Transcription 18 February 2010 LACRALO EN

Transcription 18 February 2010 LACRALO EN

Unidentified Participant: You guys want to start, then? You want to do the apologies? Because I want people to participate.

Dave: This is Dave. I think we have received apologies from Sergio Salinas, Daniel Martinsi (ph), Alexander DiSanti (ph) and Jose Francisco (ph). (inaudible).

Unidentified Participant: Okay. So then I have the apologies from Daniel Martinsi, from Alejandro, from Jose Artis (ph) and do we have anybody else? And Sergio Salinas and Carlo Segura (ph) will have to leave beforehand. Right, you told me that you needed to leave before, but okay, and then Tony Medina (ph) told me that he needed to leave early, as well.

So, okay, so we have those four apologies. So Salinas, (inaudible), DiSanti, and Artis.

Very well. So going to the agenda now.

Before the public consultation period, because we have a very long one-- I'm sorry. And I hear a noise. Who is that?

Just a second, please. There was some sort of interruption in the line.

Dave: Okay.

Unidentified Participant: And, all right, so let's go ahead and continue. So there is a lot of action items related to the public consultation period. And I hear a lot of (inaudible) and, anyway, so-- and there was a debate by email that took place last week on the list.

Before-- because we have so many people present today, let's actually go to the important points on the agenda, which is the proposal for the operating principles on LACRALO and the announcement to call for elections for the 2010 period. So, in this case, the two officers of LACRALO, which would be the Chair and the Secretary. And why am I doing this in this order?

So I need to explain to you how this is going to be done. So now the Secretary and the Chair position are for a term of one year and the people who have been elected, they have been elected at the Mexico-- or previously-- previous to the Mexico meeting. So what this means for next month, approximately, we need to hold the elections for both of those positions, but in the conversation with Dev and other members in the list, and questions there were brought up, especially because of the difficulties that we had in the elections last year, 2009.

So we've come to the conclusion that we do some sort of a reform in the operating principles, but we don't have a text for that reform. We just have certain principles, certain ideas, general ideas, to which we've reached an agreement.

And so this is constituted to limit the indefinite election for such positions as Chair and Secretary. So we've been very careful in the deciding progress in regard to the voting director and we are the ones that-- we presented to our large the idea of the-- limiting the indefinite time period.

So the first issue that has to do with, you know, the issue of democracy and the constitution within LACRALO. So then, both Dave and myself thought that, you know, as the first period of Chair and Secretary that the time was too short, especially with the difficulties that we had with the-- shall we say, picking the positions.

So, you know, then getting together with the teleconferences and the dynamics of waiting for it and the possibility of delegating the work. We've decided that there is, you know, great participation, because there has been a record of this.

We've actually gone bottom to top and then we realize that there's only one year term. Now besides that and besides the issue of reelecting us and, you know, that's something that's going to be left open and that's something that needs to be decided, but that will (inaudible) and that is something that does need to be defined.

But besides that, we also thought that it would be good to extend the term to two years and to limit the election and to just confine it to one period. In this case, let's say one reelection period only.

So to-- let's say we have on reelection, what we thought, in our case, for example, for us not to have the possibility of several elections, but to finish our term after that. So those are the general issues.

So the actual proposal then, and we've had a phone conversation, so this would be 'til-- constitute our proposal of modification where we would have an email voting and to be able to modify the text that describes the principles of operation and so-- Give me a moment. There is huge interference. One second.

Very well. So, as I was saying, these are the issues that we've brought up and we've shared with some of the representatives, would it be possible to modify some issues. We thought of other things, as well, but, you know, we thought it'd be difficult, but we figured that, you know, when we have the annual meeting, either in Buenos Aires or in Cartagena, in December we would actually bring this forth.

But now that the reelection comes up, we don't want to create a modification after having done the reelection and after this has taken place. I don't think it's ethical. So we have agreed that it would not be a proper way to proceed.

So we've tried to do this as organized as possible, so what this means is we are going to ask an extension of the timetable with a limitation-- with the reelection. We cannot do this once we've been elected or do it now as we are in the current term or extend the term and then later change the reelection possibility.

