Meeting Summary 15 May 2008 en

Meeting Summary 15 May 2008 en

Participants : W Davalos, S Salinas Porto, S Herlein Leite, C Samuels, V Scartezini, R Medina, J Barzalos, D Juggernauth
Apologies : M Altamira, A Piazza, C Aguirre
Staff : F Teboul, N Asthon-Hart, M Langenegger, P Hinojosa

Minutes taken by the Staff in the first instance.

The Chair called the meeting to order at 1335 UTC.

The agenda and the meeting summary of the last meeting were adopted.

The Chair thanked the At-Large Staff for the Spanish translation of the minutes and expressed his confidence that this will have a positive effect on the participation of the Spanish-speaking community within LACRALO.

LACRALO ALS applications

The Chair informed the participants that there were currently two ALS applications from the region: ACUI from Colombia and ADIAR form Argentina. ADIAR was accepted by the ALAC a couple of days ago. The Chair noted that is was ISOC Latin America, which did an inquiry on behalf of LACRALO and advised to approve both applications.

The Staff raised a concern in this respect. He asked the LACRALO members to be cautious about the fact that a third party gave regional advice on an ALS application that seemed to be incomplete and missing some important elements. He further noted that in doing so LACRALO gives a great deal of influence on defining what LACRALO is to third parties.

The Chair presented his views on the Application process in general and the regional advice in particular. He noted that there were great difficulties for LACRALO to give regional advice on some of the ALS applicants since LACRALO is not represented in every country of the region. He said he looked forward to discussing the issue more in detail at the Secretariat Meeting in Paris.

S Ricciardi said that he believed it was not unorthodox to consult a third party about the evaluation of an ALS application and that it should in fact be encouraged.
V Scartezini suggested asking ICANN’s Regional Manager for Latin America, P Hinojosa, to review the application.

The Staff noted that ICANN’s Regional Manager did the Due Diligence for the two applications and was therefore already part of the process. He further noted that the regional advice is not currently considered to be in the purview of the regional manager since it was believed that this shall not be done by the same person.

S Salinas Porto will approach the applicant (ACUI) and inquire about the outstanding responses.

The Staff will forward the questions that were sent to the applicant to S Salinas Porto.

LACRALO Accountability framework

The Chair noted that he published part of the ALAC Accountability Framework document on the mailing list. Unfortunately the document is currently only available in English. It will, however, soon be available in Spanish so that LACRALO can start working on its proper Accountability Framework.

The Staff noted that the code of conduct section still needs some amendments. ICANN’s legal section reviewed the document recently and noted that it was still too broad.

The Staff pointed out that there will soon be survey on multilingualism posted on ICANN’s website and encouraged the LACRALO members to participate. He noted that if the survey resulted in a strong demand for documents in languages other than English, there would be a strong likelihood that this would be reflected in ICANN’s Budget.

The Chair took up the point made by the Staff and urged the LACRALO members to participate in ICANN and the ALAC mailing lists directly. He further expressed his desire to have LACRALO contribute more to the policy process and encouraged the members to read the policy-related documents that are posted on the website and the mailing list.


The Chair noted that the window of opportunity to have a LACRALO General Assembly before the Paris meeting is fast receding and that he will inform the LACRALO members about any evolution on the subject.

Next LACRALO Teleconference

The next LACRALO teleconference will be on 12 June at 1300 UTC.