2018-02-20 APRALO Monthly Teleconference
Date: Tuesday, 20 February 2018
Time: 06:00 - 07:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL.AP/CC.1217/1
How do I participate in this meeting?
English Conference ID = 1638
Chinese Conference ID = 2038
Adobe Connect Meeting Room: https://participate.icann.org/apralo/
Action Items: EN
AC Chat Transcript: EN
EN: Satish Babu, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Holly Raiche, Maureen Hilyard, Lianna Galstyan, Shreedeep Rayamajhi, Tomohiro Fujisaki, Amrita Choudhury, Waleed Khaliqi, Narine Khachatryan, Amal Al-Saqqaf, Pavan Budhrani, Prateek Pathak, Suhaidi Hassan, Wintrop Yu, Lado Svanadze, Bikram Shrestha, Amir Qayyum, Aris Ignacio, Rao Naveed Bin Rais, Eranga Samararathna
ZH: None
Apologies: Justine Chew, Kaili Kan, Ali AlMeshal, Yannis Li, Fouad Bajwa, Nadira AL-Araj
Staff: Silvia Vivanco, Jia-Rong Low, Yeşim Nazlar
ZH Interpreters: YiYi and Jessie
Call Management: Yeşim Nazlar
1. Roll call - Staff (2 min)
2. Welcome and Membership Matters (Satish, 3 min)
Newly Certified | #273 Yemeni Organization for Development and Exchange Technology | Rupam Pati Hassan Khan |
Pending ALAC Vote | None | -- |
Awaiting RALO Feedback | None | None |
Processing Due Diligence | #281 ISOC Chapter Indonesia Jakarta | None |
On Hold | #267 Surabhi Softwares #112 Arab Regional ISPs & DSPs Association (ARISPA) | None |
3. At-Large Review: Developments and the next Steps (Holly, 5 min)
4. ALAC Policy Update - Holly/Maureen/Kaili (20 min)
Reference: 2018 ALAC Policy Comments & Advice
Statements approved by the ALAC
Proposed Incremental Changes to the ICANN Meetings Strategy
The ALAC agrees with no change regarding the Community Forum, but recommends at least 5 days for outreach at Policy Forum and 6 days plus 1 additional for wrap up activity at the AGM.Recommendations to Improve ICANN's Office of the Ombudsman (OOO)
The ALAC recommended language diversity in Staff resource configuration, and is of the opinion policing of the Ombudsman should not be a solution to fix a performance issue.Recommendations on ICANN Jurisdiction
The ALAC fully supports the Subgroup proposal, articulating the need for a path forward for Jurisdiction concerns beyond the CCWG, developing another multistakeholder process to resolve these concerns.Recommendations to Improve ICANN Staff Accountability
The ALAC fully endorses the CCWG Accountability recommendations, noting the suggestions to deal holistically with any contentious staff accountability issues are well developed.- Competition, Consumer Trust, and Consumer Choice Review Team – New Sections to Draft Report of Recommendations
The ALAC overall supports Recommendations A, B, C, D and “Recommendation 5” relating to DNS Abuse. - Enhancing Accountability - Recommendations for Diversity
The ALAC supports the recommendations for enhancing diversity as a whole, while emphasizing the need for language diversity and captioning/real time transcription (RTT) services, particularly for those whose first language is not English.
Statements in process - Draft, Comment or Vote
- Draft ICANN Draft FY19 Operating Plan and Budget and Five-Year Operating Plan Update
Penholder(s): Alan Greenberg, Tijani Ben-Jemaa - Draft Plan to Restart the Root Key Signing Key (KSK) Rollover Process
Penholder(s): TBC
- Draft ICANN Draft FY19 Operating Plan and Budget and Five-Year Operating Plan Update
Statements that seem to be stalled
- None
Public Comment requests to which the ALAC decided not to submit Statements
New Public Comment requests to which the ALAC needs to make decisions
Upcoming Public Comment Requests
- Process for changes to Community Top Level Domain (TLD) Registration Policies (Specification 12)
- .ASIA Registry Agreement Renewal
- .COOP Registry Agreement Renewal
- Proposal for Devanagari Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR)
- Proposal for Korean Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR)
- Competition, Consumer Trust & Consumer Choice Review Team – Final Report
- International Governmental Organizations (IGO) – Red Cross Reconvened Working Group Recommendations
- Guidelines for Second Level String Similarity Review Process
- Enhancing Accountability Recommendations – Final Report
- Proposal for Updated Supported Traveler Guidelines
- Implementation of Privacy and Proxy Services Accreditation Program
- Guidelines for Second Level String Similarity Review Process
5. Review of Activities APRALO (20 min)
- Preliminary results of APRALO Survey (Maureen/Satish)
- APRALO Newsletter: A brief discussion (Satish/Amrita)
- APRALO History Project: Need for a repository (Satish)
- Outreach activities at APRICOT 2018, Kathmandu (Lianna)
6. NomCom Update (5 min, Nadira/Satish)
How to Suggest and Encourage Someone to Become a Candidate
7. AOB (5 min)
- APrIGF Call for Workshop Proposals (Satish/Yannis)