Meeting Summary 15 January 2009 en
LACRALO – 15 January 2009 monthly meeting – summary minutes EN
Participants: D Anand Teelucksingh, C Samuel, D Jaggernaught, V Scartezini, JL Barzallo, W Davalos, A Medina Gomez, J Ovidio Salgueiro, C Aguirre, D Monastersky, J Arte, A Bastanchuri
Staff: H Ullrich, N Ashton-Hart
1. Adoption of the Agenda
V Scartezini moved to adopt the draft agenda and JL Barzallo seconded the move, The draft agenda was adopted for the meeting.
H Ullrich mentioned that the links she had added to it and the modification of the LACRALO rules of procedures of A Piazza they lead to.
2. Roll Call Apologies from the Members (if any)
The meeting started at 21:20 (18:27 on recording) when the quorum was reached, see above for the list of participants.
3. Designation of a Chair for the meeting
C Samuel was designated to chair the meeting
4. Adoption of the Meeting Summary of the last meeting EN ES
The summary minutes of 18 December were adopted by consensus
5. Review of the Action Items EN
C Samuel said that the closure date for the comments on the response to the ALAC mid-point consultation report had been duly circulated to the list and ALAC had voted positively on the ALAC draft statement on it,
Several links have been added to the agenda, one of them about public comments outstanding periods on ICANN issues. By clicking on ‘announcement’, Spanish speakers will find a Spanish version, when available.
Nothing new has been communicated to staff regarding the email addresses of AUI-Peru and Internauta Venezuela
there is so far only one proposal from A Piazza regarding the Mexico GA proposals for topics: A Piazza’s proposal for modification of Art 4 of LACRALO rules of procedures for establishing a permanent chair.
6. Staff Announcements
Two links have been added to the draft agenda of LACRALO 15 January 2009:
a resource page for Alac statement on new gTLD guidebook
a link to the public comment periods announcement. Currently IRTP comment period is open to public consultation.
Open Public Comment periods (see:
- New gTLD Guidebook - Discussion on the ALAC statement on the new gTLD Applicant Guidebook - ICANN staff briefing session of 19 December 2008
7. Review of current status of ALS applications
staff and ALSs will try to contact the national governments of AIU-Peru and Internet Venezuela so as to obtain more information regarding a valid contact email address for these two solicitants.
8. Update on Mexico summit
H Ullrich announced the 5 working groups for the At-Large summit and the names of their respective leads
a. At-Large engagement in Icann, goal, organization, relationship, review, strategic planning, internet individual user participation etc.
(Fatima Seye Sylla, H Diakite, C Langdon-Orr)
b. Future structure and governance of ICANN, improving the institutional confidence process
(S Bacholet, V Scartezini)
c. New gTLDs, including the IDN gTLDs
(K Koubaa and possibly E Leibovitch – waiting for his answer)
d. Icann transparency and accountability
(W Ludwig, A Peake)
e. DNS security issues within ICANN remit
(P Vande Walle, L Donnerhacke)
The leads will be working with staff to create Adobe conference rooms that will be set before 23 January.
D Jaggernaugh has not received either the first or the second survey for the summit and He referred to the email error message received by others when trying to complete the 2nd survey, as well as to the staff@XXXXXXXX staff contact address.
C Samuel explained that the ALSs received a link to a website for the first survey and consequently, the second survey was sent directly to the email address of the contact person from the ALSs that had responded to the 1st survey. The decision was not to send the 2nd survey to those who had failed to answer the 1st one.
Regarding the technical difficulties some experienced when answering to the 2nd survey, C Samuel referred to his email on 9 January to LACRALO list and reminded that it was an obligation for ALSs to provide staff with a current official contact email address.
When an email official contact addresses is modified, staff must be informed immediately to any of the following email addresses: (M Langenegger also speaks Spanish)
‘xxxx…’ in an email address only served to obscure the email address on the posted application to avoid spam with public documents. This email address appears in plain text for the staff and the email address has to be validated with staff.
The travel window for the summit is opened since 14 January and participants to the summit have up to 18 January to return the information to the travel agent at Their tickets must be purchased by 23 January
Staff will post a list of all the ALSs in LACRALO that have responded to the first survey and of those that have received the travel information, so as to clear up the discrepancies.
The LACRALO GA and all the other RALO’s GAs will take place concurrently on 3 March 2009 between 9 am and 1 pm.
Staff will set up shortly a mailing list for those who are attending the Mexico Summit. This will serve as a channel to distribute specific information to the travelers and there will be a contact number and email address to join the specialized meeting planners contracted to help with the logistics. There will be Spanish native speakers among the contracted planners: KCA.
Participants are reminded that they have up to 31 January to propose subjects for their General Assembly at Mexico on the LACRALO address list.
End of the meeting.