Nominations for ALAC

Nominations for ALAC

The role of the Interim At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) is to finalize the establishment of a mechanism for individual user participation in ICANN, through the accreditation of user organizations as At-Large Structures (ALS) and the creation of Regional At Large Organizations (RALOs). The Interim ALAC also performs the role that is attributed to the ALAC once established, that is to consider and provide advice on the activities of ICANN, insofar as they relate to the interests of individual Internet users. Individual users may be consumers, non-for-profit or profit or business users but the key term is that they are 'individuals'.

Upon the seating of persons selected by all five Regional At Large Organizations (RALOs), the Interim At-Large Advisory Committee shall become the At-Large Advisory Committee, as established by Article XI, Section 2(4) of the Bylaws. The individuals selected to the Interim At-Large Advisory Committee by the Nominating Committee shall become members of the At-Large Advisory Committee for the remainder of the terms for which they were selected. Some members of the Interim ALAC are chosen by each of the RALOs (or by the ICANN Board subject to the Transition Article of the Bylaws); Nominating Committee chooses five members with staggered terms.

Establishment of the five RALOs is well underway. However, once in place the RALOs and their supporting membership structures will need to continue to grow and strengthen. Members of the ALAC should be interested in helping increase and improve user participation in ICANN and representing consumer interests in ICANN policy development processes.

Interim ALAC Committee members, like the members of ICANN's other Advisory Committees, receive no compensation for their services as a member of a committee. The Board may, however, authorize the reimbursement of the actual and necessary expenses incurred by Advisory Committee members performing their duties as Advisory Committee members. (Bylaws Article XI, Section 6, see http://www.icann.org/general/bylaws.htm#XI-6)

AFRALO members will use the Criteria for Selection of ALAC members (see below) in choosing Selected Nominees for the Interim ALAC. ALAC members are expected to support the ICANN mission and the implementation of the ICANN Core Values.

Criteria for Selection

  • Accomplished persons of integrity, objectivity, and intelligence, with reputations for sound judgment and open minds, and a demonstrated capacity for thoughtful group decision-making;
  • Persons with an understanding of ICANN's mission and the potential impact of ICANN decisions on the global Internet community, and committed to the success of ICANN;
  • Persons with an understanding of civil society and African users positions with respect to ICANN decisions;
  • Persons who, in the aggregate, have personal familiarity with the operation of gTLD registries and registrars; with ccTLD registries; with IP address registries; with Internet technical standards and protocols; with policy-development procedures, legal traditions, and the public interest; and with the broad range of business, individual, academic, and non-commercial users of the Internet;
  • Persons who are willing to serve as volunteers, without compensation other than the reimbursement of certain expenses; and
  • Persons who are able to work and communicate in written and spoken English.

Additional Considerations

For the Interim ALAC positions, experience and skills that bear on gathering, understanding, and communicating the interests of individual users would be advantageous. Current composition of the Interim ALAC is available here http://www.icann.org/committees/alac/ (The Bylaws do not state a limit on the number of terms Interim ALAC members may serve.)

Time Commitment

The basic responsibilities of a member of the Interim ALAC is approximately 18 hours each month. This includes participating in online (e-mail) discussions, commenting on/contributing to documents/proposed actions (drafted in English), participating in monthly ALAC telephone conferences (in English), and meeting with/making presentations to, local and regional organizations. ALAC members serving as liaisons to other Supporting Organizations and to the Board can expect to spend more than this basic 18 hours per month.

ICANN has traditionally reimbursed expenses incurred by ALAC members for attending ICANN meetings.

How to suggest and encourage someone to become a candidate

To enhance the Candidate pool from which AFRALO will choose Selected Nominees, we encourage you to suggest the name(s) of individuals whom we should invite to complete the Statement of Interest. Please note, however, that volunteering for positions is strongly encouraged: a suggestion is not compulsory in the AFRALO process.

