2023-05-10 APRALO Meet the Candidates call

2023-05-10 APRALO Meet the Candidates call

Date: Wednesday, 10 May 2023                            

Time: 06:30 - 07:30 UTC   (For the time in various time zones click here

How do I participate in this meeting?

English Conference ID = 1638

Zoom Link: https://icann.zoom.us/j/95938674367?pwd=L1ZkUk5VdjdJSld5SFh1cXcyZ3pJQT09 [icann.zoom.us]

Passcode: APMtC2023!

Zoom Recording: EN

Audio Recording: EN

Zoom Chat: EN


EN: Prateek, Priyatosh Jana, Jay Paudyal (Sarthak Joshi),Amrita Choudhury, Satish Babu, Mohammad Kawsar Uddin, Shah Rahman, Pavel Farhan, Eranga Samararathna, Jahangir Hossain, Ali AlMeshal, Gunela Astbrink, Maureen. Hilyard, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Naveed Bin Rais, Nabeel Yasin

Apologies: Fouad Bajwa

Staff: Gisella Gruber

Call Management: Gisella Gruber


  1. Staff introduction (2min)

  2. Welcome and Session objectives:Amrita Choudhury (3min)

  3. Meet-the-candidates - moderator Amrita Choudhury - (45 min)

  4. Opening Statements by candidates (in alphabetical order)

      1.  Candidates for Vice-Chair (15min)

        1. Ali AlMeshal (5min)

          1. Slide
        2. Gunela Astbrink (5min)

        3. Questions & Answers for Vice Chair Candidates (5min
      2. Candidates for ALAC Member (RALO Selected) (15min)

        1. Rao Naveed Bin Rais (5min)

        2. Shah Zahidur Rahman (5min)

        3. Questions & Answers for ALAC Member Candidates (5min)

      3. ALAC Delegate to the NomCom (15min)

        1. Fouad Bajwa (5min) - apology 

        2. Maureen Hilyard (5min)

        3. Questions and Answers for the ALAC Delegate to the NomCom Candidates (5min)

  5. Final remarks from the candidates (10min)

  6. Close of Session (2min)

Reference Documents:

2023 APRALO Regional Selections 

APRALO Rules of Procedure