) has done with regards to the e-learning material. There is quite a lot of information there on the website and Matias has also put a link regarding a webinar coming up on the ICANN Scholarship program. But there is also 4 such webinars coming up, one this month and 3 in the next month. So I encourage you to go and check it out.
It’s all on the ICANN’s e-learning page and you should really check it out. And also the podcasts, there are also transcripts being produced. So even though the podcasts are in English, you can at least get the transcript and translate it because the transcript is, the podcast is only 10 minutes long so it’s not very long transcript. That is also something for people to look at.
I think we should encourage these webinars and so forth because I think they’re a great tool, very useful for outreach and we can probably repackage those for distribution to ALS’s and probably even to prospective ALS’s when we do our presentations. That’s it.
Andres: Thank you Dave. Very well I think that when it comes to any other business item, I think Matias already spoke to us about this. The only thing we didn’t speak about and this is probably because many of you didn’t see it is the guide in order to understand ICANN acronyms. I know that we are expecting this acronym guide to be released and we can use this in the LACRALO University course that we do teach but it is something very interesting.
It is a glossary of acronyms. For example, this glossary is in English the one on the ICANN page. I know I’m seeing there is an initiative from what I see on the agenda and it is something we should definitely look more in detail. I don’t know if anyone else would like to say anything else or if anyone knows a lot about this subject?
Fatima: I’m not too familiar with this but it would be something very, very useful, definitely. Especially because many people that come to ICANN they say that there are way too many acronyms in English so it would be something very useful to have. If we can contribute in any way, that would be great.
Andres: Matias you posted this on the agenda, you could maybe give us a bit more detail about this?
Matias: Andres, unfortunately I’m not too familiar with this. It was sent to me and I thought it would be very interesting to share with you but I’m not too familiar with it either.
Dave: I know this tool was in development since around Seoul because that was when I first heard about it. I believe there is a way to allow for people to make suggestions. So perhaps and unfortunately I don’t have internet access right now so I can’t verify it but I believe when you enter an acronym, say ICANN, the entry for ICANN is in English but I think perhaps maybe, maybe other languages to be inserted underneath it. So under the English explanation you have the Spanish and other people can function with the other languages that way.
So maybe that is something to look at. Just to follow up and as Fatima says there are a lot of acronyms in ICANN so anything that allows any new people to find out more information about all these different acronyms…
F Interpreter: Dave I’m so sorry they started speaking, please start from the second portion again.
Dave: Okay no, just to say that I agree with Fatima that there are a lot of acronyms and any tool that can help new users understand all the different terms and what they mean we should try to use and adopt and promote. That’s it.
Sylvia: Yes I do want to ask or suggest and this is in regards to the Committee for the Bylaws and de modification of these. I don’t know who has the list of who the members are of this committee but it would be good to send out a mail so we can really start discussing what the issues are that we want to modify out of the way of being able to prepare for Columbia in the month of December. That way when we’re there it will be easy to deal with these issues because they’ve already been sent and to start working on them. Obviously, there is more than one bylaw that we want to modify, so it would be good to start working on this now.
It was something that was just mentioned, the committee has been formed but we haven’t done much work in regards to this.
Unfortunately there was a statement in the teleconference a few months ago in regards to what we wanted to agree but we did reach an agreement in a teleconference a few months ago about what we wanted to modify. But I know there were a lot of proposals that have been brought forth, so we should maybe try to send out an email.
Andres: There already emails about this?
Sylvia: Right if you remember we had a teleconference about this and you were part of that meeting. There were a lot of issues.
Andres: Yeah but there were no other communications after that meeting.
Sylvia: Right that’s why I’m saying it would be interesting to get organized again. I know that December is a few months away but analyzing a lot of these issues to make it easy for December.
Andres: ICANN…
Dave: I think it’s a good thing that we should start deciding what we want to change and all in the bylaws. Hopefully, if there is a General Assembly in Columbia in December that there is no discussion about the issues. It will just be okay we’ve discussed this on the mailing list, we’ve seen the text for a long while and we just vote on it. There is no need to really have a long debate about this bylaw and that bylaw. Let’s try to do all the groundwork so that when we have a General Assembly it’s just here is our text and we just need to vote on it.
So definitely I think we can put that as an action item and send out the email to the committee and probably also send it to the list to also ensure that if there are people there who may be interested can join our committee. I’ll put that as an action item as well. That’s it.
Andres: Okay if anybody else has anything else to say? Otherwise we will close today’s session. Okay very well. I think we’ve done a lot today and had a very positive teleconference. Greetings to all, until next time. Thank you everybody and thank you Dave.