Teleconference 29th Jan

Teleconference 29th Jan



Africa Region

January Teleconference – 29th January 2007


Participants: P Jansen, A Menda, R Tankeu, A Jamari, D Kasole, A Levin, S Sandford-Smith (Staff), N Ashton-Hart (Staff)
Absent: A Muniya
Absent with conflict/technical difficulties: Clement, Mohammed
Minutes by: ICANN At-Large Staff
Meeting scheduled start: 13:30 GMT. Called to order at 13:30 GMT.


MoU text
Next steps towards RALO formation


Brief discussion about who should chair the meeting. Nick said that he would be happy to do it but that it would be more appropriate for one of the ALS representatives to be chair. It was agreed that Pierre would chair the meeting.
Pierre and Alan ran through points to be discussed and the agenda (above) was agreed. Nick announced that there would be funding to enable one person from each ALS to attend the Lisbon meeting to allow the AFRALO to meet, have a signing ceremony of the MoU with ICANN, and participate in the other parts of the ICANN meeting.


Each participant introduced themselves with their name and the ALS they represent


Nick asked if all the ALSes knew what an MoU was and what it was in the context of ICANN. He went on to briefly explain that as each region is different with different languages, cultures etc their MoUs would all be slightly different. The idea is that each region can use the MoU to design the relationship with ICANN in the way that best suits the region.

Pierre suggested that Alan begin talking about the background to the African MoU as he had been involved with it’s text from inception.

Alan explained that 3 ALSes had had an ad hoc meeting at ICANN Morocco and had agreed to form an African RALO and then incorporate other ALSes when they could. They agreed that they would operated virtually if they were not able to meet physically and that they would not go out actively looking for members. Alan stated that he feels that other ALSes have agreed with the principles they initially set out. It was pointed out by ICANN staff that they would need to approve ALS representatives.

Alan stated that the current MoU has been checked by ICANN’s legal department and that if everyone can agree on the text as it stands the RALO can probably become effective in the next few weeks. He stated that much of the language is the same as agreed to when the groups became ALSes and that all the ALSes will be interacting through an appointed Secretary who will be elected on a bi-annual basis. This Secretary would manage a process of email elections like ISOC handles emails for board elections.

Nick explained that the reason for the insertion of the language about regional engagement relating to applications is that regions will be much better able to judge if an application should be approved or not and that each community/region should be able to control who is in it. There will still be regional liaisons who complete a due diligence form where they investigate organisations against applications which provides support to regions.

Pierre said that we need to understand why the MOU is important he said that it is about the guidelines for the region’s interaction with ICANN and also about the community’s self and involvement.

Alan asked if there was anybody that had a problem with the current draft of the MOU, or any areas for suggestion for improvement. There were no issues raised.

Pierre asked the participants to confirm that they had seen and read the original African MoU and the LAC MoU. Nick stated that the LAC MoU had been forwarded for information only and that the African ALSes were under no obligation to use the same text, the African text has been sent to legal and they have not had any issues with it.

Nick stated that if the current document was accepted by everyone he would send it to ICANN legal and it then gets sent out for public comment as was standard in the case of major agreements which ICANN was proposing to undertake.

Next steps to formation:

Alan pointed out that the MoU had already gone through revisions and as there were only a couple of revisions to include now he asked if Nick would be able to send the current MoU out today. It was agreed that Nick would forward the LAC MoU, the revised African MoU and the red inked African MoU to the ALSes within the next few hours.

Nick said that once an MoU text was agreed there would be a signing ceremony in Lisbon for those ALSes present. Each ALS would have one person to sign with one representative from each ALS being funded by ICANN At-Large to attend the meeting.

It was suggested that a vote was not actually necessary as ALSes either agree to the revisions or don’t and if they don’t they will make comments on the document as requested.

It was agreed that if there is no objections raised before 15th February it will be assumed that everyone is in agreement with the updated MoU and it will be adopted. Nick stated that this would allow for a 30 day comment period which would still leave enough time to complete that in time for the Lisbon signing and entry into force of the agreement at the Lisbon meeting.

