Transcript 17 September 2009 EN
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). So let's go ahead and start the call for September 17 LACRALO. I am going to be the president of the phone call. We have then apologies from (inaudible) Mr. Porto, Mr. Agustin Bastanchuri, and Jose Salgueiro and apologies from Carlton Samuels as well. And let's be very exact today with the use of time because it's something that we have not been able to do previously. So at 2230, which you see, we have to end. So we have to be very precise with our comments. So I ask everybody for your cooperation for this.
Now, if there is somebody that wants to speak about the transcription for the 20th of August, if not, if no objections, we can continue. We have an abundant attendance today. Silvia says, "I am okay, and I read it, and everything is fine." Vanda says the same. Very well, so let's go with the action items then.
On August 20th, we already had many of these actions that have been established already. And these are really general action items, so in the chance – so these are the action items, and I am posting them on the chat, as well, for anybody who has not read them yet. So this is what I'm doing for you guys now. So action items on the chat, and so that is actually the second link on the agenda on both languages.
And, excuse me, somebody interrupted the call – and Antonio has joined us. Actually, he is now present in the meeting with us as well. And, I apologize, we cannot hear him very well.
So going back to the action items – and, thank you, Heidi, for that as well. And so we have them here in Spanish, as well, for those of you who want to read them in Spanish, we have them here.
So, now, these action items are issues that we are actually continuously working on at this time. So if you can please read them on the Web guard (ph) on Spanish, if you will. So – we have the action item as for August 20th, number one, this is the LACRALO list in regards to the follow-on for the actual updates and changes for the LACRALO wiki through the RSS. That's a reminder. Then the organization of teleconference with the ALAC leaders on CCN, so with the goal to actually improve our conversations with the CTLBs and ALSs.
So – now – but these are things that we've already spent working on. We have actually said it already on conversations with the ALAC liaison, and I do want to talk to you guys about it the specific subject later on. But, you know, we've actually had one post, if you will, advanced and ended the work that we started doing. And I don't know if somebody has anything else to say about this. We've been exchanging e-mails with Mr. Bantique (ph), and he's actually already sent us – he's actually sent us some e-mails already to try a harmonization, if you will, of the work with the ALSs.
Dev, do you have any comments in regards to that – in regards to the conversations that we have cited with the liaison?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: This is Dev. What I was probably trying to do was probably could post the draft proposal into the Skype chat. I'm just trying to find out the e-mail now, and, let me just – so I'm just trying to locate it right now.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). And, thank you, Dev.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: And I'll post it on a Skype chat.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). And so we're going to go to the next item while we deal with this, and then we're going to the wiki issue. There is already permission available. I don't know if you guys have had any difficulties that you can either speak with Heidi and Matthias so they can actually help you working with the RSS links and in the wiki for the information that is actually available. So you guys can actually have more of an active participation within the list. And to be aware of what's happening, as well, because when we have a good level of knowledge that's going to allow us to actually do more work because we are aware exactly of what is happening, and therefore it gives for an evolution.
And now point 3 on the action items – this is to, then, develop the actual proposed document to improve LACRALO participation within the at-large working group.
Item 4 – the secretariat will need to be sending the urgent petition for the AMACRALO (ph) LSS to give information in regards to the next meetings in the LACRALO region within the next categories. There is the original meetings for the IGF, the TLV meetings and other meetings. For example, national intra-net (ph) or any of related meetings to that end – other Internet meetings where the at-large members actually attend.
And in regards to that conversation, can we have an actual volunteer for them? So then to actually then find out where these meetings are going to take place and the date. So what are you talking about on this, I'm sorry? I think that we spoke last time to have an actual place where we have more information in regards to all the events that are going to take place, especially when the region kind of like to be able to post a calendar and to know who the people that are participating in that. So if there is someone who could actually maybe do a follow-up where there is volunteer to create this into a follow-up on this, that would be very interesting and very good for you. Because, you know, sometimes there are events that will be closer to, let's say, somebody's region and, you know, that person does not find out. So that would be good to know.
And Silvia – I mean – the idea has been up – someone who is able to tell all the ALSs and keep them informed on information on what's happening in the region.
