Summary Minutes 15 July 2010
Discussion Notes 15 July
Participants: Jose Ovidio Salgueiro, Andres Piazza, Fatima Cambronero, Sylvia Herlein Leite, Carlton Samuels, Dev Annand Teelucksingh
Apologies: None
Staff: Matthias Langenegger
ALS Survey 2010
Dev: It's important that we follow up with the ALSes that responded to the survey. We need to make sure that we get all the right contact information to get this up to date.
Dev Anand gave a presentation of the ALS survey results.
LACRALO Survey presentation:
Full ALS presentation:
Dev: I suggest that we follow up with the ALSes who have not responded to the survey of who have provided incomplete information. In some cases, we do not have current contact information which makes it impossible to contact the ALS reps.
Andres: it's interesting that twenty percent of the respondents do not see any obstacles to ALS participation. I would now like to talk about the LACRALO bylaw changes, in particular with regards to the officer positions, de-certification process and the quorum question. We have a commission which had some preliminary talk
Recent and Upcoming Activities of the WG on LACRALO Bylaw modifications
Dev agrees with Carlton. The problem with inactive ALSes is that they slow us down as it becomes increasingly difficult to reach quorum and get the necessary participatin to change the bylaws.
Open ALS applications
Andres: I know both new ALS applicants and have had very good relations with them. I would like to support their application.
ICANN Conference Cartagena
Sylvia: I sent an email to Kevin where by I raised my concern about the uncertainty of funding for the LACRALO GA in Cartagena. We need to submit an estimation of the total number of ALS participants. I will keep you informed about my conversation with Kevin.