ALAC ExCom 25.07.12 Chat

ALAC ExCom 25.07.12 Chat

  • Gisella Gruber-White: Welcome to the ALAC ExCom meeting on Wednesday 25 July 2012 at 1330 UTC
  • Tijani BEN JEMAA: Gisella do u hear me on Adobe
  • Tijani BEN JEMAA: Tu ne m'entends pas
  • Tijani BEN JEMAA: j'ai alors besoin d'un Dial out
  • Julie Hammer: Hi Everyone!
  • Tijani BEN JEMAA: +216 52 337 114
  • Gisella Gruber-White: @ Tijani - on t'appelle
  • Julie Hammer: Cygnets
  • Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Hi, everyone.
  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Hi Rinaliia
  • Carlton Samuels: Hi all
  • Carlton Samuels: My apologies. Was between sites
  • Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Welcome Carlton
  • Heidi Ullrich: We can put the link on the At-Large Facebook page
  • Heidi Ullrich: We have a Briefing call page
  • Heidi Ullrich: Another webinar that Olivier has planned is one with the Regional VPs to discuss the WCIT process
  • Heidi Ullrich: that will take place in August
  • Gisella Gruber-White: Evan disconnected - will notify you when he joins again
  • Rinalia Abdul Rahim: I'm sorry.  My computer is blacking out.  I need to reboot at some point.
  • Evan Leibovitch: Let's not kid ourselves. There won't be another round for a decade
  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I would like to think 2-+ years  Evan
  • Evan Leibovitch: (obviously reconnected)
  • Evan Leibovitch: no chance
  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr: :-)
  • Evan Leibovitch: It'll take five years just to get thropugh the litigation stemming from this round
  • Evan Leibovitch: OK, maybe three or four for the litigation
  • Evan Leibovitch: (Assuming ICANN in its current form lasts that long)
  • Evan Leibovitch: Any presumption that the current application procedure won't undergo significant review and change is IMO fantasy, ESPECIALLY given the coming major changes in the GNSO. ICANN is used to companies like Verisign being the big players, now the likes of Amazon, Google, Apple and Microsoft have their noses in the tent. The GNSO is going to go through some seismic changes, and ALAC and GAC have stronger voices. So with any future gTLD processs is going to get a serious overhaul whether  the existing players like it or not.
  • Alan Greenberg: Does multistakeholder mean more than the Board and staff??????
  • Evan Leibovitch: Only in publicity :-P
  • Carlton Samuels: @Alan:  We still struggle to find a common answer to that question
  • Evan Leibovitch: There are still major components of ICANN corporate culture that switch the MSM on and off as convenient.
  • Carlton Samuels: @Evan on MSM waxing and waning: +1
  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and again  APRALO  will get  nothoing  or  as good as nothoing
  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and the IGF  is IN OUR  Region
  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr: APRALO  would  support that 
  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr: @ Alan
  • Carlton Samuels: FWIW, I have been proposed as a speaker for Baku by the MAG holder from Jamaica
  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr: lucky YOU
  • Gisella Gruber-White: Evan is back
  • Carlton Samuels: The Workshop is  "Security Openness and Privacy". Theresa Swinehart is the head honcho in this section!
  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr:  I('m a speaker  listed on a few w'shops as well but  not likely to be there with NO APRALO support havng paid  to travel and attend  both  NZ and APRegional OGF meetiongs in the last few weeks
  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr: OGF = IGF  sorry  typing inthe dark here
  • Carlton Samuels: @CLO: I believe the GoJ is still looking sponsorship for my costs
  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr: back to Lucky YOU\
  • Evan Leibovitch: I'm OK with signing the letter
  • Julie Hammer: Apologies but I must leave the meeting in a couple of minutes. 
  • Evan Leibovitch: I have said before and I'll say again. Outreach is being pointed at the wrong audience.
  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Rest well Drive safe  Julie
  • Evan Leibovitch: Internet goivernance policy wonks already know where to find ICANN
  • Heidi Ullrich: Thanks for joining, Julie!
  • Olivier Crepin-Leblond: listening through Adobe. Awaiting call back
  • Olivier Crepin-Leblond: back on call
  • Heidi Ullrich: In the past, the Tuesday policy sessions included updates by David, Filiz, NomCom, ASO...
  • Heidi Ullrich: did you still wish to have those?
  • Heidi Ullrich: Given that the Policy meetins will be two hours each, did you wish to have only two topics discussed?
  • Heidi Ullrich: per meeting
  • Heidi Ullrich: so one hour per topic.
  • Heidi Ullrich: Evan, I believe you mentioned the idea of several parallel meetings the last hour on Sunday and sometime on Monday.
  • Evan Leibovitch: That was indeed my siggestion. The concept of breaking the ALAC into intrerest group parallels the very siccessful track system used in the summit
  • Heidi Ullrich: so we could scheduled four meetings on four different topics - and then possibly discuss the outcomes during a Policy Meeting on Tuesday. Is that correct?
  • Evan Leibovitch: That was the suggestion.
  • Evan Leibovitch: I really don't have much more to add to this than what I've already said.
  • Heidi Ullrich: What would be the topics of the four meetings?
  • Heidi Ullrich: Or should I schedule - Policy Workshop 1, Policy Workshop 2, etc? 
  • Heidi Ullrich: and the topics could be decided later
  • Evan Leibovitch: Agreed. That's for ALAC to decide.. If it's decided soon enough we know who to invite.
  • Evan Leibovitch: My own four would be(1) Compoiance and RAA
  • Evan Leibovitch: (2) Outreach and inreach
  • Carlton Samuels: @Evan choices: +1
  • Heidi Ullrich: so policy workshops rather than WGs? the two topics above could be discussed in the RRR WG and in a meeting of the new Outreach WG.
  • Carlton Samuels: (I have a slight different take on how to structure thematic discussions!
  • Heidi Ullrich: Evan, are you suggesting that the entire Sunday be in parallel sessions or only the last hour on Sunday and then a couple of meetings on Monday?
  • Heidi Ullrich: and interpretation,...
  • Evan Leibovitch: I hadn't given much thought on how much of the day is given to streaming. I hadn't thought the whole day would be trabnsformed.
  • Evan Leibovitch: The these are along the lones of what we have to date called "hot topics"
  • Evan Leibovitch: themes
  • Heidi Ullrich: I have a good sense of what is being requested
  • Olivier Crepin-Leblond: I need to log-off now & continue the call without Adobe
  • Olivier Crepin-Leblond: would anyone be able to let me know who is in the queue?
  • Heidi Ullrich: I will prepare a draft agenda with your suggestions for your review
  • Olivier Crepin-Leblond: if there is someone after Tijani
  • Heidi Ullrich: not atm
  • Olivier Crepin-Leblond: *if*
  • Olivier Crepin-Leblond: :-)
  • Tijani BEN JEMAA: I have to go now
  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thabks OCL
  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Bye all