Silvia Herlein: (Through interpreter). Oh, well, then, I bet the perfect role for me to do, then, says Silvia. Great, of course, I will do this. I mean, I didn't want you to do it, Silvia, but, you know, that's what it is. If that's what I need to do, well, that's great, because, you know, before Mexico, I was actually keeping in contact with all the ALSs, and this is my intention, to continue doing this, especially before Seoul. So I can actually start beforehand and, you know, I also have the possibility to maybe see their calendar and their agendas and things.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Okay. Have you seen the at-large agenda that has been posted? Because we have, for example, many of the dates – for example, the nomination period for Saturday. Can you send me the link? I don't have what you are talking about. Yes, I will. I will see this, and I will actually go and – yes, but I can take care of this.
So they said that has just published in the list is that we were talking about, well, two separate – Heidi posted on the list in the link the actual (inaudible) calendar in regards to the at-large events. So we should have something like that, Silvia – similar but for LACRALO.
Heidi Ullrich: I am happy to explain, very briefly, on these two different links I've just posted.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Okay, well, let me go ahead and tell them. And what Silvia is saying – and so what I've – give me one second, Heidi. And so (inaudible) is actually posting the conversation that we had with (inaudible) and – and so then here we are basically have, for example, the EURALO model for the event that they have. So you see this there – you see that there, Silva, the model that EURALO is using. Any comments on that? And let me tell him now, Heidi, that you want to say some things.
Heidi Ullrich: If they would like, I – just a brief explanation.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Go ahead, Heidi.
Heidi Ullrich: Okay. For everyone, there are two different links I've just posted. The first is to the main at-large wiki space, and if you scroll down, you will see the at-large worldwide calendar. And if you click on the little arrow to the far right on the calendar, you can specify whether you would like just the at-large events, you know, what's going on in policy or just the at-large external events.
So if you specify that you would just like to be external events, you will see that the external events throughout the world that have been notified to at-large staff have been noted in this calendar. And that will allow you to see what's going on in different regions as well as post information on your regional upcoming events.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Thanks, Heidi.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (inaudible)
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Oh, did you want to say something, Dev?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yes, I do.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Oh, let me go ahead and tell them.
Heidi Ullrich: Can you see that, Dev?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yes, I have.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Go ahead, Dev.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Thanks. This is Dev and there are – some edits to the calendar is good. I think the potential problem is being able to add events to it, because I could be wrong, Heidi. I think only one person can really make the additions to the calendar.
Heidi Ullrich: Actually, no, that's not correct.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay.
Heidi Ullrich: If we have given all of the regional secretariats – that includes Andreas and Dev – who can post the information for their particular regions. So what Andreas was requesting earlier is if the ALSs could send any information about regional meetings that they will be attending in the LACRALO region, then either Andreas or Dev could post those on this calendar.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay.
Heidi Ullrich: And we are happy to give that posting rights for that to Silvia as well.
Silvia Herlein: (Through interpreter). That would be good, thank you, from Silvia.
Heidi Ullrich: Okay, I'll make a note of that.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Very well, so then let's go ahead and continue.
Heidi Ullrich: Well, okay, and then –
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Oh, oh –
Heidi Ullrich: Sorry, this is the other link.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Continue, Heidi.
Heidi Ullrich: Yes. The second link is the EURALO special page, and what they are doing is they are then using those upcoming regional events and providing more details on what is happening at these events and offering the ALSs the possibility to sign up so they can have some kind of coordination activities at these meetings in terms of outreach; in terms of even policy work that they might want to do during these events where they are all meeting.
So if you click on that, you can see that the recent EURO dig (ph) event was very busy in terms of how many EURALO ALSs attended.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Very well. Okay. So then the other action item – there was a portion of number 4 for the – well, point 5 basically to just confirm an actual date and time, which will be happening during Seoul before September 1st, this fall, obviously. I don't know if this has been done or not yet. Do we have that already? I don't know if we have that already.
Heidi Ullrich: Yes, we do.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yes.
Heidi Ullrich: Sorry, Dev, go ahead.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: No, no, sorry. I think we confirmed for Wednesday – I can't remember the actual date now – Wednesday during the Seoul meeting to have the LACRALO meeting in Seoul. I think it's going to be at 7 – it will be 7 a.m. local time. I'll try to find that e-mail. Heidi, if you have it in front of you.
Heidi Ullrich: Actually, the link is on the agenda for today. We are going to be discussing that.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay.
Heidi Ullrich: It is correct. It is Wednesday, the 28th of October at 7:00 Seoul time.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Very well. Yes, and I knew that. I had received that but thank you again. So then in regards to the action items – I know that we are going to have to give continuous to the CCLD as well to the – as well as the RSS – but now in regards to the public comments. That has been one of their priorities that we had spoken about last time. So I think that it's very important that, you know, we revamp the role that we have had so far. You know, previously we've spoken about forming groups. Does somebody want to say something, I'm sorry? (inaudible) somebody, I think, kind of interrupted, and I thought that somebody wanted to say something, but I don't think that anybody did.