Pierre asked about having the African ALSes meet before Lisbon and Nick suggested that they could simply come to Lisbon a day early and that by not having two separate meetings we could probably extend the stay in Lisbon for everyone. Because the African region has not met before and there are not very many ALSes it will probably be possible to fund their being present for the entire ICANN meeting. If a pre-meeting were to be held somewhere in Africa the extra cost might mean that attendance at Lisbon by the same ALS community members would be for a shorter period.

Alan agreed that it made sense to meet in Lisbon at the ICANN meeting and suggested that it would provide an opportunity to deal with other issues around the RALO. Nick suggested that we can also arrange meetings/training sessions where delegates can gain greater understanding on policies under review and meet members of the many other ICANN constituencies.

Jamarie requested that a discussion was held online and an agenda finalised prior to the ALSes meeting early, on the 24th, March in Lisbon for the pre launch meeting.

Alan agreed and suggested that communication take place via the email lists that have been set up.

Nick will see if he can get hold of a 1 page summary on the various policy issues next week at his meeting with the rest of the Policy Unit and he suspects that if the ALSes want to have specific information/meetings he is sure that the ICANN policy staff will be happy to arrange them.

Pierre confirmed that ICANN will take care of logistics for the meeting and recapped - we agree on the MoU online, the send to ICANN and on clearance from the legal department the document will go out for public comment. We all agree a meeting should happen at Lisbon culminating in an official signing of the MoU.


ALAC representatives

Pierre stated that ALAC is also one of the places where the RALO should be sending representatives and said that there is a slot for 3 members from Africa. 2 appointed by the ICANN board until the RALO is formed, at which point the region would elect the two reps, on staggered terms.

Alan asked that assuming all goes smoothly and the MoU gets signed in Lisbon. At what point do we elect representatives for ALAC and how this had worked for LAC and if they had elected their reps as soon as the RALO had been incorporated?

Nick explained that because LAC’s representatives had decided that they had been in office for long enough LAC elected its 2 representatives at the same time and because of this they had had to stagger the length of their terms.

Pierre asked how we replace ALAC reps as he felt he had served for long enough and pointed out that the position appointed by NomCom was coming to an end. He felt that this should be discussed in Lisbon.

Nick said that the NomCom position would end in October this year.

Alan asked for confirmation from Pierre that he would be stepping down on signing of the MoU.

Pierre replied that he would and that Alice had indicated to him that she may be interested in stepping down.

Alan clarified that Alice is NomCom and Clement and Pierre are ICANN appointed
Nick pointed out that everyone should have seen the email from the board saying Clement should be replaced because he has not lived up to minimum participation requirements for ALAC members. The ALSes should expect to put someone forward and there was nothing to stop them appointing someone short term and then electing them to continue for a full term in Lisbon.

It was generally agreed that after the 15th February candidates would be asked to step forward for the two elected ALAC positions so that discussion of this could be started online in advance of the Lisbon election.

Funding the RALO

Pierre stated that it was necessary to sort out a budget for the RALO.

Nick replied that this is a common concern and all the regions are concerned with what material and technical support they can expect from ICANN. Nick stated that he prepares the budget for the next year running June to June and that ALSes/regions should comment on what budget/support they need. Nick suggested that the RALOs would need 1 full time member of staff to support them and that this member of staff would most probably be based geographically close to himself and shared by the regions. He suggested that it would be useful to discuss in Lisbon what support would be needed/how many meetings would need to be held each year etc.

Pierre replied that this could be discussed online as it was necessary to discuss as a group before we coming back to Nick with a proposal for needs.
Meeting adjourned at 14:24GMT


We all agreed: from Alan

  • Nick will resend the MOU ('cleaned up version')
  • We will have until February 15 to agree or send other comments
  • The MOU will go the ICANN for public comment (before Lisbon)
  • We will all meet in Lisbon to launch the RALO and elect a Secretary and 2 replacement ALAC members
  • ICANN will assist with all logistics
  • to send any questions or comments to this mailing list, especially any suggestions with respect to the agenda for our meetings
  • suggest nominees for election at Lisbon