Summary 24-25 June 2007 - EN

Summary 24-25 June 2007 - EN



Minutes of the LACRALO General Assembly Meeting during the ICANN Public Meetings in Puerto Rico
(June 24-25, 2007)

I. Welcome and opening remarks

The General Assembly was called to order by Ms. Jacqueline Morris, ALAC co-chair. Ruddy Rodolfo Medina Plascencia was elected temporary chairman of the Assembly in the absence of the Secretariat who was unavoidably delayed.

DevNet proposed that item 6 and 7 be switched in the interest of getting the work of the LACRALO done first. This proposal was approved by the General Assembly

II. Roll call and Credentialing of Delegates

At Roll Call the delegates were confirmed as follows:

Jorge Fernando Plano ISOC Argentina (Argentina)
Andres Piazza AGEIA DENSI (Argentina)
Carlos Aguire AGEIA DENSI (Argentina)
Matias Altamira Amadeo IIISI (Argentina)
Ana Lucia Sanchez Jarrin ISOC Ecuador (Ecuador)
Silvia Rosana Herlein Internauta Brasil (Brasil)
Sergio Walter Salinas Porto Internauta Argentina (Argentina)
Jose Luis Barzallo Sacoto AEDIT (Ecuador)
Quinten Questel ICTSTT (Trinidad & Tobago)
Lance Hinds DevNet (Guyana)
Ruddy Rodolfo Medina Plascencia ALFA-REDI (Peru)
Dev Anand Teelucksingh TTCS (Trinidad & Tobago)
Carlton Anthony Samuels UWI/Secretariat (Jamaica)
Erik Sigfrido Huesca Morales ISOC Mexico (Mexico)

Also attending in the meeting to provide technical assistance and support were

Jacqueline Morris Interim Chair, ALAC
Nick Ashton Hart Director, At-Large, ICANN
Erik Iriarte Ahon ALFA-REDI

III. Adoption of the General Assembly Rules of Procedure

This was a general discussion about the logistics of reading the documents, whether it should be in Spanish, English or both. It was recognized that the Spanish version apparently needs further corrections than the English version. As per the recommendation/proposal by Carlos Aguirre, it was agreed that both documents will be reviewed simultaneously. The General Assembly will approve all the necessary corrections in terms of translation any other all fundamental changes.

The following clauses were amended and/or added during the review of the documents

Paragraph 3 of DEFINITIONS
Rule 1.1
Rule 1.5 (New)
Rule 1.6 (New)
Rule 7.3
Rule 8.1
Rule 8.2
Rule 10.2
Rule 11.2
Rule 13 (Heading Change)
Rule 15 was renamed to 14
Rule 14.4
Rule 14.5

On the recommendation of the Secretariat, the General Assembly read the amended Rules of Procedures and ratified the document after agreed upon further corrections to Rule 8.1. Matias Altimera Amadeo (IISI) has was been tasked with making corrections in the Spanish version. The completed documents will be distributed to the relevant forums.

IV. Election of Officers of LACRALO

The General Assembly elected Ruddy Rodolfo Medina Plascencia (ALFA-REDI) as the chairman of the General Assembly meeting. Lance Hinds (DevNet) was appointed Rapporteur. As per Rule 2 of the Rules of Procedure, These offices shall be automatically vacated upon the adjournment of the meeting.

After extensive discussion, the General Assembly voted on the motion that Carlton Samuels (UWI) continues as the LACRALO Secretariat until the next General Assembly.

V. Resolution of Decertification of At-Large Structure

The Secretariat explained that while the ALAC had a procedure for certifying ALSs there are no procedure for decertification. He stated that in his opinion, a complementary decertification process and procedure t is necessary but under the rules existing, that responsibility is reserved for the ALAC. for the assembly to have a decertification process. He suggested therefore the LACRALO submits a resolution to ALAC requesting that they develop a policy on decertification since it is not within the purview of RALO. A draft resolution was also developed by the Secretariat for consideration by the General Assembly

The General Assembly has agreed that this discussion will continue further online.

VI. Policy Matters

The General Assembly postponed the three presentations in the interest of continuing work on the finalization of the rules of procedure. Nick Ashton Hart informed the assembly all the three subject areas will be discussed in great detail during the public meetings.

The General Assembly agreed that their members will attend the meetings relevant to the subject areas and then arrange a teleconference and/or virtual meeting later on in the year to discuss the subject ideas (of interest).

VII. LACRALO Events for the year

The General Assembly began brainstorming on the selection of topics and issues suited to the events and the development of a workplan with valuable input from Cheryl Langdon-Orr of APRALO who provided an insight of the activities of the Asia-Pacific RALO. Included in her remarks were the following:

• The chairman of APRALO has assigned specific tasks to the ALSs
• The Plan assigned older ALs to work on mentoring new ALSs thereby assisting them to more proactive in their local environment.
• APRALO is in process of development a workplan and is interested in sharing information with the LACRALO

A provision list of items was developed and discussion at some length. Suggested areas of attention included

• Education/Outreach
• ccTLD Strengthening
• Internet Governance
• Issues of Registration
• IPV6 (Training)
• Policy Framework
• Capacity Building
• Multilingualism
• The relationship between ICANN and the ccTLDs

The General Assembly adopted the following issues for further development by LACRALO.

• Capacity Building
• ccTLD strengthening
• Policy Framework on ICANN technical issues
• IPv6
• Relations between ICANN users and ccTLDs

Nick Ashton Hart informed the assembly about the various committees that need technical liaisons. Jacqueline Morris provided an overview of the coming ICANN activities/workshops which she encouraged LACRALO to participate in.

The General Assembly has agreed that is important to participate in the other organs within ICANN. The Assembly has agreed therefore to select persons to be in charge of the agreed upon subject areas at a Virtual Meeting to be convened in 30 days. That meeting will be coordinated by the Secretariat.

VIII. Any Other Business

The Chief Executive Officer of ICANN, Dr. Paul Twomey visited the General Assembly. He congratulated the General Assembly for their level of effort to date but cautioned that the Assembly should not spend an excessive amount of time on procedure because members of ALAC are now expected to quickly begin making constructive inputs into the policy decisions of the organs of ICANN

The General Assembly raised concerns about

• The quality and timeliness of document translation
• Digital means of participation

Nick Ashton Hart explained the difficulties of translating documents currently within ICANN. He has promised to reinforce the importance of accurate translation at the higher levels of ICANN and has assured the assembly that ICANN is working feverishly on improving the process.

The Assembly agreed to continue to discuss the issues of the digital means of participation online.

Jacqueline Morris and the Secretariat stressed the need for members of LACRALO to participate and respond actively to online invitations for comments.

Concerns were raised about some of the arrangement made as it pertained to the hotel and travel arrangement. The Secretariat stressed again that all information has placed on the mailing list.

IX. Adjournment

There being no other business the General Assembly of the LACRALO was concluded on June 26, 2007 at 7:15 PM

Lance Hinds (DevNet)
LACRALO,ICANN Public Meetings (June 23-29) Puerto Rico