Okay, let me continue, says Andres.
So I think that the dynamic of public comment – can you guys hear me?
Unidentified Participant: Yes, we can all hear you.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Who wants to speak? Okay, somebody was speaking, and I couldn't hear them, says Andres. Well, let me continue. The dynamic of, he says, to form small groups of people for small periods of time, let's say, one month for a specific group. And it would be good to do because then each group can do a resume, and then they can post it, and we can have a discussion. Luis Barzallo with Fatiman (inaudible) for they already posted something, for example, for the public comment period that expired, I think, the last week, and I really do congratulate them on their work in regards to the domain names and charges, and I think it was a good job. But, you know, we have not been able to do more because we are limited in time sometimes, so it's something that we should really work on.
It would be good, maybe, to be able to publish an official LACRALO statement especially for the next public comments because, you know, we are about to start them. So what would be good would be, nonetheless, but especially in the teleconference, what we should do is assign people in the teleconference who can work on certain subjects and then, you know, to start discussions on the list who have the possibility to, you know, have a certain agreement that will allow us to get to that consistency that we need. You know, because if each person just, you know, sent their own individual comments, you know, there is no consistency sometimes, so I think it would be something good to do so we can start to have more unity, if you will.
But I do think that what we did this month already was a big advance on this. This contribution was very good. I'm going to note somebody wants to say something in regards to this?
Jose Barzallo: (Through interpreter). Yes, Andres, and this is Mr. Barzallo speaking.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Yes, Mr. Barzallo, go ahead.
Jose Barzallo: Andres, well, first of all, thank you so much for that comment but also I think that we have to make a point on who has done the job. And, you know, last time we reached an agreement, and we decided who was going to do each of the tasks, and this is the way it occurred. That, you know, you said okay, gentlemen, these are the subjects we are going to work on them. So I do want to make it a point to continue with that method of working because it allowed us to concentrate on the important subjects that we need to work on – not only to be able to work on them but analyzing them. My recommendation is to continue that same methodology because I think that it's going to take us to that level we were going to go. And, obviously, it's going to give us more participation. Thank you.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). And, thank you, Jose, as well, to you, and I am glad that you like that methodology. I think that the next public comment period, we will be able to have a bit more participation as a region and, you know, this is why we are here. That's why with ALAC I think that – I mean, I would have wanted to do what we did last time and list what the subjects are but – I mean, you know, I don't want to have to encourage you too much, either, to have to participate. I'd like to see a bit more of an active role from the group – initiative, if you will. You know, on September 24th, for example – excuse me – are you guys following? This is point 4 on the agenda, by the way, and this is the one, right – yes.
Okay, so the first one that expires is the public comment for a committee and organization. There was a meeting in Sydney, and I actually just gave you guys the link, and you can actually hear the audio for that meeting, and that there is a small summary in English, as well, in this link that I just gave you guys, and you can see the transcriptions as well. So it basically – we proposed all our changes so, you know, so if anybody is actually interested in this subject, that would be good. You do have information to start with, but it would be good to start this. Can somebody take care of this? It does end on September 24th and, again, I'm sorry, we are talking about the ACSO summary document. This is something that whoever takes this task, they need to post the links five days before, at least two days before the actual limit date. That way we can have something on the list. Otherwise, we're just going to have to go with the ALAC statement.
Vanda Scartezini: (Through interpreter). I, personally – says Vanda –
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Go ahead, Vanda, go ahead.
Vanda Scartezini: (Through interpreter). I personally have sent on the link, you know, certain comments that were made in English, but you can also see them as well. So are other members that take this in, are to take this task and actually add more stuff or contribute to it.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). And thank you, Vanda, if you could post it, please, then? Can you put that comment on the chat, as well, please? It would be great. And, Heidi, can you please explain – can you please just explain again what he just posted on the – okay, never mind. Okay, and so what Heidi was saying is that this public comment, as well, the importance of this is that it's going to be using a new system of collaboration to be able to actually discuss these summaries. So – it would be a good experience, as well, for ways to take action, especially within these commentaries. So do we have any volunteers for this? You know, and I know that we don't have too much time, you know. It's a very small limit, but it's important to start working on this, nevertheless.