To submit the name of someone you would like to suggest as a candidate, please send an e-mail to afri-als@atlarge-lists.icann.org that includes the following information:

(a) Name of person you wish to suggest as a candidate

(b) E-mail address of person you wish to suggest

(c) Your name

(d) Your e-mail address

Would you like the person you suggested to know that you suggested their name to AFRALO? Y/N

(e) Optional: please describe the qualities you think the person you are suggesting would bring to ALAC.

AFRALO will acknowledge your suggestion and will provide the person(s) you have suggested with the Statement of Interest Form and Instructions. We ask you to inform those whom you suggest as candidates that you have submitted their names to AFRALO.

Early submission of suggestions will be appreciated.

Names of people you wish to suggest as candidates should be received by AFRALO no later than 6 March 2007. AFRALO reserves the right to consider suggestions received after 6 March 2007, but makes no commitment to do so.

AFRALO will contact by e-mail all those for whom it receives such suggestions to request their submission of a Statement of Interest (see below), but AFRALO will only consider and select individuals who have submitted a completed Statement of Interest.

Statements of Interest must be received by the AFRALO no later 27 March 2007 (Tuesday 09h00 Lisbon time) for full consideration. AFRALO can only consider electronic submissions via e-mail. Completed Statements of Interest should be sent in plain text to afri-als@atlarge-lists.icann.org

A suggestion is not required in the AFRALO process, self-nominations are encouraged.

Note also that endorsements by organizations or groups and lists of signatories are not appropriate for this Nominating Committee process, and they will not influence the AFRALO's selections.

The AFRALO's procedures for Confidential Treatment of Statements of Interest call for confidential treatment of the identities of Candidates and the AFRALO's discussions about the Candidates.

The AFRALO does not disclose externally whether individual candidates have been suggested or who suggested them, and advises that you maintain the confidentiality of your suggestion since the person you named to us may not wish his/her candidacy to be disclosed.

You are encouraged to review the instructions and form for submission of Statements of Interest, and to note the more detailed explanation of confidentiality in the AFRALO process.

Send suggestions by e-mail to: afri-als@atlarge-lists.icann.org

Statement of Interest AFRALO 2007


Any individual who wishes to be considered for selection by the AFRALO will need to complete an AFRALO Statement of Interest (SOI) (see below), in full, and return it to the AFRALO. AFRALO will only consider electronic submissions via e-mail.

To be considered by the AFRALO, the SOI must be received no later than 20 March 2007 (23:59 UTC). Send your completed SOI to afri-als@atlarge-lists.icann.org

It is in your best interest to submit your SOI soon so that AFRALO can follow up with the people you ask to provide references for you, or with you if we have questions.

The AFRALO relies heavily on the information you provide in the SOI, and the information given by the people you ask to be your references. The primary sources of information about you and your qualifications for appointment are your SOI and the names of references that you provide. We might contact you again for more information or clarification and you are welcome to send questions to the committee at any time. The committee might contact you. Be thoughtful about the information you provide to help the AFRALO learn as much about you as possible. Choose your references carefully so they provide a broad view of your experiences and abilities. You must askthe people you select as references before submitting their names to the AFRALO; they should know they have been asked to provide a reference and its purpose. Spam, mail filters and other problems are making it increasingly difficult for the AFRALO to contact your references; you must ensure that your references expect to be contacted by us.

We also strongly recommend that you read and understand ICANN's mission and core values as defined by the organization's bylaws:


SECTION A. Identifying and Contact Information

(A.1) Your name: first name, FAMILY NAME (in capital letters).

(A.2) Male/Female?

(A.3) How did you hear about the AFRALO?

(A.4) Your e-mail address.

(A.5) Your telephone number(s).

Please include country and city/area codes and indicate your preferred contact number.

(A.6) Your country of citizenship.

If you hold multiple citizenships please state all.

(A.7) Your country of residence.

SECTION B. Education and Professional Background

(B.1) Provide details of your current job, title, employer or affiliation. Please refer to Note 3

(B.2) Describe your educational background and past professional positions. Please refer to Note 4

(B.3) Describe any current and past volunteer positions, roles and accomplishments. We are particularly interested in board or similar directorship and committee experience.