So the idea is to come up with, if possible, before the election period takes place, which will happen soon, to come up with a modification process with an online voting process. And so this process of amendment should begin today and should be finalized in the teleconference that we will have in Nairobi, so within a month, in a month, so we have time, then, to begin the election process there if the bureaucratic process has been, of course, established.

And so for this, the proposal, then, would be to have-- to draft these ideas in a text in three languages and for this purpose to form a committee. Because we were able to discuss this with Dev and we've been able to discuss it with some of the ALSes and we're discussing this with all of you because these are general ideas. But the amended text-- you know, I didn't have time, for example, to come up with this in Mexico. So then come up with a proposal and change the current context.

And since we already have time, we can come to an agreement within these principles. But in order to amend the principles of operation, we need two-thirds, because we cannot ask with that a previous consensus. So we have to have a committee that is being well represented and so when we come to an agreement, then we hold out the voting, but if we do not come to an agreement, then this would not take place.

So Dave and I were more than willing to do this work for our regions to be able to put this on paper, but also it would have to fall on other participants, especially in the other countries, to bring forth whatever suggestions, whatever legal guidelines that need to be instituted as well. And, of course, (inaudible) I offer my participation for this.

Very well. So (inaudible), I really, really like the fact that you're offering your assistance, especially because of your experience as an attorney. You know, he practices in his country and he is one of the biggest participants with regards to Internet issues. Antonio, as well, maybe you'd like to be part of this committee? And I, myself, as well.

Now Jose (inaudible) I don't know, but I can hear you. But so far I have three people. There is myself; there is Dev, of course; Dave is in the English channel. I'm going to wait for the interpreter, but I think he'll want to be a part of this committee, as well, and if there is anybody else and another suggestion?

Why not put on the chat some of these issues, because I'm on a cell phone, and then I might be able to-- I might be cut out?

Yes, so I'm going to post this proposal. I'm going to post this proposal or post, at least, after a decision made in consensus. And I like the fact that all of you are participating.

So, Dave, you are willing to participate-- One second, Dave, because somebody else is-- I'm so sorry. Yes, Antonio. What did you want to say?

Because there's too many of us here in the meeting and for the purpose of arriving to a consensus. We could also try to hold this meeting through Skype. So we have that option of another alternative.

Can some of you open up Skype? I'm already connected to Skype.

Dave: This is Dave.

Unidentified Participant: Yes, go ahead, Dave.

Dave: I don't know. I just think, well, let's use the Abode Connect to post our notes and, yes, also to confirm, yes, I'll agree to be-- to help draft the modification to the operating principles, along with Andreas (ph), Jose (ph), I think (inaudible), as well, who agreed to-- who have offered to do it.


Unidentified Participant: And Jose (inaudible), as well.

Dave: And Jose (inaudible). Thank you.

Unidentified Participant: So if you would allow me, I'd like to say something about Andreas' proposal.

Yes, go ahead please.

I think it would be interesting and this is something that was already implemented with the last elections, that when we post this modification it is done in such a manner where both people elected do not-- so what I propose is that reelection does not happen in such a manner where it is consecutive. And what I mean that, do an alternation where if the two people are elected, then they switch positions and do a special training so, then, we keep continuity.

Yes, and this is something that we discussed. What you're saying is quite interesting. So you will be part of the committee and this is why I want you to be a member of the committee, because when you're modifying principles these objectives are extremely important and these ideas always arouse.

I know that Dave and I have to have some contribution in the drafting of this text, but I think that with what you're proposing, I think it's something that we need to consider. But nevertheless, if this is something you want to post on Adobe, then, in a few minutes.

But what I'm trying to tell you is, is that is an idea that-- (inaudible) did you want to say something?

Yes, I wanted to say something. I was having problems with my phone. But I also want to be part of this committee, as well, and that's what I wanted to say.

Very well, Andreas, and this is Carlos Segura who would like to say something. Go ahead.