So does anybody want to – yes, so, basically, you want to volunteer, is that what you're saying? Yes. You basically have to, you know, under LACRALO in your language, in Spanish, you have to talk to us about what LACRALO impressions and what you think we can do or what opinions we can contribute in regards to this subject so we actually have some discussions before the 24th of September. So then thus from LACRALO can actually make a statement. Do you think you can take care of that contribution?
Antonio Medina Gomez: (Through interpreter). I mean, if you think that we can do the job then that would be good.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Well, Antonio, look, it would be great if you opt to (inaudible) and you can count with my help and with Dev and with the staff and, honestly, also with the people from the list to work on this subject. I think that with everybody that has already contributed and with what Vanda is going to post on the subject, we have, you know, enough material to actually post a good opinion to start a discussion. Okay, so we have a volunteer, then, for that. Antonio Medina, on the 27th, you will have to publish this. Is that too soon, Antonio? So confirming Antonio has said that he is going to be the volunteer for this September 24th ACSO.
Silvia Herlein: (Through interpreter). Andres, I am having issues right now with my schedule. So I am going to check the documents to see what contribution I can make.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Can you do this? You are an attorney, and I am telling you because there is another subject and it's the proposed by-law changes for the 25th. Can you take care of that subject then? You know, specifically about the accountability and transparency. Is there anything that you can post for the improvement of by-laws and the transparency, I think that you would be a good time to get for that instance. I know you, and I know the type of work that you do. I was wondering if you could take that topic then.
And I think it would be easier for you just because of your knowledge, as it is, and the type of work that you do because you are an internationally known attorney. And thank you for that.
Silvia Herlein: (Through interpreter). And, yes, that's perfect, Andres. I will take care of that.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). So then Jose Luis Barzallo will be taking care of the proposed by-law change to improve accountability. He will be working on that topic then.
Silvia Herlein: (Through interpreter). And, Andres, I'd like to take care of our CEO subject that closes on October 8th, just as the policy for the publication of operational documents, I would like to take care of that if you are okay with that.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Thank you, Silvia, for that. It's great that I didn't have to ask, and I think that that's actually a subject that is very good just because of the experience that you have. So, all right, then that subject will be with Silvia.
So now we just have one more. And so, finally, we have the inter-registrar transfer policies Part B, development process, which is a most technical subject. And, I'm sorry, I am looking for that. And that closes on the October 5th. So this subject does close on October 5th, and that will be open for three days. I'm sorry, that was wrong. It would be interesting that – that we can work with somebody that does have that technical knowledge, says Andres. Is there anybody interested in that subject? And, again, we are talking about the inter-registrar transfer policy Part B policy development process.
And, you guys in English, you are following along okay? You are not getting lost with the interpretation?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: This is Dev – no.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Okay, good – making sure.
Heidi Ullrich: It's perfect, thank you.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Just making sure, you know.
Heidi Ullrich: Perfect.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). I think that we don't have enough – well, then – it would be good to get, you know, I know that Jorge Molinas (ph) is doing a lot of work, and Carlton as well. It would be good to do something. I mean, we can't be too ambitious, obviously. You know, we can't necessarily post, you know, LACRALO's position on each public comment. I mean, we don't have to be in every single subject, but it is good to be in summit, you know? And thank you, Heidi, for all this information that you are giving us, as well, into chat.
Going back to the at-large schedule – you guys are seeing here – this at-large schedule that you guys are seeing here, you guys can actually see what are the subjects that are discussion on at this time. And especially where there have been statements that have been really – and the document on the policy organization, you see it on the at-large agenda, for example, but there is no previous placement. So, really, they are waiting for somebody that, you know, be contribution that LACRALO can actually make on the subject would be very important.
Okay, what else do we have on the agenda then?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: This is Dev.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Oh. Go ahead, Dev.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay, just something we got in that the CCTLEs – I know there was supposed to be, like, there was conducting a survey of ALSs regarding the relationships they have with their CCTLE operators in their territory. Shall I – if you want, I'll try to come up with a survey list of questions and so that we can begin implementing that information. Because I don't to reach Seoul and not have some background information about what is the current situation with the relationship between ALSs and their country CCTLEs – so – because we could conduct a survey. That's background information of – to have a survey question, a list of survey questions, so that could then be posted and then all the ALSs can then fill it in, and then we'll get some ideas as to what is this current situation. So, with your permission, I would like to try to write up the survey questions.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). You are asking me, Dev?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yes.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Dev, please go ahead, by all means.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay. I will write that as an action item then, thank you. Great, okay.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). There is a comment. I think that what Dev just mentioned in regards to – I think that it would be good – I think that it would be good to have an actual meeting with the appropriate, you know, secretariats with each region and the ALSs, and I agree with you, we do need more contact with the operators. You know, you in Colombia, for example, Antonio, what is the situation like?
