Meeting Summary 03 September 2008
Participants: H Diakite, M El Bashir, T Drakes, F Seye Sylla, A Hilali
Apologies: D Kasole, K Koubaa, A Levin
Staff: F Teboul, N Ashton-Hart, M Langenegger
Summary minutes provided by Staff in the first instance.
The meeting began at 1318 UTC with the designation of H Diakite as the Chair of the meeting.
Adoption of the Summary Minutes 6 August
H Diakite added an item that was missing in the last agenda (see Summary Minutes 06 August under “Welcome MACSIS”)
Action Items 6 August
It was noted that noted that one action item was missing: K Koubaa said that he would write the draft AFRALO rules of procedures and by-laws. This items was added to this month’s action item.
With regards to the new internal AFRALO mailing list that has been requested at the last meeting, Staff noted that it has been created and will be used for Staff announcements to the region as of now. All AFRALO ALS representatives will be automatically added to this list.
F Teboul will follow up with the ALS representatives to find a new slot for the monthly teleconfernece (see
ALAC Review
T Drakes from the ALAC Review working group was welcomed to the discussion.
With regards to the discussions on the ALAC Review at the Paris meeting, it was noted that the African view on the number of NomCom candidates was different from other RALOs in that it welcomed the suggestion of the reviewers to increase the number of NomCom members appointed by the ALAC. She wondered what should be the rationale for a region to have more NomCom representatives. Is it the size of the region, the number of regional Internet users or the number of ALSes?
T Drakes suggested that a global survey of the ALSes opinion on the ALAC review could be prepared to ensure that they all can voice their opinions on this issue. This would probably not be possible before the Cairo meeting but it could be arranged between Cairo and New Mexico.
F Seye Sylla said that she shared the opinion held by the other regions that the ALAC Board Liaison should have voting rights in the Board.
The participants were invited to join the community-wide discussion on the ALAC review scheduled on September 9th at 1300.
Staff Announcements:
Staff reminded the AFRALO members about the election of regional ALAC representatives. An email outlining the suggested regional election process was sent to the region on August 22nd (click here to see the email). Staff will resend the email to the list and asked the region to specify the election process they want to adopt.
Staff pointed to a couple of upcoming events:
- Presentation of the Board Candidates
- Discussion on Travel Procedures and ALAC Review
- DNS Response Modification
The meeting was then adjourned.