List of certified ALSs
List of certified ALSs
- ISOC-Benin
- ISOC Burundi
- Anais, AC
- Centre de Promotion et de Vulgarisation de l'informatique
- Association Congolaise des Utilisateurs de Logiciels Libres (ACOULL)
- CAFEC-Centre Africain d'Echange Culturel
- African Youth Foundation
- ISOC-Mali
- Moroccan Internet Society (MISOC)
- SchoolNet Africa
- South African Chapter of the Internet Society (ISOC-ZA)
- Sudan Internet Society/ALAC
- Nigerian Internet Users Coalition (NIUC)
- Journalists' Union for Science & Technology Advancement in Africa (JUSTA-AFRICA)
- Tunisian Internet Society
- Moroccan Association of Civil Society for Information Society (MACIS)