Meeting Summary 11 June 2009
1/ The summary minutes of 3 May 2009 were adopted without any alteration. Tijani will be presiding the meeting today
2/ Follow-up on the ALS self-evaluation / participation criteria for AFRALO ALS
AFRALO Rapport Auto-Evaluation rev 1.HDdoc-EN.doc
H Diakite and M El Bashir will work together in Sydney to define a set of participation criteria and a plan for future actions.
3/ Draft AFRALO By-Laws
H Diakite has made a few comments since the last time.
AFRALO agrees not to ask for member fees as it is now confirmed that that would be in contradiction with the principles outlined in the ICANN bylaws.
H Ullrich will not have much time to work on a compilation of all the suggestions as she is busy with the preparation of the upcoming Sydney meeting and after that she will be absent from work in July. She agrees to contact Khaled and see with him whether he can, with the help of Yaovi, complete the bylaws document. If he cannot do it, she will try to send a short summary of AFRALO suggested amendments.
4/ Capacity Building
AFRALO Capacity Building - June 2009 - Revised - EN.doc
In the absence of Michel, Gabriel gave an overview of the situation with that. The AFRALO members are urged to send him proposals for the topics of the Teleconferences briefings. Liaison officers or other knowledgeable people will present these briefings. Anne-Rachelle, the African liaison, has agreed to contact the ALS and see with them about possible briefings that she could give. D Kasole wants them to remain general and adapted to the ALS’s needs. He thinks they should be in two parts, one being a short presentation on the subject and the second, a short discussion with the participants. Yaovi would like one briefing about the ICANN three-monthly international meetings. F Seye Sylla asked him to add that idea to the list of proposed topics. D Kasole will make a compilation of all the proposals and try to arrange with staff for AFRALO to have its first teleconference briefing at the next AFRALO teleconference. H Ullrich will send an email to each ALS to remind them that they should propose briefing topics to Didier. She suggested a series of possible topics : ICANN international meeting in Sydney and follow up for Seoul, security of the DNS, Draft budget and operational plan FY10, new gTLDs application guidelines, root server and DNSSEC, etc. However, the briefing topics should be chosen in function of the ICANN public consultation planning and the time left for comments.
5/ ICANN currently open public consultation
The ALAC has drafted a new declaration concerning the travel support guidelines (see : Travel Supportnbsp – deadline for comments is 6 July). The ALAC draft response will be sent to the AFRALO discussion list.
Furthermore, ALAC has designed a new wiki page that allows the members to see the status of the different topics that ALAC is dealing with.
The AFRALO participants think that in order for AFRALO to contribute with the substance of the ALAC declarations, there should be a mechanism that would allocate the subjects to the members in function of their knowledge of them. For example, if an AFRALO member is specialized in the ccTLD or gTLD issues, he should be in charge of them within AFRALO. Besides, the members who know very well a certain topic could give a briefing on that topic.
6/ Sydney - At-Large Meeting Agendas - ICANN Meeting Schedule
The program of the meetings in Sydney is available in English, French, and Spanish on the ICANN site (follow the link).
D Kasole will represent AFRALO in the meetings between the RALO secretariats planned on 25 June 2009. That meeting will be focused on the compromise
of the RALO with the work on ICANN policies, best practice principles for outreach and strategies for recruiting new ALSes and consumer organizations in the RALOs as well as sharing resources among the RALOs. During that meeting between the secretariats, D kasole will present the two new AFRALO documents: the one on the ALSes’ self-appraisals and the one on the Capacity building effort. F Seye Sylla asked him to speak about the AFRALO enterprise regarding the draft AFRALO bylaws.
7/ Travel support
F Seye Sylla reminds that it is high time for the RALOs to adopt a common position and that any RALO request will benefit from the support of all the other RALOs. With regard to AFRALO specific request for transfer of the travel support to another RALO member in case the original beneficiary cannot do the trip, F Seye Sylla stresses the fact that this time she will not be able to go to Sydney and that, as rules have not changed, there will be one AFRALO representative less in Sydney. She says that this topic should be brought up on the Sunday, 21 June meeting in Sydney. Didier, Hawa and Mohamed will be the only AFRALO representatives in the Sydney ICANN meeting.
8/ Open Public Comments
The mp3 record files and the PowerPoint files regarding the three current briefings: IRT, SSAR and FY10 will be available on the wiki shortly after the briefings.
9/ Mapping of AFRALO ALSes (
Each ALS will receive online a form with questions to answer concerning its membership, its structure for governance, communication tools and the ICANN topics of particular interest to its members. This information will be published on the for AFRALO.
10/ Recent ALAC activities
H Ullrich gave an overview of the topics that are currently dealt with at ALAC :
Travel support guidelines
Applicant guidelines for new gTLD
Future structure and governance of ICANN
At-Large participation in the ICANN organization
Transparency and responsibility within ICANN
Security of the DNS
Supplementary comment draft on PSC
Final review of the IRT WG
Budget and operational draft plan FY10
Resiliency and Security draft report
F Seye Sylla regrets not to receive some details about the ALAC position on these topics and the points on which AFRALO contribution is needed. It is important to receive some information on ALAC discussions in order for AFRALO to become fully operational.
Yaovi adds that sometimes he has no time for reading the emails and he wishes that the briefings speak about the topics mentioned in these emails as they come along.
11/ Recent activities of the other RALOs
The other RALO are in full preparation of the Sydney international meeting. EURALO has designed a special wiki page where members can mention the regional meetings external to ICANN where EURALO can send EURALO representatives to these events and try recruit there new ALSes. AFRALO agrees that it is important to increase the number of ALSes also in the African region.
12/ AOB
H Ullrich will see whether ISOC Benin is also featured on AFRALO
H Ullrich will advise AFRALO through the discussion list as soon as the summary minutes of this teleconference are available.