

Participants: Sylvia Leite, Alejandro Pisanty, Cristian Casas, Andrés Piazza, Carlton Samuels, Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Wladimir Davalos, Jose Luis Barzallo?, Vanda Scartezini, Erick Iriarte Ahon

Staff: M Langenegger

Apologies: H. Ullrich, Daniel Monastersky, Carlos Aguirre, Jose Ovidio Salgueiro, Aislan Vargas, Vanda (who joined later), Sergio Portio

Meeting started at 28 minutes into the hour.

Designation of a Chair for the meeting:

Andrés Piazza was the designated Chair for the meeting.

There were only eight participants at the beginning (Jose Barzallo was participating was not heard) which was not enough for a quorum. Dev T proposed continuing the meeting. Cristian seconded.

Andrés went through the following items on the agenda : Summary minutes from 2009-05-21 May 21st, the 21st May Action items, Public Comment, Global Policy briefings.
Andrés also discussed the Spreadsheet of ALAC agenda items (http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=rJKtp8gl3W5-ZcY_xMpPg5w&hl=en)
and emphasized that ALSes review these items.

Andrés then asked for comments.

Dev Anand mentioned that when global policy briefings are scheduled, it is important that ALSes make an effort to attend them. There were two recent briefings, the Internet Security, Stability and Resilency plan and the Draft 2K10 budget. Dev Anand also reminded that even if you cannot attend the briefing, the recordings are available to download in spanish and english and you can play the recording along with the presentation, thanks to Adobe Connect.

Carlton said he has never been able to download the audio recordings. Mr. Davalos also said he cannot download the audio recordings.

The chair asked if others on the conference had looked at the At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule
(http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=rJKtp8gl3W5-ZcY_xMpPg5w&hl=en) and mentioned that this is an important guide for remote participation.

Andres mentioned Discussion of ALAC Chair statement regarding Travel Support in ICANN 2k10 budget which was posted to the LAC-Discuss list.

Carlton asked if there was consensus as to whether LACRALO will support the statement from the ALAC Chair.
Andres, Dev, Carlton expressed statements of support of the proposed statement by the ALAC Chair.

Alejandro said he will abstain. He mentioned the need to discuss power of ALAC before getting into any decisions, and that
there are other other issues that he wants to propose for LACRALO to discuss besides this issue and that it is not good to just support proposed documents.

Sylvia says that she appreciates the ALAC's chair's effort for the RALOs and is supportive of the statement but will abstain because she is concerned that LACRALO will not be able to get ICANN support for a LACRALO general assembly meeting since this is not in writing.

Alejandro stated that there is a ccNSO review that he is working on and that LACRALO should participate more on ccTLD and ccNSO related issues.

Andres agreed with part of Alejandro's statement re: ccNSO review since ccNSO work does affect internet users directly in Latin America and Caribbean. Perhaps a report should be done for the At-Large community because there is not enough information on ccNSO related issues for LACRALO to review.

Carlton said he doesn't object to having ccNSO and ccTLD related issues being broadly discussed within LACRALO and such issues should be put on the agenda since most ALSes in LACRALO are not aware of issues related to ccTLD and ccNSO.

But LACRALO should deal with pressing issues such as the travel support and the IRT report which have deadlines for comments and then deal with ccNSO related issues after. This was seconded by Dev.

Andres said that Alejandro's points can be discussed since there is no quorum and that there is no ALAC reps to report on the activities so that. Re: travel support, opinions can be obtained on Cheryl's statement and an online vote be taken.

Erick Irate supports Alejandro statement ; although travel support is important, the abstention is important because we are supporting the documents when many times, we haven't been able to check these documents, the implications of the documents and how they affect the LACRALO region. Re: ccNSO review, he differs from Pisanty's position as to the consequences of LACRALO review of ccNSO. The WSIS gives more focus of ccNSO issues for possible end user involvement. Since there is more use of ccTLDs than gTLDs in Latin America, ccNSO/ccTLD issues should be on the agenda.

