Meeting Summary 04 December 2008 en

Meeting Summary 04 December 2008 en

Participants: A Medina, S Salinas, A Piazza, D Monastersky, M Avalos, S Herlein, A Piazza, V Scartzeni, W Davalos, M Avalos , J Ovidio Salgueiro, Augustin B, J Barzello, Ruddy
Apologies: C Aguirre,
Staff: M Langenegger, N Ashton-Hart, MH Bouchoms

The meeting opened at 1300 UTC and the agenda was adopted. A Medina acted as Chair for the meeting.

It was suggested to modify the LACRALO bylaws in order to include in them the election of a standing Chair like the other regions.

Following a motion, the time slot of the monthly LACRALO meeting was moved to 21.00 UTC so that, in the future, the meeting would no longer overlap with the participants day-work commitments.

Staff informed that, to the date, they counted 26 accredited ALSes for LACRALO.

The summary minutes of the LACRALO meeting of 17 November were approved.

It was suggested that the LACRALO bylaws should be amended to include the nomination of a standing Chair for the next meetings, the way the other RALOs had done.

V Scartezini raised the issue of the small participation of the ALSes in the Cairo summit.

C Sammuel believed that the channel for increased participation is through working groups; they were the perfect vehicule through which LACRALO could exert its influence on the ICANN Board.

S Salinas and S Herlein argued that the barrier to it came from the fact too many documents were not translated into Spanish and consequently, the ALSes remain estranged to the policy issues.

The staff mentioned that increasingly major documents were being translated but no comments were made. They understood the difficult nature of volunteer work but cautioned that it was very important to have Spanish comments. With regard to working groups, staff would be happy to order interpretation and translations if more people from LACRALO took the initiative to join them in Spanish. They were lawyers in LACRALO, whose regional expertise could greatly helps to advance the policy process.

C Samuel praised LACRALO for being the region who had fostered the change regarding translations outputs. he further added that it was important to integrate WG in order to influence the PDP. He also noted that LACRALO, as a region, preferred audio communication to emails, which is why it was important to have the policy issues on the agenda.

V Scartezini strongly urged the community to participate more and leave contrtibutions so as to keep translation as a priority issue at ICANN. She reminded that they had wiki pages where to added that the wiki pages.

S Salinas acknowledged that an effort had been made regarding the translation requests but stated that the email translations were unintelligible. He explained that in a still developing region, translations were necessary. He noted that nominating members to the WG was important and that it could be done via SKYPE or during the teleconferences. He suggested that internal LACRALO groups should be formed to help the region getting up to date with the ongoing ICANN issues.
Staff replied that the translation of the documents submitted to the public comments were randomly checked and of high quality.

S Herlein said that a new questionnaire would be sent to the regions to know what policy issues LACRALO ALSes are interested in and who they will send to Mexico.

The staff specified that the questionnaires would not be published on 8 December as they needed to be finalized and then translated into Spanish and added that were no interpretation on WG calls up until then but if interest existed, nothing provided them from providing the service.

S Carlton informed that the comment periods for the new gTLD guidebook and the ALAC review were now open. He mentioned the contributions of C Aguirre and V Scartezini and asked for the individual ALSes to place their comments.

The new ALSes applications were discussed: Internauta Venezuela, CETIC AJB and AUI Peru. application raised concerns.

J Oviedo noted that The Internauta Venezuela had put an ICANN logo on their website and it was reminded that only the accredited ALSes could use it.

S Herlein informed that she had received an email from Sergio Bronstein, The Internauta Venezuela’s rep, stating that he was on vacation and that the elections in Venezuela could explain why he had not be contacted yet by her colleagues in Caracas. She then proceeded to talk about the summit and said she would give a summary of the recent summit activities, they had created a draft programme at the last meeting with three spaces equipped with simultaneous translation and that V Scartezini had been invited to make a speech on the Sunday.

The staff informed that they would try to accommodate a Spanish channel in the next summit WG call. V Scartezini, A Medina and W Davalos were currently in that WG.

Agenda items 2 and 3 were moved from the agenda. For the modification of the LACRALO bylaw, it was decided and that the staff would sent a proposal online for the Chair position.

The meeting was stopped at 15.20 UTC as there was no longer a quorum for a vote.