Meeting Summary 04 February 2009
The key follow-up items for today’s AFRALO call are:
Regional Advice
The regional advice on the three candidate ALSes (Bokk Jang Bokk Jef, CAPDA and FMAI) was discussed and accepted (see various comments attached). There was a request to have the concerns of FMAI’s associate members noted in the regional advice to ALAC.
Summit Activities
Hawa described the various summit activities being planned.
Hawa requested an African speaker for the E-crimes workshop. It was agreed that I would send the SWG version (i.e., without names) out on the Afri-Discuss list so they have more information on the workshop. After noting that the speaker would likely not be a technical expert, it was agreed (although I think this will need to be confirmed), that they would ask Khaled. However, they said that another AFRALO ALS would prepare the presentation as they were greater experts (I need to follow up on this).
I informed them of the Poster Session and that it was important that all ALSes bring relevant material with them. I posted the detailed note that Wolf prepared on the poster session onto Afri-Discuss and asked them to contact Wolf if they had questions .
Mohamed volunteered to be a facilitator on an IDN session. I will ask Hong to get in contact with him.
GA Agenda
They adopted the suggested GA agenda.
They also agreed that they would meet over breakfast on Sunday, March 1 to further discuss/coordinate the AFRALO GA.
Visa Issues
They were all extremely concerned about the lack of forward movement on obtaining visas. Several had not received letters of invitation yet. I sent Alex a list of who had yet to receive a letter. I’ve communicated with KCA, BCD and Stacy on the issue of visas and transit visas.
Skype AFRALO Chat Room
Hawa requested that an AFRALO chat room be developed so they could use this during AFRALO meetings and in between meetings. She said Matthias has all of their Skype addresses. Matthias, could you please set this up?