Cristian agreed with Erick and Alejandro that ccTLD review is important for LACRALO

Carlton pointed out that ccTLD interact with ICANN through a formal MOU. ICANN has some oversight when MOU is signed with ccTLD operator. Several ccTLD in Latin America and Caribbean have not signed the MOU agreement with ICANN. LACTLD run by Erick is doing work in ensuring that this MOU framework is common across the region and Carlton recommends that those interested should work with Erick on this issue. While these issues are important to individual users in the region, ccTLD issues are dealt with ICANN via the ccNSO organisation.

Carlton encouraged everyone to become familiar with and be informed about the ccNSO issues.

Carlton asked due to the abstentions to the draft ALAC Chair statement regarding Travel Support, is there either an alternative draft text or extension to the text of the draft ALAC chair statement which can be presented to the LACRALO list for discussion.

Andres pointed out that the abstentions are there for different reasons - Sylvia's reason for abstaining is different from Alejandro and a different statement will not make a difference since Alexander's position is that LACRALO shouldn't concentrate on this issue.
Andres reiterates that LACRALO should support the statement.

Andres agreed with Carlton's suggestion but there is no quorum. Carlton's reiterated it would be worthwhile to see an alternative draft text on the statement regarding travel support. Sylvia agreed that she will post an alternative text to the list for discussion.

Cristian agreed with Carlton and Sylvia.

Dev reiterated the importance of seeing Sylvia's alternative statment so that LACRALO can agree on a position on travel support ; given that NARALO and EURALO are tentatively supporting the statement from the ALAC chair as is. Dev expressed confusion as to the reasons for the abstentions.

Andrés asks whether a vote should be taken on statement ; Carlton reiterated that Sylvia's statement should be present for LACRALO to review before a vote is taken.

Andrés says that Sylvia's statement may be small modifications to the ALAC's chair statement and that it may be ready just now.

Andrés asks if anyone else objects or disagrees with the draft ALAC statement on travel from ALAC chair ; only the 2 abstentions

Andrés asks Vanda for details re: ALAC ; Vanda responds that she is not in front of computer and can't give details.

Sydney schedule

Andrés looks at item 6 on the agenda - Sydney schedule (http://syd.icann.org/full-sched) and points out several meetings of interest :

Sunday 21st June 2009, 0900 : ALAC & Regional Leadership Working Session - http://syd.icann.org/node/4095
Monday 22nd June 2009, 1100 to 1400 - ALAC and Secretariats: Planning and Resource Allocation - http://syd.icann.org/node/4096
Tuesday 23rd June 2009, 0700 - ALAC and ALAC Review Working Group - ALAC review working group http://syd.icann.org/node/4239
ALAC: Policy Issues Discussion : http://syd.icann.org/node/4097
Wednesday 24th June, 2009, 1100 - Workshop: ALAC Review - http://syd.icann.org/node/3790

Carlton pointed out meetings of possible interest to those interested in ccNSO related issues :

Tuesday 23rd June 2009, 1045-1215 - ALAC and SIC Meeting - http://syd.icann.org/node/4307
Tuesday 23rd June 2009, 1400-1530 - Joint Session: GAC & ALAC - http://syd.icann.org/node/4049
Tuesday 23rd June 2009, 1830-1930 - Joint Session: At-Large and NCUC - http://syd.icann.org/node/3807

Cristian said that it would be useful to post questions - when questions were submitted for the ICANN Mexico meeting, many of them were answered.

Andres also pointed out the meeting on
Friday 26th June 2009, 1400 - ALAC Executive Committee - http://syd.icann.org/node/4101
and that by looking at the Sydney schedule, you can see when you can participate.

Carlton reminded that the meeting schedule is on the wiki and allows for questions to be added to the meetings' agenda and recommended that people do the same.

Andres concluded the meeting by reminding persons that our participation in meetings have to improve ; that remote participation is available ; and that there are issues that need to be dealt with and given higher priority within LACRALO.

Dev reminded that most of the Sydney meetings allow for remote participation and if anyone wants to put something on the LACRALO agenda, then post to the list or email the chair or the secretariat.

Meeting concluded 1 hour and 36 minutes from the scheduled start of the meeting.