So in regards to this reform for the operating principles that you are proposing – and I do support this and I do second this – what I had proposed a while ago and nobody had given an opinion on the list, the need to create a LACRALO board with the purpose of starting to deal with some of the policy issues that sometimes are very difficult to deal with during the teleconferences and also because of the fact, the majority of the ALSes and the regional leaders, many times, do not have the time nor the qualifications to deal with it.

So my proposal would, then, be to combine with this proposal, also, the creation of a special board constituted of five people to deal with urgent matters related to policy within our region.

Carlos, I don't know if everybody else understood. So it would be good to post this, as well, on Adobe. I know this something we discussed with you, (inaudible) and Dave was present in an informal conversation where we were discussing with people that had a bit more experience. Because I know that the North American RALO told us about their experience and we saw how this worked in regards to holding a board.

And, you know, we see that it's working very well for Europe, for example. So I personally-- it is something that I had also thought about myself. I was concentrating, first, on the proposal of these modifications first on the table, but the issue of the board is something that I wanted to bring about, as well. So it's good that you're bringing this up, as well, and I completely agree with that proposal.

So that is something that we need to include, then, within this committee. So we should, then, work on having a board and have this be part of the operation and I'd like to be part of that committee, please, Andreas. This is Carlos.

Okay, so in the committee, we now have – and I'm going to post this on Adobe, as well. So the committee has Dave, myself, Carlos, (inaudible), (inaudible). There is a problem with the Adobe. I can't put all the names together. And Jose Alvedio (ph), as well, and Antonio.

Okay and I have Savino (ph). So is that everybody?

And I like the fact that the people that are part of this committee are hard-working individuals. Yes, and it's true, it is the people that are the most active. Andreas?

(inaudible) just sent an email that he would also like to be part of this committee. He has a bad connection, so he's not able to join. Yes, the email does say that he wants to be part of this committee.

Very well, then we will include (inaudible), as well.

Andreas, this is Vladimir (ph). I would also like to be part of this committee, but because of work purposes, it would be very difficult for time issues. So this committee, the way it has been constituted, I think, is more than enough to be able to carry out the work necessary. But, please, you do have my support, but I do think that this committee has very good representation to carry out the work that needs to be accomplished.

And thank you so much for your comment and I do agree with you, as well. So let's proceed forward with this. I do have to warn the members of the committee and I will make sure that this is upheld, the need before Nairobi. We must have already prepared a text, especially related to the current operating principles. But we do have to have the voting period open during seven days and during this time period we will need votes from all the ALSes and we will need a majority of 66%, of course, considering the proxy votes.

So the committee needs to be giving the staff this draft proposal so this is actually posted for a consultation period. So the date that I propose that we turn in this proposal by the committee, today is Thursday, the 18th, so this needs to be turned in by Wednesday, February 24th.

No, February, meaning this month.

I'm sorry. I understood March 4th.

No, no, no, February 24th. February 24th. Because really even-- we could ask for an extension and if that's necessary, I can ask the staff for that, but I think that within a week and having discussions and sending emails and responding to these, I am confident that we will accomplish this.

But-- and I'm saying this so when we go to Nairobi we already have had this proposal published and that it's already been published for public comment.

And, Dave, of course, whenever you want to say something, please let me know.

Dave: Okay. I'm all right.

Unidentified Participant: Very well. So that's for the committee. Now related to this, then, we will have to have had an open public comment and then I know that we're going to have a lot of remote participation.

There are a lot of businesses, especially in Western Europe and the United States. I know that they're very concerned about all these security alerts within the United States, so there isn't going to be as much participation from those regions. But that gives us more of an advantage, because then it allows us to be closer to the board as well as the other committees, for example, with the GAC (ph)-- with the GNSO (ph), whoever will be present (inaudible), as well as all the members will be present.

(inaudible) told me that some of the members of the (inaudible) will be attending. So I do think that we will have a great remote participation through the voting period we'll have to have open. So by March 25th we will have to have already made the decision if we will be modifying these principles or not. So we have to give ourselves a certain time to draft this text and then post it on the list and then elaborate the electronic voting process.

