Meeting Summary 16 October 2008 en

Meeting Summary 16 October 2008 en

Participants: A Piazza, J L Barzallo, A Basilio, S Herlein Leite, V Scartezini, R Medina, J Salgueiro, R Medina, S Salinas
Apologies: C Samuels, C Aguirre
Staff: M Langenegger, N Ashton-Hart

The meeting started at 1322 UTC.

V Scartezini was designated Chair of this meeting in the absence of C Samuels.

The meeting minutes of the last meeting were adopted.

V Scartezini noted that she would like to add an agenda item: Open Seat for At-Large in the dotMOBI Board. She pointed out that it was recently requested that the ALAC announced a member to the dotMOBI Board. V Scartezini asked that there be a discussion on this issue on the LACRALO discuss list including possible suggestions for At-Large representatives on the dotMOBI Board.

With regards to the recent election on the LACRALO representative in the ALAC, a short discussion was held on whether the LACRALO Rules of Procedures applying to General Assembly votes should be simplified.

Review of the Action Items EN

The Chair asked Staff if they have seen any discussion on the list on the question raised in the last meeting on the term of the LACRALO Chair. The Staff noted that the Secretariat might have waited to raise this question online because he wanted to await the recently held election for the open ALAC seat.

The Chair noted that she would contact the Secretariat on this issue.

Review of the current status of ALS application

The Staff noted that Internauta Chile has recently been certified as At-Large Structure. An official welcome letter will be sent to the applicant shortly.

New Framework for Volunteer Travel Support

A discussion was held on ICANN’s Participation Policy (in relation with ICANN’s travel framework for volunteers). V Scartezini noted that the new travel framework was a misconception as it involved financial support for the GAC. She said as a former GAC member she believed it was not acceptable to fund governments and Business representatives, as they need to remain independent.

S Salinas said it was important for civil society activists to ensure that Governments remain sovereign and that civil society is adequately represented and can actively participate in ICANN’s policy process. He noted that LACRALO should submit an official statemen on this issue to the ALAC and the Board.

It was decided that the Secretariat C Samuels would be asked to send the statement to the ALAC. S Salinas will send him a summary of the views held within the region.

Automated List Translation

A discussion was held on the automated translation software for the LAC-discuss list. S Salina noted that Spanish was a complex language and required manual translation.
The Staff noted that there were not currently the necessary funds to allow for manual translation of list traffic. He noted that the automated translation was not perfect but at least it gives an idea on the subject that is being discussed. Further, the automated translation will improve eventually as new expressions and words can be added to the database.

V Scartezini noted that everybody should make an effort and write emails that were simpler and “less latin” as this made the translation easier to understand.

Summit Discussion

The Staff noted that there would be a one-day workshop on Saturday, 1 November in Cairo to discuss the draft agenda of the Summit.

Staff noted that the deadline for returning the answers to the summit questionnaire has been extended until October 22nd.

Staff will send a list with all the ALS, which have not yet responded to the questionnaire to the participants of this call.

S Herlein Leite asked Staff whether it was possible to have the annual general assembly of LACRALO at the Mexico Meeting. The Staff noted that there will a day where each RALO will have their general assembly at the Mexico meeting.

Staff Announcements: Public Comment Periods

The Staff pointed out that the guidelines for new gTLD applicants would shortly be published in the six UN languages. There will be a 60-day public comment period on the implementation of the new gTLD program but it is likely that several constituencies will ask for an extension of the deadline. The Staff further noted that this was one of the key moments for the development of the Internet and B Brendler, who leads the new gTLD working group, was seeking the input of the LACRALO region. Those who are interested in this issue, please review the gTLD guidelines once they are published. The Staff will then point out more in detail how the community can submit comments.

The Staff further noted that the report on the ALAC review from the Board Governance Committee's ALAC Review Working Group will be published shortly. There will then be a public comment period on the report.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on November 20 at 1300 UTC.

The meeting was then adjourned.