Travel Information

Travel Information

Welcome to the Travel Advice Page for Lisbon attendees!

We will keep updating you with information about your trip as it becomes available so check back often. Note that if you have a web browser which supports RSS, you can subscribe to this page (or any other page on this site) to keep completely up-to-date.


All members of the African ALS Community who are travelling to Lisbon will be staying at:

Hotel Acores Lisboa
Avenida Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro, 3
1070-060 Lisboa
Tel : +351 21 722 29 20
Fax : +351 21 722 29 29

As always, you will be asked for a credit card when you check in for incidentals.

Breakfast is included in the cost of the room, which is being paid directly by ICANN. If you are told otherwise, dispute it and inform the check in staff you are certain ICANN is paying. Please then let the ICANN At-Large travel staff know by email at travel-staff@atlarge-lists.icann.org and we'll ensure you are not charged.

Note that hotel costs for African ALS participants cover the nights of 23 - 29 March only. You are welcome to stay before and after, but the costs of doing so will be paid by you when you check out of the hotel.

Access to internet from your room is not included in your room costs and is not reimburseable after the event as the network at the meeting is free and available 24 hours per day.


There are no provided airport transfers to/from your hotel at this ICANN Meeting. Taxis are quite affordable - about €10 - and will be reimbursed upon presentation of receipts with an expense report.


There are no cashpoints or currency conversion services at the airport so ensure you have sufficient Euros on arrival to pay for your taxi.


Note that all African ALS representatives attending the Lisbon meeting have been pre-registered. You can pick up your badge from the registration desk upon arrival.


Lisbon will switch to Daylight Savings time on Sunday, 25th March - you will lose one hour's sleep that night - ensure you don't run an hour behind all day, and miss events and meetings as a result.