And, guys, just bear with me. Antonio's connection is not very good, so I had a hard time hearing him. So give me one second, okay? So basically I do look forward to receiving these survey questions. So – I will look forward to receiving the survey questions to start working on that from my country's perspective, then, says Antonio. Very well.
And now there – I'm proofing for you guys a while because there is also the public comment for the at-large. Let me come from that again in a moment. And I am posting that now. And thank you, Heidi, for that, and this is, again, the at-large wiki implementation outline, and here is the version in Spanish. And so that's for you guys in Spanish so you can follow along with it.
I think that we've gotten to a very interesting level of participation with all the volunteers that we have now. So it's actually the subjects and the continuation of all the – so – I am very happy with this. If there is anybody else here that would like to say anything else or has any intention –
Heidi Ullrich: This is Heidi.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Let me go ahead and tell them. And give me a moment, please. Okay, go ahead, Heidi.
Heidi Ullrich: Okay, thank you. Just, firstly, I would like to thank all of you for your enthusiasm for volunteering to do these policy development issues. And, secondly, I would like to stress very much the importance that all of you take a look at this at-large implementation – this at-large review implementation outline because this will affect all of you in the entire at-large community in the future. So there have been e-mails sent out in English and Spanish that detail all of the information that you need, and we've just posted the links to the wiki sites where you can see all of the recommendations as well as the ability for you to comment directly by using the red "comments" button.
And the deadline for this is the 30th of September. So you have just a little bit of time still, but we would like to have as many comments as possible. Thank you.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Thank you, Heidi. Very well. So, again, deadline September 30th. If we have any volunteers for that, it would be good to follow up on that. And, obviously, we have to work with the ALAC members as well. And one second Vladimir, please. It would be interesting to do this because we have five ALAC members. We have Carlton and Silvia until January 2010. So we have five ALAC members within our region. Vladimir, would you like to then work on this subject?
Vladimir Radunovic: (Through interpreter). Yes. You know, actually, because of the work reasons, I am actually working very closely with the accountability issues. So I could actually work with Jose Luis in regards to that subject.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Very well. So then, first of all, I am very grateful, Vladimir. You are in an attorney as well, and you are very, very good. So you will really come up with a great version, and I know that it's going to be very good for you guys to work together. I am sure that you guys will be able to work together very well. And now, again, guys, September 30th is the deadline for the – with you offline. So each of you has the chance of commenting this. I really would love to work or have somebody – one of us, to actually work closely with this so we can actually have the opinion of our members. I mean, we can have the comments individually, but it would be good to –
Silvia Herlein: (Through interpreter). Andres, I think that when they start working on point 4, what I'll do, then, I can actually invite the ALSs to actually give me their opinions as well on that.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). That would be good, Silvia, that would be very good. I would like that very much.
(Through interpreter). Yes, I am very willing to do this. I'll basically, you know, present these questions as well, and thank you, Silvia, for that. I mean, I don't know what the results are going to be, but I am definitely willing to try this because, you know, it depends on (inaudible).
So before we continue I think it's very important to talk about the non-commercial stakeholder group letter that Cheryl posted and what the North American RALO feels about this, and this is only to be official communications from the NCUC. Has anybody spoken to them?
Well, Vanda, please go ahead. What were you going to say about this?
Vanda Scartezini: (Through interpreter). What I wanted to speak about is about the conditions – that we are not very fair. And about the statements that were released that were completely not true, and it was not the statements that we actually worked on. And that was a very dangerous situation, in my opinion, because you have to trust the people that you are working with, especially when things are discussion – especially if you reach an agreement in regards to something. You cannot have, you know, independent information being sent out that is, you know, confidential involving you or your name or the ALAC name, for example. Especially when we have not even contributed to this.
So what was published was actually went around, you know, was not what we actually did and met and agreed amongst us. And so that, for me, raises a very important issue. We need to be careful with this relationship. I mean, it becomes quite clear that these relations are not as crystal clear, you know, they are not as open as we have been, you know, and this is my opinion about the NCUC. And I have been with ICANN for a long time, and I've got to tell you I have no doubt that something like this is going to happen, anyway, because that is not the first time that something like this has happened.
