2016-12-15 APRALO Monthly Call
Date: Thursday, 15 December 2016
Time: 06:00 - 07:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL.AP/CC.1216/1
How do I participate in this meeting?
English Conference ID = 1638
Chinese Conference ID = 2038
Adobe Connect Meeting Room: https://participate.icann.org/apralo/
Action Items: EN
Transcript: EN, ZH
AC Chat Transcript: EN
EN: Satish Babu, Holly Raiche, Maureen Hilyard, Ali AlMeshal, Amal Al-saqqaf, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Tomohiro Fujisaki, Yasuichi Kitamura,Hong Xue, Nadira Alaraj, Arshad Mohamed, Gunela Astbrink, Leon Sanchez, Aris Ignacio, Jee eun Choi, Narine Khachatryan, Sebastien Bachollet, Bikram Shrestha
ZH: None
Apologies: Kaili Kan, Lianna Galstyan , Adam Peake (staff)
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Kelvin Wong, Yeşim Nazlar
Call Management: Yeşim Nazlar
ZH Interpreter: Jessie
1. Roll call - Staff (2 min).
2. Welcome and quick review of ICANN57 - Satish (5 min)
APRALO India Monthly Meeting, Sunday Nov 6 - Action Items:
Recording and transcripts are posted HERE.
- The Motion to confirm Satish Babu as APRALO Chair was passed. Satish was elected Chair and will continue with Siranush term.
- Ali AlMeshal and the APRALO Leadership Team to discuss the process to consider the mentees of the APRALO Mentorship Program when appointing the next APRALO Chair.
- A Small AD-Hoc WG led by Maureen, CLO, Bikram, and others to come up with specific text on Individual membership. WG will meet in Hyderabad and will send text to staff to update the website and wiki page
- Maureen Hilyard to send the APRALO Survey to staff to be posted on the wiki and online.
3. ALAC Policy Update - Holly Raiche (15 min)
- See: Policy Advice Page on New At-Large Website
- See: Policy Advice Development Page
See: ICANN Public Comment page
- Statements approved by the ALAC
- Statements in process: being drafted, in comment or in vote:
- Creating a Consumer Agenda at ICANN - At-Large Community commenting on a draft proposal (not a public comment)
- Draft PTI FY18 Operating Plan and Budget (closes ) - ALAC ratifying a Statement
- Continuous Data-Driven Analysis of Root Server System Stability Draft Report (closes ) - ALAC about to ratify a Statement
- Updated Supplementary Procedures for Independent Review Process (IRP) (closes ) - leon.sanchez drafting a Statement
- Proposed ICANN Community Anti-Harassment Policy (closes ) - ALAC about to ratify a Statement
- Statements that seem to be stalled:
- Input requested: SO/AC/SG/C Outreach - New gTLD Subsequent Procedures - Alan Greenberg finalizing ALAC input
- Input requested: SO/AC/SG/C Outreach - New gTLD Subsequent Procedures - Alan Greenberg finalizing ALAC input
- Public Comment requests to which the ALAC decided not to submit Statements:
- New Public Comment requests requiring decision:
- Update on APRALO Mentoring Program - Ali (4 min)
- Mentee feedback - Nadira, Amal (6 minutes)
5. Announcements - Heidi (4 min)
6. APRALO 2017 Activity Plan and Metrics - Satish, Ali, Maureen (16 min)
- Focus Areas (General Assembly, Capacity Building, Policy Development, Community Engagement).
Results of the APRALO Policy Survey Nov 2016 - Support to ALS activities
- Activity Metrics tracking for APRALO General Assembly at ICANN60
- Topics for APRALO-ICANN APAC Hub Webinars for 2017
- See : List of Previous APRALO - APAC HUB Webinars
7. AOB (5 min)
- Participation in IGF 2016 at Guadalajara, Mexico
- Research work of Dr. William Tibben: Update