And so this would start on March 25th?

No, by March 25th we will have to have had this list already because we will need, by then, to have opened the voting process for the officers with the operating principles, whether we modify it or not.

But all of these issues will have to have already been squared away, keeping in mind everybody's interest and everybody's beliefs and once we have all this, we have to, then, elaborate the process which is, you know, the voting periods, as well as the electronic voting process and all that.

And, I'm sorry, who was speaking? Very well. So if anybody else has anything to say, otherwise we will be sending this on the list-- to the list, I should say. Okay, nobody has anything to say.

Dave: I have a question.

Unidentified Participant: Okay, let me go ahead and tell them.

Dave: Sure.

Unidentified Participant: We're not going to be able to do a teleconference in Nairobi and what did we do in (inaudible) and it was very efficient, but in Nairobi, because of logistic issues, because we will not be in the same hotel for the conventions and there's a lot of security issues because of transportation, we will not be able to deal with this in Nairobi. We can deal with this on the 25th and take this to our respective regions.

And so by that teleconference we will have to already launched the elections of the officers with the new operating principles or with the previous operating principles. And also we will have to define that this will be for the next teleconference who-- if we are able to come up with the person that's going to replace Carlos in 2011 and then Sylvia, for example, was chosen in March and she had an adaptation period. But we will decide this next month.

Before the (inaudible) and candidates.

Go ahead, Dave.

Dave: Just a quick question, I guess. The modifications to the operating principles for the-- increasing the length of the terms for the Chair and Secretary to two years and to-- and to add the restriction to two consecutive terms, are we doing that and also looking to modify the operating principles for the LACRALO board, or is the LACRALO board going to be worked on afterwards? That is my question. I'm just seeking clarification.

Because I heard the suggestion that we should submit the text by February 24th, so I just want to make sure what is going to be delivered on the 24th. That's my question.

Unidentified Participant: Okay. So what I propose is for our committee to have a draft. And so this is a draft that is presented as a proposal during that seven-day period. But the point is to try and have it before Nairobi. So if we go to Nairobi at the beginning of March and we post the draft on February 24th and then the staff, within that week, begins the voting, you know, whoever agrees with it or whoever does not, then we have the week after that to do the electronic voting process and then, in Nairobi, we can then do the tally of the results (inaudible).

Or if it takes us longer to elaborate this, it could happen, because I do trust that we will come up with a very good text, but if it does take us a while to come up with a good text, so if we do not find a common solution to have, let's say, a one-week grace period before the 25th of March, because by the time we come back from Nairobi we will have to begin the actual election process for the officers. But we have to have had all of these issues already accomplished before that.

Dave: Okay.

Unidentified Participant: Was that clear?

Dave: Yes, okay.

Unidentified Participant: What I'm asking you this from an interpretation point of view, because, you know, he's going so quick that, you know, I need to keep up. But, you know, I want to make sure that it's coming out clear and understandable.

Dave: Yes, it's fine.

Unidentified Participant: You know, you have to tell me if you're not understanding what I'm saying.

So if we have this down by Nairobi, then when is the actual nomination period going to take place? When are we going to bring forth the nominations?

In Nairobi, if that's where we're going to do it. The nomination period can be during Nairobi, because I know that when we spoke over the phone, Matias (ph), we thought that we were going to have the nomination period for after March 25th. But I really cannot assure you if Nairobi is going to be by Nairobi, because I don't know if the committee will have the text drafted. So I want to give them a one-week grace period, just in case. This is going to be very tight, a very limited timeline.

Yes, yes, definitely. Definitely.

Right, but this is why we have a backup period.

You know, but I still want to be ambitious with this draft. But, Matias, if you think that once we finish the voting process that we can then bring for the nominations, that would be good.

But the nomination period would be, what, for a week?

No, it should be more.

Matias, what do you think?

That will be another region. I know that Africa was a week, one week for nominations and then one week for the candidate to accept and then one week for the election.

