Operating Principles - english

Operating Principles - english



1. The Latin America & Caribbean Regional At Large Organization (LacRALO) is formed by those At Large Structures (ALSs) accredited by the At Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) as a mechanism to promote and assure the Latin America & Caribbean (LAC) user participation in the ICANN policy development process.

2. The LacRALO will function as long as the Memorandum of Understanding between ICANN and the organizations members remain valid.

3. Every user and group of user with noncommercial interests is welcome, and their participation will be promoted. Those users who wish to participate on an individual basis, will only be eligible to cast a vote according to the terms laid out in item 5.4.1 in the MoU.

4. The LacRALO will be multilingual from its inception. Every document will be produced and every discussion will be held both in English and Spanish. In the short term Portuguese will be added, and there will be a periodic review of the languages used in the region.

5. The government of the LacRALO will be exercised by a General Assembly, formed by 2 representatives of each member ALS.

6. The General Assembly will be able to set up ad-hoc Task Forces to deal with specific issues.

7. The General Assembly will be supported by a Secretariat. The role of the Secretariat could be exercised by a person or an organization, as long as they fulfill the requirements, including multilingualism, administrative capability, etc.

8. The Secretariat will have administrative and informative functions. It will be responsible to maintain the communications systems and for assuring the information flow about the issues under discussion between the LACRALO participants.

9. The LACRALO will chose two (2) persons to serve as members of the At Large Advisory Committee (ALAC), in the terms that are specified in the ICANN By Laws. Only those ALSes who has been certified will be able to vote in this election. The candidates will be members of any ALS and must live in the region. Selected members will have the responsibilities described in the ICANN Bylaws and the RALO documents.

10. These members will serve two (2) years at most, and they cannot be reelected. The winners of the first election will serve one (1) and two (2) years respectively, to assure continuity.

Cannot be reelected EVER may make us too rigid. How about cannot serve more than 2 terms consecutively or something like that?

contributed by jam@jacquelinemorris.com on 2006-10-18 05:40:49 GMT

First Question:Might we have somewhere in here a declaration that is the General Assembly that sets the Agenda?

Second Question: Might we specifically state that decisions of the General Assembly shall be by consensus with some kind of exculpting clause for a vote on specific matters?

contributed by carlton.samuels@uwimona.edu.jm on 2006-10-18 23:29:07 GMT

Oh, I agree w/ Jackie on the Term Limit question.

contributed by carlton.samuels@uwimona.edu.jm on 2006-10-18 23:30:02 GMT

I am sending the two documents to the General Counsel of ICANN for comments tonite. I have modified Clause 10 to read:

10. These members will serve two (2) years at most, and may not serve more than two consecutive terms. The winners of the first election will serve one (1) and two (2) years respectively, to assure a yearly election.

Since Jacqueline's comment was seconded and there was no disagreement.

I will let the General Counsel know that another amendment, in relation to the General Assembly as suggested by Carlton, may result from the Sao Paulo LAC regional meetings and provide him with Carlton's comments.

contributed by nashtonhart@gmail.com on 2006-11-09 18:54:00 GMT