You know, the NCUC tends to do things that are not exactly what needs to be done or, you know, that they will impose themselves as the either bosses or that they'll turn around the information posted for the community and, you know, and they take this position that they are the owners or the administrators of the users. You know, this is an old game that's been happening for a while in ICANN, and I do think that, as ALAC, we have to be careful with the relationship that we have with them. We have to really make our position quite clear, I think, and then actually answer, which is what we did – stating that what was circulating was not what we did. So I do think it's very important that everybody is quite informed with the reality of the issues, because what circulated is not what we actually agreed nor what we discussed.
(inaudible) the subjects that they actually published and circulated. They actually modified this, and they actually, you know, informed all the committees as though we had reached a certain agreement. So, again, it's important because even if the ALAC has already made their recommendation, it's important that the LACRALO members are aware of what happened. I think that is a very relevant issue that we need to keep in mind.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). And thank you, Vanda. Now we have NARALO's position. This is NARALO's position, right?
Vanda Scartezini: (Through interpreter). Yes. Heidi just posted it, as well. And then Cheryl posted an even more descriptive letter. And I have just posted, as well, on the letter that the NCUC was talking about. Did anybody else read it? It's important for everybody to read it and for everybody to be clear, once again, what ALAC's position really is and what the position that they say ALAC's position was.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Any opinions on this subject? Is everybody still –
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Cheryl Langdon-Orr here, just noting –
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Oh, hi, Cheryl, let me tell them that you are on the line with us.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I've just joined the English channel.
Heidi Ullrich: Hi, Cheryl, thank you.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Hello, Cheryl.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Hello.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). And, Cheryl, please, it's, first of all, a pleasure to have, and we are all ears. What would you like to say?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Gracias, Andres. First of all, perhaps you could tell me exactly what part of your agenda I've been brought into?
Heidi Ullrich: Cheryl?
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). And –
Heidi Ullrich: Oh, here.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). We are actually discussing at this time the NCUC issue that you, yourself, posted on the chat.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Okay, got it. Look, I really feel that, at the moment, I have written to the chair, the director of Improvements Committee and the Board, as instructed by the members of the ALAC at the last ALAC meeting. I have yet to have a response to that. But in that letter we've pointed out our genuine and increasing concerns about information, misinformation, and missing information in the promulgation of materials in the public sector that our members have been exposed to recently and the concern coming back from various ALS members and regional representatives regarding how they are standing in their local communities may be affected. And that it is my intention, as chair of the ALAC, to ensure that no misinformation or misunderstanding is continued to be promulgated.
We have pointed out to the Board the specifics of the various facts as to who has or has not fed and supported what regarding the CPAT and the original 1.2 version 6.2 of the non-commercial user constituency charter options and exactly what has also happened with our support and/or discussions on various aspects in both the development of the – what is being dubbed "staff-generated, SIC-generated" currently approved by the Board non-commercial stakeholder group charter.
As you have noted in what I have put to the Skype chat today for your meeting, received specific advice from NARALO on this matter and other matters, and I am more than happy to take any specific advice or opinion from LACRALO and, indeed, all the RALOs towards the Board and Structural Improvements Committee regarding this matter.
I think some of you will also be aware of an e-mail exchange between the chair of the Structural Improvements Committee, Roberto Gaetano, and Bill Drake, who has been appointed by the NCUC in a landmark moment as a liaison to the at-large advisory committee and they seem to be sorting out some general ground rules on what agreements were or were not wrought in Sydney between the NCUC, whom I must say, for the record here, as I have at other regional meetings, specifically the APRALO meetings, are simply a sub-set constituency path or a support organization. And I do not believe they have the same standing or standards that are required of something like an advisory committee to the Board. I'll leave that hanging as I comment and ask you to just consider that when you are thinking about who is saying what about whom.
In closing on this matter, I would very much value feedback coming either directly from this meeting or between now and our ALAC meeting next week on the 22nd through your regional reps or, of course, my most valued advisor and deputy chair, Vanda, on how you might wish me to take your regional views on this matter forward.
And I'm happy to take any specific questions.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). No, no questions, but thank you, Cheryl, for that.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thank you for inviting me in, and if I can be of any other assistance, please let me know directly.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Thank you. I think that, you know, we need a higher level of understanding with the RALO members that we have at this time with this issue. And, you know, especially with, you know, the terms that were published and what was really agreed. You know, there are things that really need to be – it's interesting to see on the NARALO list, then, it would be good to actually see any questions that any of you may have in regards to this issue. Because, you know, at this moment, we really cannot take a position at this time, especially if we are not completely informed.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Andres, if I may, just as a follow-up on that?