There is a time span, you know, depending on the region.

So, what, we really don't know?

I mean, you know, we can try to do this during Nairobi, of course, but we already know that we have the operating principles ready and we can already have this by Nairobi, then we'll be in a much better position, especially these-- we'd be approved there, we can decide what the road is going to be, not only for the nomination period, because the nomination period does not interfere with the old operating principles, but it would interfere with the actual election itself.

But no one, whether with the current-- or with the present-- or the previous operating principles, nobody is being precluded to be nominated. That does not preclude anybody from being nominated either.

Very well. Did everybody understand? Does anybody else what to say something about that?

Nobody is saying anything.

Very well, so let's go ahead and continue. We have-- then we have points (inaudible) with everything which is under the public comment period. There was a discussion related to-- did something happen on the list? Because, you know, there's a very-- there's a very large agenda, for example, on the issues that are pending on the public comment period.

Then, you know, so what we came up with previously was to present a list of subjects where we can all participate, so, let's say, a supplementary agenda.

So, then, the supplementary agenda-- the supplementary agenda will be, then, hopefully--

So what I'm saying is this. We should come up with a prioritized agenda and use the LACRALO resources for that. And I actually am going to post this, as well, in the Adobe Connect room. And let me see if that's here.

Dave: This is Dave.

Unidentified Participant: Yes, Dave. In regards to the supplementary agenda or anything related to that, does anybody want to say something? Yes, Dave, go ahead.

Dave: No, I just posted a link in the Adobe Connect to the dashboard. What I did just before this meeting is that I put the list of all the ICANN policies all for comment and-- because quite a lot of documents were released this week in preparation for the Nairobi meeting. So it's up for us to decide what we want to look at, what policy we want to look at, if we want to comment on any.

And what I've also tried to do was that I tried to do-- put links to, like, Spanish and Portuguese translated versions using the – unofficial ones – using Google Translate. So a person can take a look at those, all these policies, and decide which one you want to comment on. And that's it.

Unidentified Participant: And thank you so much for that, Dave. That is an amazing job.

And I think that because of the energy with LACRALO, this whole issue of discussions and debates is very important to go forward with these discussions and this tool that you just posted, Dave, is very good. I just posted, as well, on Adobe Connect, five subjects related to what we had identified as priority subjects. And what I have said-- what I have proposed, for example, as a LACRALO statement to Nairobi is to have these five subjects.

But also, there's nothing wrong with putting feedback and contributions on the spread that Dave posted.

So I know that for regional representatives, I know that Carlos (inaudible) people. I don't know if Carlos wants to say something about this. This is something that I had a discussion with Carlos and he had a lot of ideas related to that subject.

And then the issue about new gTLDs and new interest, you know, that's something that we will deal within Nairobi, but there LACRALO's voice will be important.

And GNSO is something, as well, that was being discussed, Alejandro, as well, had said that he wanted to work with that.

Andreas and I have to go, unfortunately.

Well, thank you, Antonio, for your contribution and, well, you'll be part of the committee, so thank you for that. So, Antonio, will be leaving.

And, thank you, everyone, I have to go.

Anyway, so the GNSO, I think it was DiSanti who wanted to be part of that. And then vertical integration and consumer constituency, I know that these were subjects that have been (inaudible) somebody had agreed to send me a statement proposal for the vertical integration and these are actually two subjects that I am very familiar with.

And then consumer constituency, ALS and other non-commercial members have a debate at this time going on. Nobody in our region is participating in this. It is a very hot subject. So should we have somebody involved in that?

Is anybody working on the consumer constituency or is anybody interested in working on this issue?

No? Okay. So we'll see how we divide. We'll see how we can have somebody who's interested in-- who can participate in that.

Okay, very well. Anyway, is everybody listening to me? Can everybody hear me?

Dave: Oh, yes.

Unidentified Participant: Yes? Okay. Does everybody hear me? Just, you know, because some people are (inaudible) sometimes. I think we've run into some connection issues. And so I'm testing the lines, you know, and it sounds like nobody is participating, but--

Dave: Okay.

