Meeting Summary 18 December 2008 en

Meeting Summary 18 December 2008 en

Participants: C Samuel, D Jaggernaugh, D Teelucksingh, A Medina, D Monastersky, JL Barzallo, J Arte, S Leite, A Basilio, S Salinas, J Chandia Rojas, C Aguirre

Apologies: A Piazza

At large Staff: H. Ulrich

The meeting starts officially at 21:12 UTC when there was a quorum.

1 Adoption of the Agenda

It was commented about the decision related to the permanent Chair and the bylaws modification.

2 Roll Call Apologies from the Members (if any)

see above

3 Designation of a Chair for the present meeting

C Samuel offered to preside the meeting and it was accepted by consensus of the participants.

4 Adoption of the Meeting Summary of the last meeting EN ES

C Aguirre remarked that the Spanish version was missing and pointed to the decision to agree about the incorporation of a permanent Chair for the next LACRALO meetings.

5 Review of the Action Items(Staff to follow up on the suggested modification of the LACRALO bylaws (i.e., creation of a chair position).

C Samuel explained that there was no intent not to elect a permanent Chair but it had to be dedcided at the General Assembly in order to comply with the procedure. On that same day, they could vote a Chair. He added that there was already a proposal drafted by Andres Piazza on that matter.

Staff action item: H Ulrich said she would follow up on that issue

6 Staff Announcements: Open Public Comment Periods

It was referred to the draft applicant guidebook and the public comment period as well as to the Alac mid-term Review Report response.
Recently submitted ALAC Response to the Mid-Point Consultation Report on the ALAC Review(PDF)

Staff action item : At Large Staff will verify the closure date

C Samuel urged the participants to use the link he had circulated in order to connect themselves directly onto the links of the public postures that can attract comments.
He urged the members to use it and to register themselves.

Staff action item: H Ullrich said she would post the link back

H Ullrich announced that a briefing session would be held by ICANN staff on the new gTLDs on 19 December 2008 and that a transcript as well as a recording would be available later on.

7. Review of current status of ALS applications

Due Diligence is taking place on 4 outstanding applications. The Chair asked the participants to forward additional data details, if available, concerning their internet contact data for the ALSes whose communication channels were currently failing. It was reminded that a working email was a prerequisite for certification and voting entitlement. Participants commented that Internauta Venezuela had reported a problem with their server.

Action item: get accurate contact details for the AUI-Peru and Internauta Venezuela.

8. Introduction of new regional manager for At-Large Heidi Ullrich

H Ullrich specified that she would act as a coordinator between the ALSes, the RALOs and ALAC.

9. Update on the Summit (Summit WG members)

S Herlein Leite will give a report after the next WG meeting due on 23 December 2008.

C Samuel urged to submit topic proposals for the GA and said that the participants could still join the planification WG. He said that a maximum of the ALSes should participate.

Action items: propose agenda items in the discussion list before 31 January 2009.

H Ullrich added that the final agenda for the GA would be adopted after 31 January.

S Salinas suggested the creation of working group commissions in order to present a common position for the region by topics, apart from the discussion lists. C Samuel insisted that the documents should be available for translation into English as well if official and said he could upgrade the LACRALO wiki to create sub-groups.

The meeting closed at 22:30 (UTC)