Meeting Summary 18 September 2008 en
Participants: V Scartezini, JL Barzallo, W Davalos, S Herlein Leite, Reith
Apologies: C Aguirre, D Monastersky, S Salinas, J Ovidio Salgueiro
Staff: N Ashton-Hart, P Hinojosa, M Langenegger
The designated Chair V Scartezini called the meeting to order at 1317 UTC.
The meeting minutes of the last meeting were adopted.
New ICANN Travel Procedures
V Scartezini gave a short summary of the recent meetings on this issue on August 22nd and September 9th. She suggested preparing a statement on the Travel Procedures to be ready by October 15th.
ALS Application
It was decided that the regional advise for Internauta Chile would be to approve the application. The regional advice will now be transmitted to the ALAC for consideration.
LACRALO Operating Principles
With regards to the proposed amendments to the Operating Principles, it was generally felt that a two-year term for the proposed regional Chair position would be preferable to a one-year term.
It was suggested to send an email to the LACRALO list to discuss this issue further and get more input.
Staff Announcements
Open Public Consultations
The public consultations currently open to comments can be reviewed under:
Mailing List Translation Update
The Staff informed the participants that a new list translation system has been developed for the LACRALO discuss list and encouraged the members who have been asked to volunteer during the testing period to subscribe to the list.
Policy Update in multiple languages - (EN) (ES)
LACRALO members can review and subscribe to the latest policy updated in either English or Spanish
Registrant Registrar Relations Activities
A call was recently made for volunteers to work on two new initiatives in relation to the Registrar Accreditation Agreements. One is working with the registrar community to set up a list with registrants’ rights and responsibilities to protect registrants. Secondly, it was suggested to work with registrars to produce code of conduct for registrars. Some ccTLD have already adopted such code of conducts in Europe and Asia but there was nothing on a global level. Beau Brendler will be the Chair of these initiatives. There are still representatives needed from LACRALO.
Summit Planning in Cairo
The Staff informed the participants that there would be a one-day planning session for the Summit during the Cairo meeting on Saturday. There will also be a teleconference for the Summit WG next week. Those who would like to join this session are asked to use the meeting planer to attend:
ALAC Elections
It was decided that the election process for the open ALAC position should start immediately. There will be a nomination period until September 26th for candidates to be nominated or self-nominated. The nominated candidates are asked to let the list know as soon as possible whether or not they decide to accept the nomination. The election will follow immediately after the end of the nomination period. The election period will run from September 27th to October 1st.
Staff will set up an online vote for the open ALAC position running from September 27th until October 1st.
The meeting was then adjourned
Next meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for October 16th at 1300 UTC.