Meeting Summary 06 August 2008

Meeting Summary 06 August 2008

Participants: A Menda, H Diakite, K Kouba, A Hilali, Philemon, F Seye Sylla, D Kanole, Y Atohoun
Staff: F Teboul, N Ashton-Hart, M Langenegger
Apologies: P Jansen, A Levin, M El Bashir
Absent: none

The meeting began at 1312 UTC with the designation of H Diakite as the Chair of the meeting.

Welcome to MACSIS

The recently adopted ALS was formally welcomed to AFRALO.

There were some question regarding the ALS application process and Staff gave a short review of the process. The ALS application process document can be found here (pdf)

K Kouba suggested that a regional vote should be incorporated in the application process to make sure the region is in favor of the applicant. He noted that simply sending an email to the mailing list was not enough to establish a regional consensus on an application.

AMENDMENT: H Diakite wanted to add the following:
If there is no response from the regional representatives, Staff should send additional emails to let them know that a response is being requested.

Staff announcements:

Open public consultation periods:

Amendments to the Registrar Accreditation Agreements (RAA)

The relevant documents will be posted in French and Spanish shortly. The official public consultation period has already ended but the Staff person responsible for the RAA is informed and said that he would accept public comments in French until the end of August.

The Staff encouraged interested AFRALO members to join the RAA working group. There were no volunteers.

At-Large Review

The open consultation will end on 12 September. Please find information related to the At-Large review here: http://www.icann.org/en/reviews/alac/alac-21jun08.htm

Code of Conduct for Board of Directors

This open consultation period on this matter will end on 29 October. The Staff will explore the possibility of translating the relevant documents into French.

Joint Project Agreement (JPA)

The Staff noted that the results of the open consultation on the JPA, which recently ended will shortly be published.

Travel Policy Guidelines

The final form on the Travel Policy Guidelines will also be posted shortly

Upcoming Briefing Sessions:

Presentations on the following issues are currently being planned:

Amendments to the Registrar Accreditation Agreements (RAA) (later in August)

IANA's activities and its relationship with the United States Department of Commerce (later in August)

Registrar impersonation in phishing attacks (later in August)

DNS response modification (tentatively scheduled 17 September 1300 UTC)

All the presentations will be interpreted into Spanish and French and recordings will be available afterwards. Interested participants should follow the instructions on the invitations that will be sent shortly.

Improving regional communications (ALS in Africa)/ Interactions with Other RALOS

H Diakite suggested having a dedicated mailing list for ALS representatives only.

The Staff will create an AFRALO mailing list for ALS representative. This list will only include the presidents of the African ALSes.

It was suggested to create a regional organization with a chair and a secretariat, chosen among ALS representatives, similar to the other regional organizations that seemed to be working better.

H Diakite encouraged the AFRALO members to participate more actively in the mailing list discussions.

Review of the Action Items : Discussions ALAC review

NOTE BY STAFF: The following statement was added to the meeting summary follwing a request by F Seye Sylla:
It was suggested that AFRALO should work towards a statement to support the nomination of some ALAC members by the NomCom at least for Africa because of the scarcity and unavailability of African experts who can easily be volunteers, among the ALS.

H Diakite noted that it was important that everybody read the relevant documents.

The documents can be found here: http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-25jul08-en.htm

Discuss the Points raised in Alan Levin's email (5 August 2008)

Due to time constraints, it was decided that the points raised in Alan Levin’s email would be discussed on the mailing list. With regards to his suggestion to have the monthly AFRALO meeting, the Staff will send out an email to the mailing list in order to find an alternative slot for the standing monthly meetings, which would allow A Levin to participate.