19 April 2010 ALAC ExCom
ALAC Executive Committee Teleconference
Date: Monday 19 April 2010
Time: 2000 - 2130 UTC (For the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL.EXCO/CC.0410/1
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Action Items: EN
Interpretation: None
Recording: English
Adobe Connect: http://icann.na3.acrobat.com/alacexcom2010/
Standing Agenda Items
1. Follow-up on the action items of the 31 March 2010 Executive Committee Meeting
2. Review and Revise Timelines on the Policy Advice Development Calendar (Carlton)
The following open consultations are not presently scheduled for an At-Large response, would the ALAC like any of these to be added to the Policy Advice Development Calendar?
- Recommendation on Reconsideration Request 10-1 (ends 19 May 10)
- Draft FY11 Community Travel Support Guidelines (ends 7 May 2010)
- GNSO Policy Development Process on Vertical Integration Between Registries and Registrars (ends 18 April 2010) Feedback to the full Executive Committee from its members on the Vertical Integration list on the 'State of Play"
Update on the following consultations, which ALAC has agreed to submit a statement:
- Registry Service Request from Verizon - ALAC draft statement on RSTEP (to begin 5 day vote on 19 April 10)
- Whois Accuracy (ended 15 April 2010) - ALAC draft statement
- Whois Service Requirements Initial Report (deadline 17 May 2010) - ALAC draft statement
- Report of Possible Process Options for Further Consideration of the ICM Application for the .XXX sTLD (ends 10 May 10) - On 31 March the Executive Committee agreed that the ALAC should develop a statement. The Statement should be a brief reiteration, including: “We support to carry it out in an expedient manner. We would like to see it settled quickly and in a defendable manner.” Drafting to be owned by the new gTLD WG and ALAC.
Item for Information
3. Upcoming Board Meeting Agenda specifics and general information sharing (Vanda)
Items for Decision
4. ALAC Statements Related to IDNs
- The public consultations on IDN Variantsand IDN 3 Character ended on 1 April 2010. ALAC draft statement.
- Chairs Draft Interim Paper on the Introduction of IDN ccTLDs (deadline 2 April)
- The public consultation on the Proposed Implementation Plan for Synchronized IDN ccTLDs (extended to 17 April 2010) - H. Xue submitted individual comments submitted to the public consultation. On 31 March the Executive Commitee agreed that the APRALO statement being drafted by H. Xue is to be incorporated into an ALAC statement to be drafted by J. Seng.
J. Seng and H. Xue are drafting a combined ALAC statement on the four IDN public consultations. Does the Executive Committee wish to start a 5 day vote on these statements as soon as the statement is completed?
5. Upcoming At-Large Webinar and Single Issue Calls
a. At-Large Webinar - Next steps
During the 37th ICANN Meeting in Nairobi, the ALAC agreed to hold an At-Large Webinar prior to the 38th ICANN Meeting in Brussels. The ALAC Chair has requested that the Executive Committee review the timing, process and key content issues prior to seeking the agreement of the ALAC.
i. Timing - It is proposed that the At-Large Webinar be held during the first half of June. Does the Executive Committee agree with this timing?
ii. Schedule - Scott Pinzon has prepared a suggested schedule for organizing this webinar. Does the Executive Committee agree with following this schedule?
iii Content - The proposed structure of the webinar is: 1) Introduction to At-Large/ALAC; 2) Role of At-Large in ICANN policy development process; 3) Discussion of two
At-Large policy 'victories'; 4) How to join At-Large.
Does the Executive Committee agree with this general outline?
b. Single Issue Calls
The Executive Committee has requested the At-Large staff to organize two At-Large community single issue calls:
1) ALS Engagement and 2) Global Outreach.
Which weeks would the Executive Committee like to schedule these calls?
Items for Discussion
6. At-Large Improvements Implemenation - Update and Next Steps
a. Shift in Primary Agents of Implementation
Feedback from the Strengthening Working Groups and At-Large Improvements Teleconference of 8 April 2010
b. Review of At-Large Implementation Project Plan (see: Proj%20plan_rev%205%20(20100418).pdf )
c. Next Steps - Implementation of initial tasks
Simplified At-Large Improvements Outline
7. At-Large Director Selection Process- Update
Response from ICANN Legal Department on documents
- Draft BCEC operating principles
- Draft Statement of Interest
- Draft Confidential Applicant Reference Form
- Draft Mandatory and Desirable Applicant Characteristics
8. Issues for 27 April 2010 ALAC Agenda
What issues does the Executive Committee wish to place on the ALAC agenda of 27 April 2010?
9. Trusted Community Representatives - Outreach =/- any formal selection process and/or creation of a wiki - 5 mins
Message on Trusted Community Representatives from Doug Brent, ICANN COO
Trusted Community Representatives announcement
10. Update on Accountability and Transparency Review Team - 5 mins (Cheryl)
At-Large Workspace on Accountability and Transparency Review Team
11. Update on SO/AC New gTLD Applicant Support Working Group - 5 mins (Cheryl)
12. Any Other Business