APRALO Monthly 2014-05-27

APRALO Monthly 2014-05-27

APRALO Monthly May Meeting

Date: Thursday, 27 May 2014

Time: 05:00 - 06:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)

Meeting Number: AL.AP/CC.0514/1


How do I participate in this meeting?

Adobe Connect Meeting Room:  http://icann.adobeconnect.com/apralo


Action Items: EN

Recording:  EN  

Transcript:   EN    

AC Chat Transcript:    EN           

Participants: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Maureen Hilyard, Ali AlMeshal,  Yasuichi Kitamura, Olivier Crépin-Leblond,  Siranush Vardanyan, Holly Raiche, , Pavan Budhrani,  Tomohiro Fujisaki, Satish Babu, Hong Xue, Lianna Galstyan, Yannis Li, Suhaidi Hassan, Winthrop Yu

Apologies: Gunela Astbrink

Staff: Silvia Vivanco, Kelvin Wong, Nathalie Peregrine

Call management:  Nathalie Peregrine


1. Roll Call and apologies – Staff (1 min.)

2. Briefing on current ALAC consultations and initiatives / Materials for public comments - Olivier (15 min.) 

See: At-Large Policy Advice Development Page

2.1   (Olivier Crepin Leblond - 10 mins)

a. Recently adopted ALAC Statements, Documents or Groups:

 b. Statements or Endorsements currently being developed, reviewed or voted on by the ALAC

 c. Currently Open Public Comments


 3. APRALO CROPP submissions in FY14 and transition to FY15- Ali and Cheryl (3 min.):

    One submission for QITCOM 2014, updates

    New requests for 2015 – to be prepared now (Workshop at PacINET, 22-26 September 2014 and Workshop and outreach activities at Asia Pacific Regional IGF (APrIGF), August, New Delhi, India are under CROPP FY15)

4. ATLAS II – Preparations, actions, results and follow up activities - updates – Siranush and Olivier (10 min.)

   a) Fayre of opportunities – RALO Music collection – Pavan – to be uploaded in the wiki space

   b) APRALO Table – APRALO ALSs PPt and Singapore showcase video on the table – Maureen to have copies

   c) APRALO ALSs booklets, brochures, info sheets as hand outs – Ali Almeshal to lead

   d) APRALO E-brochure with ALSs info – Pavan – submitted to staff – done

   e) APRALO Banner – Celebrating Diversity - Done

   f) RALO Secretariats re Social Media strategy - Pavan is the leading person from APRALO

   g) ATLAS II Webinars – participation or follow up with the uploaded info – by ALL

   h) What else – suggestions?

5. APRALO General Assembly in London - brief update on planned activities (Officer selections / consensus call(s) finalisation during the GA) - Cheryl and Maureen (10 minutes)

6. IGF 2014 - updates – IGF MAG to accept the proposal – updates – Siranush (2 min.)
7. Metrics – Maureen to update (5 min.).  
8. ALS Decertification process - Former At-Large Structures Workspace – updates – Siranush (2 min.) -
9. Next APRALO Monthly call – APRALO GA in London, June 25, 2014, 11:00-13:00 local time

10. Any other Business - All (5 min.)