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). One second, Cheryl, he's still speaking – one second. Just go ahead and talk. Cheryl, one second – in regards to, you know, NARALO, we know that they actually have an opinion, but we still don't have one.
Vanda Scartezini: (Through interpreter). The reason why NARALO did is because they were being very active, says Vanda.
I don't know if we will be able to get any actual specific information or gather it for people to actually make comments in regards to that. I mean, you know, it takes time. You know, there is a lot of reading that will need to be done. You know, you would have to read everything that happened in Sydney. And I understand what you are saying.
And – go ahead, Cheryl.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Gracias. I noticed the terminology, "being well informed" or "knowing what is going on" and "what is being said" used in your discussion, and that raised a point that I just would like in the record for your meeting, if I may.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Yes, and those were exactly my words, Cheryl. And, you know, I do hope that does, in fact, appear on the record. And, you know, so, definitely, keep that in mind.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: It was of great concern to the executive committee at our meeting – our mid-month meeting, where for related reasons on NCUC matters and the specific (inaudible) – some of the behavioral aspects at a personal level that needed to be discussed between NARALO chair and ourselves. It was of most concern when both Evan, as chair of NARALO, and Mr. Denny Younger, who it needs to be pointed out, is a card-carrying member of the NCUC – oh, sorry – was a card-carrying member of the NCUC for many years.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Okay, I'm sorry, give me one second because you are both speaking at the same time. I'll just go ahead and tell them.
Okay, Cheryl, I am so sorry. Start from the beginning so they don't miss a single thing.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Mm-hm, no problem.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). We don't have too much time left.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: No problem.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Five minutes, go ahead.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: No problem. I just wanted to let you know that when Evan, as chair of NARALO, and another member of NARALO, Mr. Denny Younger, joined the ALAC Ex-Com call mid-month, Denny pointed out that the signatories to the NCUC letter to the Board were given an opt-out option of less than 24 hours to become signatories, and that is a matter, which I wanted LACRALO to know I am also concerned about and pursuing. Thank you (inaudible).
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). So then let's go ahead and continue. So we will work on this because we only have 15 minutes left, and we still have a lot of agenda items. Let's continue.
So point 4, which is the next point – the Seoul meeting. We already said what time our meeting was going to be at the time. And so, you know, talking about the Seoul meeting, yes, and we said Wednesday, 7 in the morning. Does anybody have something to say about that? About the Seoul meeting?
Heidi Ullrich: This is Heidi. If I may just say a few –
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Go.
Heidi Ullrich: Yes?
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Go ahead, Heidi.
Heidi Ullrich: Okay. Just to highlight the deadline for the agendas will be the 2nd of October for all documents. So we really would like to have the agenda items for the LACRALO meeting as well as any other issues that you would like your ALAC representative to bring to the table during the meeting in Seoul. And all of those meetings are available on the link in your agenda in both English and Spanish, and you can post any comments directly to that wiki. So please – we encourage you to do that.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Very well, continue. Okay. And I apologize that we are making phone calls here in the background. So before we go into the updates, let's talk about the elections. We only have 10 minutes so we have to be quick. Especially the phone call that we have on the election especially because there is a process involved. You know, especially for the liaison. So I'd like stop to talk a bit about this and, Dev, I know you've worked on this. I'd like to know an update in regards to that – what's going to happen? What are the actual, you know, positions that are going to be up for election? And Vanda would like to say something.
Vanda Scartezini: (Through interpreter). And I do think it's important to clarify even if the Board has approved who the member is for ALAC. We are now going to be voting for the actual person who is going to continue being the liaison. So the voting (inaudible) it actually starts in October. And so the person you elected will continue being the liaison between ALAC and the Board. But the person is not going to be a voting member. So these are relevant issues. Personally, I have raised certain points. For example, we have to be fair. You know, there are laws that I can have instated that prohibit that in the Board there are more than five people of one region only.
So – so because of this, LACRALO would not be able to participate because we already have, or we are going to have, you know, including the NomCom nominees, we are going to have then five people from North America sitting on the Board. So you cannot vote for another member from North America, especially if they are going to be a voting member because, you know, they would come from the same region.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). And, thank you, Vanda, I was not aware of this. That is very interesting. So, you know, last – to the conference, I know that this was an issue. ALAC, as a committee, chooses a liaison, and so the person elected, it's not the committee themselves who chooses them. It's the elected. We have the possibility to make our voice heard, and there was a mail in regards to this in the list.
