Meeting Summary 13 June 2008
Summary Minutes AFRALO Minutes 13 June 2008
Participants: H Diakite (Chair of the meeting), D Kasole. Aziz,
Staff: F Teboul, M Langenegger, N Ashton-Hart
Meeting Summary
H Diakite gave a short summary of the last meeting and welcomed Aziz to his first AFRALO teleconference.
Action Items
F Teboul gave an update on the activities he has undertaken to increase the participation in AFRALO since the last. The participants discussed different mechanism such as text messaging that could help to increase the participation within the region.
The At-Large Staff will meet with representatives from AFRALO during the ICANN Paris meeting to discuss different mechanisms.
The Staff will coordinate an AFRALO/Staff meeting in Paris.
D Kasole suggested calling every ALS representative before the call to make sure he or she is informed about the call.
There was some discussion about missing member contact information. The Staff reminded the APRALO members that it is the obligation of the ALSes to distribute their current contact information within the region.
H Diakite noted that she did not have the time to make a presentation on At-Large and the role of ALSes at the AfriNIC meeting but that she was looking forward to next year when she will be able to make such a presentation.
When asked if there was a possibility to have an African ALS Face-to-face meeting, the Staff noted that this was part of At-Large’s Budget proposal but that it was at this stage not possible to comment on it as the Board will not take a decision on the budget before the Paris meeting.
The Chair then adjourned the meeting.