Meeting Summary 20 November 2008 en

Meeting Summary 20 November 2008 en

Participants: D Teelucksingh, S Salinas Porto, D Monastersky, A Piazza, C Aguirre, J Ovidio Salgueiro,
Apologies: V Scartezini, S Herlein Leite, C Samuels, A Vargas
Staff: N Ashton-Hart, MH Bouchoms, M Langenegger

S Salinas Porto was designated chair of this meeting.

Review of the Action Items EN

S Salinas Porto asked staff about the current status of the ALS questionnaire.

The Staff noted that a list was sent to the participants of the last LACRALO meeting with all ALSes, which have not sent their summit questionnaire responses until October 16th. It was requested that an update of this list be produced.

Review of current status of ALS applications

The staff noted that three new ALS applications from the LAC region were received: Internauta Venezuela, Asociación Judicial Bonarense (Argentina) and AUI Peru.

Interpretation and translation

It was noted that the quality of the automated list translation was not satisfying. The Staff added that there would increasingly be more Spanish documents available on the At-Large website
J Ovidio Salgueiro said that the regional ALAC members made a considerable effort during the Cairo meeting to highlight the importance of having more translated documents. Jose further noted that C Aguirre drafted a report on regional ALS participation that would soon be published.

Summit Update

S Salinas Porto asked the Staff about the Budget situation for the Summit. The Staff responded that the Budget was not yet finalized and noted that the Summit Working Group would meet later this week to finalise the logistics plan. Once it is final, the logistics plan will allow the staff to narrow down the actual numbers that will can be presented to the ICANN Board of Directors.

Next Meeting

The next LACRALO Teleconference will be on December 4th at 1300 UTC. The Staff will help to draft an agenda for this meeting and send an invitation to all the LACRALO ALS representatives.

The meeting was then concluded.