Dave Kissoondoyal

Dave Kissoondoyal

Dave Kissoondoyal has been appointed as an At Large Advisory Committee member from Africa. Dave will be an invaluable asset to the ALAC given his experience in Internet governance and the Internet Society, whose Mauritius chapter he founded. Dave is Director of Information Technology at Apolloblake Ltd.

Previously, Dave was Director of Information Technology at Teleforma (Mauritius), Ltd - A US Upstream Company. Dave was also Group Technical Director and Chief Technology Officer for the Bowman Group of Companies. Dave is a member of the Public Interest Registry .ORG Advisory Council, a member of the African Stakeholders Network (ASN) of the United Nations Information and Communication Technologies Task Force and has been an Ambassador of the Internet Society to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).

Dave's other volunteer work includes acting at different times as Secretary, Treasurer and President (CEO) of Save the Children Mauritius. He also founded the Internet Society of Mauritius and is its president.

Dave's education background includes a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Technology Mauritius, a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management from the Mauritius Institute of Management / University of Surrey, United Kingdom, Certificate in electronics from the University of Mauritius, Certificate in Telecommunications and Electronics from the City and Guilds of London Institute. He speaks English, French and Hindi.

Supplementary information is available on his profile at http://www.linkedin.com/in/mauritius.