2018-07-19 APRALO Monthly Teleconference

2018-07-19 APRALO Monthly Teleconference

Date: Thursday, 19 July 2018 

Time: 06:00 - 07:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)

Meeting Number: AL.AP/CC.0719/1

How do I participate in this meeting?

English Conference ID = 1638

Chinese Conference ID = 2038

Adobe Connect: 


Action Items: EN

Recording: EN, ZH

Transcript: EN, ZH

Chat: EN


EN: Satish Babu, Maureen Hilyard, Maheeshwara Kirindigoda, Shreedeep Rayamajhi, Ahmad Alsadeh, Pavan Budhrani, Tomohiro Fujisaki, Kaili Kan, Amrita Chouhury, Justine Chew, Nadira Al-Araj, Amal Al-Saqqaf, Naveed Bin Rais, Athirah Rosli, Priyatosh Jana, Prateek Pathak, Hilmi Ghalib, Sam Kong, Hanan Khatib

ZH: None

Apologies: Holly Raiche, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Suhaidi Hassan, Aris Ignacio, Ali AlMeshal, Fouad Bajwa

Staff: Silvia Vivanco, Siranush Vardanyan, Yeşim Nazlar

ZH Interpreters: Ray Chao & Sandy

Call Management: Yeşim Nazlar


1. Roll call - Staff (2 min)

2. Welcome and APRALO Membership Matters (Satish, 3 min)



Newly CertifiedNone


Pending ALAC Vote


Awaiting RALO Feedback#287 Cyber Peace Foundation


Processing Due Diligence



On Hold

#267 Surabhi Softwares

#112 Arab Regional ISPs & DSPs Association (ARISPA)


3. Announcement on ALAC Chair election (Satish, 5 min)

4. At-Large Review Implementation (Maureen, 10 min)

5. ALAC Policy Update -  Holly/Maureen/Kaili  (15 min)

Statements approved by the ALAC

      • Release for Registration one .COM Domain Name with a Single-Character Label: O.COM

        During ICANN62, the ALAC revised, ratified and resubmitted their Statement. The ALAC supported the proposition, provided it offers the proceeds to nonprofit organizations that serve the public interest. The ALAC offered three suggestions to that end: (1) ICANN should permit the release of O.com and allow Verisign to conduct a third-party auction, (2) Third-party auction service providers should screen candidates for auction, and (3) Verisign should forfeit the auction’s proceeds and renewals to non-profit entity.
      • Draft Final Report of the RSSAC2 Review
        The ALAC is responsible for representing the interests of Internet end users within ICANN, and there are few parts of the Internet as critical as the Root Server System. The ALAC commented specifically on recommendations 1, 2 and 5 of the RSSAC2 Review, related to 1) RSSAC membership criteria, the 2) RSSAC charter and 3) engaging more effectively with ICANN.

Statements in process - DraftComment or Vote

Statements that seem to be stalled

      • None 

Public Comment requests to which the ALAC decided not to submit Statements

New Public Comment requests to which the ALAC needs to make decisions

Upcoming Public Comment Requests


      • Proposal for Devanagari Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR)
      • Proposal for Gurumukhi Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR)
      • Competition, Consumer Trust & Consumer Choice Review Team – Final Report
      • New gTLD Auction Proceeds Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) – Initial Report
      • Implementation of Privacy and Proxy Services Accreditation Program
      • Proposal for Gujarati Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR)


      • Proposal for Telugu Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR)
      • Proposal for Kannada Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR)
      • Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) 2 Review: Draft Report and Recommendations

6. ICANN62: Round-up (Holly/Maureen//Kaili/Satish, 7 min)

7. At-Large/ALAC Working Groups (Satish/Maureen, 10 min)

8. NomCom Update (Nadira, 3 min)

9. AOB (5 min)