At-Large Social Media Strategy Workspace

At-Large Social Media Strategy Workspace


The TTF has been working on an updated At-Large Social Media strategy and thanks to the inputs from Ariel Liang from ICANN At-Large Staff with her knowledge and experiences with social media, an updated version of the At-Large Social Media Strategy has been developed and presented on the At-Large Technology Taskforce 2014-04-21 call.



The At-Large Social Media Working Group was created to raise awareness of the ICANN At-Large community and enhance end-users’ engagement with the community by developing a strong and sustainable presence on social media. The At-Large Social Media WG, in close coordination with At-Large Staff, is mainly tasked with implementing the At-Large Social Media Strategy. Visit At-Large Social Media Working Group




Presentation of At-Large Social Media Strategy on TTF call on Monday April 21 2014




Ideas for updating At-Large Social Media Strategy

(See Templates for content posted on ALAC_announce)

With content from the ALAC_announce mailing list being shared on the blog at the At-Large Social Media Posts wiki space (and such content being autoposted to the At-Large Twitter and Facebook ), an update to the social media strategy is needed to develop/curate relevant content that can be shared to the At-Large and to the wider public using Social Media.

A possible approach is the the creation of a "curation WG" to curate/edit content for dissemination on social media. The goals of such a group:

  • raise awareness of ICANN At-Large activities to At-Large members not directly involved in At-Large activities
  • promote awareness of ICANN At-Large outside the At-Large community. Persons that care about the interests of individual Internet users in the ICANN policy discussions could join the At-Large community.
  • creating content that is accessible and easily understood by the wider public.

Such a WG could be compromised of members from the TTF, and At-Large, but at a minimum, include RALO secretariats.

There is at lot of content created by At-Large and ICANN activities - sessions at ICANN public meetings, At-Large Working Groups conference calls, RALO conference calls, ALAC meetings, draft ALAC statements, etc. There are also pictures and videos taken by ICANN At-Large members during ICANN F2F meetings.  There is also content from ICANN policy discussions on various issues (registry, registrar, WHOIS, etc).

Many of this information are summarised by At-Large Staff re: At-Large activities and information about ICANN activites are forwarded to the ALAC announce list. However, such content may not be easily accessible or understood. 

 An objective for the TTF would be to update the templates to simplify and enhance the presentation of announcements posted on ALAC_announce. Examples of templates include

  • ALAC vote announcements.
  • ALAC vote results
  • ICANN news alerts
  • Meeting notices

See Templates for content posted on ALAC_announce

Other content that could be shared include content from reports from WGs, RALOs submitted for the ALAC monthly call, as well as content of reports from At-Large from ICANN public meetings.

With new templates that attempt to simplify and enhance the presentation of emails from ALAC_announce, At-Large Staff and/or/with the curation WG can attempt to redraft the text that is typically published on ALAC_announce.

The challenge is that this would take more time for Staff and/or/with the possible curation WG to do.



Presentation of At-Large Social Media Strategy at ICANN Toronto Meeting




Why have a At-Large Social Media strategy? 

To enable At-Large Structures to easily disseminate information from ICANN At-Large to its members and the public in a timely manner

Some background : The At-Large Structure 2010 Survey Workspace identified that:

  • many ALSes use social media tools like Facebook, Twitter
  • however most ALSes meet every 2-3 months
  • given the pace of work (e.g 30 day public comment periods) means that an ALS representative has a difficult task to distribute information to its members or the public and get meaningful feedback.

Outreach to individual Internet users that could become members of At-Large.

Possible Internet users interested in Internet related goverance issues (including ICANN policies related to domain names) do not know about ICANN or ICANN At-Large.


Social Media Networks have many users who are sharing information with each other

Facebook: 901 million users, Twitter: 140 million users  (as of March 2012)


Current At-Large use of social media

At-large on Facebook : 118 last year, 1200
At-large on Twitter : 0 followers last year ; 410 followers

Requires individual login to update content on these networks which is time-consuming.

Draft At-Large Social Media Strategy

  • information sent to the ALAC_announce mailing list (which all ALSes receive) to be sent to
  • ensure that the redesign of the At-Large website caters for the sharing of information over social media

(September 2012) 

(Suggestions from the July 2012 TTF call)

  • disseminate other information related to Internet Governance
  • disseminate information in multiple languages
  • facilitate participation (responding/engaging with persons that comment/ask questions)







Other ideas/notes for At-Large Social Media Strategy

Ideas from Juan Rojas :  

Social media and Web 2.0 technologies have been utilized to facilitate the rapid dissemination of information and to facilitate e-participation and by extension e-democracy.

Macintosh, A. Characterizing eParticipation in Policy-making, Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS”04, 117–126), 2006. describes e-participation as “ICT-supported participation in processes involved in government and governance. Processes may concern administration, decision-making, service delivery, and policy making”.

Therefore, Social Media “enables access, participation, collaboration and transparency, which can potentially enhance governance processes and facilitate participation from a broad-based constituency.”

Can the Strategy be broadened to include the aspect of At-Large participation?