Vanda Scartezini: (Through interpreter). Well, what we had thought was this – to explore the proposal that we presented in order to choose the actual voting member to choose the liaison, like a test, so we have – so two of them as a test to see if the person would be better or not. Because this one has to be approved because we are changing a lot of the issues. But this is not within the new rules of the elections, and we also have to keep in mind that there are Board rules that need to be followed, because, as a voting member, you know, these rules have to be abided by. So the idea that we discussed in ALAC is to do an experiment with that new proposal to choose a liaison with the same rule that we are going to be proposing in order to choose the voting member with the Board representing ALAC.
So we are still discussing this, and there is a lot of discussion because, you know, with this whole issue of, you know, rules of the Board and all these issues, it's not very clear because when we are going to choose a Board member, how can we actually make sure that there is a balance within all the RALOs so these are discussions that are still in court (ph). So, bid again – do we want to choose the liaison with the Board the way we did it before, or do we want to, you know, use the proposed manner in order to make them a voting member. So that's where we're at now.
Andres Piazza: Thank you, Vanda. Dev, comments?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Well – this is Dev – any comment I have is – well, I'm not sure what a – I heard what was being said about the number of members on one region cannot be – a certain number of members from one region cannot be on the Board at the same time. I wasn't aware of that. And the thing is, though, I guess all of these questions and so forth for the liaison, is (inaudible) coming up for the Sunday community call regarding where we have to submit questions for all of the candidates for the Board liaison.
I don't think I have really anything much after that, I'm sorry. That's it. So I think we should really focus on either what questions we would want a Board liaison, potentially a Board – a voting Board – potentially – which may or may not become a voting person on the Board, on the ICANN Board. What do we, you know, are there any particular questions do you want to ask at that – at the Sunday session? Which is really a conference call with all the Board liaison candidates. That's it.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Now, is everybody aware of the interest statements and all the documents that we sent on all the candidates? Is everybody aware of this? Does everybody have access to this? Because it's very important, because we're not going to have too much time Sunday. So it's important for everybody to be able to read a lot of these, you know, statements from all the candidates, so we have an idea of what's been done, of why they did what they did, or why they did not want to participate in and what they wanted to participate in. But it's important, basically, to do this. And why would this be in the best interests of ALAC? I mean, Vanda, I am aware of this. Dev, you can maybe put this on the chat? Because that's my issue, how are you going to ask questions, if you've not read the position on many of these candidates? You know, especially their experience and all these things. It's important.
So, I guess, Heidi, this is my question to you – you know, all this information on all the people.
Heidi Ullrich: Okay, may I answer?
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Go ahead.
Heidi Ullrich: Okay, the information that the candidates for Board liaison have submitted to us are available on the LACRALO election wiki, which I will post in just a moment on the at-large election wiki as well as the agenda for the community call that I have posted earlier. So if you click on their names, you will see all of the information that they have submitted, including their statements of interest, a conflict of interest statement, and, in some cases, including, Vanda, a biography of their professional and experience with ICANN that shows all the experience that they have.
So I would encourage you to look at that information prior to the call. Also, during the call, they will be given a set time to speak so they will likely go over their statements of interest. And then you are free to ask questions to each of them.
And, thank you, Cheryl, for adding that link.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Now, all the information for all the candidates – okay. Okay. And, once again, can you post the link once again, please? Just for the people that don't have the knowledge.
Heidi Ullrich: Sorry, the link to which item?
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). This is to the information on all the candidates.
Heidi Ullrich: Okay, I will do that. Cheryl has just posted the link of the at-large election wiki, which has it, but I will also re-post the information on the call – the community call – this Sunday. Just a moment, please.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Okay.
Heidi Ullrich: And just a very quick comment –
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Go on, Heidi.
Heidi Ullrich: This community call agenda will be in Spanish tomorrow. We are in the process of translating that into Spanish.
Andres Piazza: (Through interpreter). Very well. Anybody else want to say something? Just, can you tell me again – I'm sorry, there was a question from Antonio, but – does anybody else have any other comments? Otherwise, we are going to close the teleconference. I think that it's been reasonable that – it's reasonable that we conclude, and thank you, Maya (ph), as always, for her very clear interpretation. And so thank you.