(B.4) If you have a personal web page, you may wish to provide a link to it here:

SECTION C. Internet Involvement and Interest in ICANN

This section asks questions that will tell us specifically about your candidacy, how your experience makes you suitable for the position(s) you would like to be considered for, the qualities you will bring to ICANN and how you will help ICANN over the coming years. Although detailed knowledge and involvement in ICANN is not a prerequisite, the following questions will help put your experience with ICANN and the Internet into perspective.

(C.1) Describe how you meet the criteria for the ALAC.

(C.2) Describe current and past involvement in, contributions to, and leadership roles in activities and organizations involved in the development and operation of the Internet, its naming and addressing infrastructure and/or its security and stability.

(C.3) Provide a statement about what you would contribute in your desired leadership position(s) to the ALAC.

(C.4) Is there any additional information you would like to submit that would be helpful to the AFRALO in making its decision? If so, please summarize it here:

SECTION D. References

This section asks for additional information about your candidacy, the names of people who you would like to provide references, and information indicating you agree to due diligence and any other checks ICANN may carry out.

(D.1) Conflicts of interest with ICANN. Please indicate clearly if you have any areas of actual potential conflicts with ICANN. Actual and potential conflicts of interest will not necessarily be disqualifying.

(D.2) All positions are voluntary and require a significant commitment of time and energy. Please read carefully the description of the time commitment required in the "Leadership Positions" document.

Is your schedule of activities compatible with a significant allocation of time to contribute to the positions that you are looking for?

Please indicate Yes or No:

[ ] YES [ ] NO

(D.3) Please provide the names of no less than 3 and no more than 4 people who can provide a reference for your candidacy. AFRALO will send a copy of your SOI to each of the people you name as a reference.

Please provide the person's name, e-mail address, telephone number, professional position, and a brief description of your relationship with them. Please ask the person before including their name as a reference and inform them that you have submitted this SOI. Please refer to Note 10





SECTION E. Consent and Authorisation

(E.1) Under the AFRALO's procedures, your candidacy will be treated as confidential unless you give the AFRALO your permission to disclose it or unless the AFRALO is consulting your references and conducting third-party reference checks from selected sources on a confidential basis. Third party checks may also be required as part of a due diligence process necessary before we can accept candidates for leadership positions in ICANN.

Once selections are made, the AFRALO will make the identities of only the Selected Nominees public. Although the AFRALO will take reasonable steps to ensure that its confidentiality procedures are followed, Candidates and Selected Nominees shall have no claims against ICANN, the AFRALO, or affiliated persons in the event information is disclosed despite our adherence to these procedures.

You also authorize the AFRALO to consult with your references, to investigate other information publicly available about you, and to conduct additional third-party reference checks. You will not be entitled to review or access any of the information received, obtained, generated, or considered by the AFRALO regarding any Candidate or Selected Nominee, or any of the AFRALO's discussions or deliberations regarding any Candidate or Selected Nominees. Candidates and Selected Nominees have no right to challenge or seek review of the AFRALO's selections.

Please indicate that you understand this statement (E.1) and agree to become a candidate under the conditions described above. Please indicate Yes or No:

[ ] YES, I understand this statement and agree to these conditions

[ ] NO, I do not agree to these conditions

(E.2) Interim vacancies in 2008

If you are NOT selected this year for any of the preferences indicated in (A.2) above, would you permit the secretary of this year's AFRALO to retain your name (based on the same preferences) and transfer your SOI to the secretary of the 2008 AFRALO for possible consideration in the event that a mid-year vacancy occurs? Please indicate Yes or No:

[ ] YES [ ] NO

This option may be exercised only in the event that a mid-term vacancy occurs and does not mean you will be included in the pool of candidates for regular term positions next year. To be considered by the 2008 AFRALO for a regular vacancy you would need to apply again.

The AFRALO values your interest in being a candidate for the positions it is charged to fill. We expect and rely upon your integrity in presenting your qualifications and experience. We appreciate your significant effort in completing this SOI.