Meeting Summary 06 May 2009

Meeting Summary 06 May 2009

>> M El Bashir outlined the fact that other RALOs suffered from a lack of readily available translations and suggested to hold a single-purpose meeting with the other RALO’s on that topic and that there should be regular staff briefings to monitor progress on that issue. He insisted that ALSes must attend at least half of the monthly teleconferences on an annual basis. Before the Sydney meeting, Mohamed will send a set of participation criteria to the AFRALO list. Yaovi suggested a system of green vs. red cards to emulate ALSes participation: a green cross for the ALSes that participate well and a red one for the ones that are not fully complying with their duties.
>> H Ullrich suggested that another way for encouraging could be the formation of WGs within the region, i.e. a WG for following up on the self-evaluation report and one for the capacity-building. There could also be a regional WG for specific issues.

  • Follow up of draft AFRALO By-Laws

>> draft afralo bylaws for comments
>> Introducing membership fees seems to be the wrong approach as it could put off ALS applicants and also imply financial responsibility. Moreover, membership fees are not allowed by ICANN Bylaws. Therefore the draft proposal will be reworked to include the new comments and drop the membership fees clause. Once AFRALO is fully recognized officially thanks to the new bylaws, it will have more credibility in the requests for funds. By-laws should state that all the AFRALO members can ask for assistance from other entities as long as it is used according to AFRALO objectives.
>> H Ullrich signaled that FY10 budget and plan is still open to public consultation. The fiscal year draft budget will be published on 17 May and there will be two briefing sessions with Kevin Wilson, Chief Financial Officer of ICANN, afterwards and they will be open to all all communities. (See link below for the PowerPoint presentation during Kevin’s teleconference)
>> Khaled will write the revised by-laws draft and will incorporate the comments of all the members to it. H Ullrich will today or tomorrow post the publication of who represent AFRALO in ALAC; that information is likely to be in the MoU.

  • Capacity Building

>> Gabriel briefly commented the document on capacity-building.
>> AFRALO Rapport Auto-Evaluation rev 1.HDdoc-EN.doc
>> H Ullrich has spoken to the division of global partnership at ICANN and Michel has agreed to give briefings in French and in English on any topics key issues for 10-minute briefings. Either Anne-Rachel or an At-Large staff member could give these at the beginning of the AFRALO monthly teleconferences. The At-Large staff is also planning to give regular briefing sessions on policies wich could last an hour per session.
>> F Seye Sylla proposed to identify online the subjects for briefings as part of the reinforcement capacities. Y Atohun would like to receive briefings on ICANN meetings. AFRALO will have the subjects defined for 21 May and will send the list of them to staff so that they can see about their schedules and the guest speakers.

>> Proposed Framework for ICANN's FY10 Operating Plan and Budget (ends 30 Apr 09)
>> https://st.icann.org/alac/index.cgi/index.cgi?budget_ops_meeting_30_april_2009
>> On 30 April, Kevin Wilson gave a PowerPoint presentation teleconference on the Operating Plan and Budget Development for Fiscal Year 2010 in order to engage the At-Large community in a discussion on their spending priorities over the next months as the basis for a formal At-Large position on the Proposed Budget Framework. The Public Comment period ends 30 April but Kevin Wilson will also consider community input received after the deadline. The draft plan of the Operating Plan and Budget will be posted on 17 May and proposed for adoption at the Sydney meeting in June.
>> ALAC is currently preparing a statement on The FY10 Operating and Budget Plan this. Both EURALO and LACRALO have already presented their short statements. AFRALO members must look at the PowerPoint presentation and ask directly to Kevin Wilson in case of any questions regarding FY10 budget and plan.
>> H Ullrich will send on the AFRALO list a one page document in French and English to clarify the relationship between ICANN strategies for 2009-2012 and the Operating budget.

  • Update on Sydney

>> Schedule: 21-26 June 2009
>> There will be fist a meeting with just the alac members, another one between the Chair/Secretaries of all the RALOs and also one with the ALAC members, the chairs and the secretaries of the RALOs. AFRALO wishes to give a presentation at the meeting between the RALOs and share their views with the other regions. H Ullrich will see if the other RALOs are interested by this proposal.

>> Travel/Visas/Participants
>> D Kasole, H Diakite and M El Bashir will attend the Sydney ICANN meeting. Fatimata will not and H Ullrich will investigate whether another member can receive travel support instead.
>> The Australian Government has already contacted all the embassies notifying them of the upcoming ICANN meeting and asking them to expedite any visas requests related to the event.
>> Any questions for travel and visa contact will be attended in English or in French at: constituency-travel@icann.org
>> For BCD travel and tickets information: email to veronica.demartini@bcdtravel.com)

  • Mapping of AFRALO ALSes

>> Google test page (see: http://www.atlarge.icann.org/test-apralo-map)
>> Information about AFRALO individual ALSes and Web links can be added on a map.

  • Recent Activities of ALAC/RALOs APRALO have developed their own map on their Wiki page. EURALO are developing an online tool for increasing engagement in policy making and outreach. Staff will send the link so AFRALO can look at it and decide whether staff should implement something similar for AFRALO.
  • AOB