Unidentified Participant: So (inaudible) said that she would like to work with consumer constituency. She's having problems with the phone.

Okay, so that is the agenda that Dave said. We have a huge agenda. We have many challenges and then we have an agenda that we posted as the priority agenda that we will have to have accomplished by Nairobi.

Now the subject of affirmation of commitment in today's list. You know, there's an explanation about ALS functioning. It's a shame Carlton (ph) is not here to explain some of this and Carlos had to go. But this can be done over the list.

So do we have anybody from ALS? So Ronda (ph) is not here either, Chris (ph)? Because another agenda subject was the election process for the board, if they had anything to say about that.

I know that between February 15th and March 15th there was a possibility of presenting the statement of interest as well as the proposal of candidates.

Dave: This is Dave here.

Unidentified Participant: Yes, Dave. Give me a moment.

Go ahead, Dave.

Dave: Just regarding the at-large selection board process, we're supposed to nominate-- well, we're supposed to be put forward two delegates to the at-large board member selection committee, so I think Jacqueline Morris (ph) was nominated by Carlton Samuels (ph). And let's-- well, she hasn't confirmed yet whether she'll accept that nomination. But there is still a need for a second candidate to be put on this committee.

And I think by-- I think it was supposed to be-- Well, we have to submit that very soon, before next week's (inaudible) meeting on the 23rd.

Unidentified Participant: I'm going to assume he heard me.

Dave: Okay.

Unidentified Participant: Yes, Dave, you're right. Okay, now what Dave said is very true. There needs to be somebody else who's proposed for this issue. So--? Who is nominated, excuse me.

Dave: Well, we should-- this is Dave. I will post to the list again and see if we can get a second person, a second nomination to the at-large selection committee.

Unidentified Participant: And something else – and I'm posting this on the Adobe, as well.

And this is the last item on the agenda. And this is the application that was submitted by the ALS in El Salvador and so you guys will see this. On the 16th, meaning two days ago, Dave and I were seeing from the staff the due diligence, which is a form which is sent to the Chair and Secretary for LACRALO to decide on an ALS. And in this case, it's the ALS with the name of a connection to the development of El Salvador. If anybody knows him, if they have any information about them, I know that we will have to do our work to find more information about them, but does anybody know them? Anybody familiar with them?

Nobody's saying anything.

Dave: Okay.

Unidentified Participant: I don't know why.

Dave: So (inaudible), Carlos and all of them are on the call still, right?

Unidentified Participant: Yes, they are.

Dave: Okay.

Unidentified Participant: I think they are.

Dave: Okay. Just making sure.

Unidentified Participant: Very well. So, Dave already posted the link there and I posted the due diligence. So does anybody want to say something else before we continue with the agenda?

Very well. So we can, then, close the teleconference for today. And, actually, here we go. Herbert Talera (ph) is the main contact in El Salvador and then second contact is (inaudible). Those are the names of the two contact people for the Association for Development in El Salvador.

So, Dave, do you, then, agree to close the teleconference today, if there are no other issues pending?

Dave: Actually, I think there's one more item on the agenda. I think, also, there's the affirmation of commitment reviews, item number five. I think we have to, also, submit a candidate for that position. I'm trying to find where. Yeah, if you look at item number five on the agenda.

As a matter of fact, actually, we have a deadline of no later than February--

Unidentified Participant: Do you want to do this now? Because nobody wanted to nominate anybody, Dave?

Dave: Oh, I see. Okay. Well, I think I'll post it again to the list, but I mean, in case-- well, I'll post that again to the list and see if anybody else would be interested in participating in that review, in the AOC review, then.

Unidentified Participant: Very well.

Dave: Okay.

Unidentified Participant: In that case, it's been a pleasure. And everybody take care. Have a great day. 'Bye-bye.

Dave: Okay, then. 'Bye-bye.

Unidentified Participant: And that was--

Dave: Thanks, again, Maya (ph).

Unidentified Participant: Take care, Dave. 'Bye-bye.

Dave: Thank you.