APRALO 04.01.2011 Teleconference

APRALO 04.01.2011 Teleconference

APRALO January 2011 Teleconference

Date: 04 January 2011

Time: 05:00 - 06:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)

Meeting Number: AL.AP/CC.0111/1

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Summary Minutes:APRALO Summary Minutes 04 January 2011
Issues discussed: APRALO Action Items 04 January 2011
Audio Stream: English
Adobe Connect Room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/apralo2011janjune

Transcript: APRALO 04.01.2011 Transcript


Agenda is in draft form until adopted by the meeting.
Documents are linked for download next to the agenda items they belong to where available.
Members are requested to refrain from inserting explanatory text next to the agenda item in the interests of readability. If you could simply create a new page and insert the link to that page next to the item in question, that would be most helpful

Agenda Items

1. Roll Call and Apologies (if any) (2 minutes)

2. Review of the draft summary minutes and recommended actions of the 07 December APRALO meeting in Cartagena (5 minutes)

3. APRALO announcements (Hong) (10 minutes)

3.1 Follow-up from ICANN Cartagena Meeting
3.2 Application period for ICANN's Leadership Positions Now Open

See ICANN announcement from 17 December 2010: http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-17dec10-en.htm

4. Update on Regional Policy Workplan (Charles) (15 minutes)

4.1 Update on APRALO Policy Workplan presented in Cartagena
4.2 Current Open ICANN Public Consultations and At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule
4.3 Discussion on open public consultations of specific interest to APRALO:
4.4 Current ALAC policy discussions:

-  On 29 December 2010, the ALAC endorsed a Statement on Draft Final Report on Policy Aspects Regarding Introduction of Single Character IDN TLDs

- The ALAC will shortly start working on the ALAC Statement on Draft 2011-2014 Strategic Plan (see wiki workspace on ICANN Strategic Planning Development 2011

5. Update on Outreach & In-reach (Fouad,  Pavan)(15 minutes)

5.1. Review suggestions for In-Reach/Out-Reach improvements (pdf) and facilitate necessary decisions.
5.2. Introduction of individual membership and country level ALS incubation program (pdf) , voting rights structure design etc.
5.3 Update from Improvements WT B (Fouad)

6. Others (10 minutes)

6.1 Updates from the ALAC members and liaisons (Cheryl, James, Edmon)