APRALO 25.01.2011 Teleconference
APRALO January 2011 Teleconference
Date: 25 January 2011
Time: 05:00 - 06:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL.AP/CC.0111/2
How can I participate in this meeting?
Who is on the dial-out list for this call?
Apologies: Holly Raiche
Summary Minutes: APRALO Summary Minutes 25 January 2011
Action Items: APRALO Action Items 25 January 2011
Audio Stream: English
http://audio.icann.org/atlarge/APRALO-04-01-2011.mp3Transcript: APRALO Transcript 25 January 2011
Adobe Connect Room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/apralo2011janjune
Agenda is in draft form until adopted by the meeting.
Documents are linked for download next to the agenda items they belong to where available.
Members are requested to refrain from inserting explanatory text next to the agenda item in the interests of readability. If you could simply create a new page and insert the link to that page next to the item in question, that would be most helpful
Agenda Items
1. Roll Call and Apologies (if any) (2 minutes)
2. Review of the draft summary minutes and action items of the 04 January APRALO teleconference (5 minutes)
3. APRALO announcements (Hong) (10 minutes)
3.1 Update on 2011 APRALO leadership elections
3.2 Update on APRALO face-to-face meeting in San Francisco in March
4. Update on Regional Policy Workplan (Dev, Charles) (15 minutes)
4.1 Presentation of New ALAC/At-Large PAD flowchart (Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Co-Chair Improvements WT D)
4.2 Current Open ICANN Public Consultations and At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule
4.3 Discussion on open public consultations of specific interest to APRALO:
- Interim Report of Geographic Regions Review Working Group (ends 30 January 11)
- Interim Report of the Internationalized Registration Data Working Group ( Extended to 14 March 11)
- Review of IDN ccTLD Fast Track Process ( Extended to 31 January 11)
4.4 Current ALAC policy discussions:
- On 10 January, the ALAC submitted a Statement on the Draft 2011 – 2014 Strategic Plan to the public consultation process
- The ALAC will shortly start working on the ALAC Statement on the Interim Report of Geographic Regions Review Working Group
5. APRALO Input to Work Team C SWOT Analysis (Olivier Crepin-Leblond) (5 minutes)
a. Introduction to WT C SWOT Analysis
b. Timeline for regional feedback and next steps
Background Information:
Workspace for APRALO input into WT C SWOT analyses
6. APRALO Budget Requests for Financial Year 2011/12 (Hong, Cheryl)(10 minutes)
Discuss and endorse APRALO's budget requests for the upcoming year. The budget request will be forwarded to the ALAC for discussion during its meeting later today.
(see At-Large FY12 Budget Development Workspace)
7. Review APRALO Position on Geographic Region Interim Report (Hong, Cheryl)(10 minutes)
(see wiki workspace on Interim Report of Geographic Regions Review Working Group )
8. Update on Outreach & In-reach (Fouad, Pavan)(5 minutes)
8.1. Review of recent Outreach and In-reach activities and next steps
8.2 Update from Improvements WT B (Fouad)
9. Others (5 minutes)
9.1 Updates from the ALAC members and liaisons (Cheryl, James, Edmon)
9.2 Upcoming activities of APRALO members