October 2013 SSAC Report

October 2013 SSAC Report

OCTOBER 2013 – SSAC Liaison Report

(as at 29Oct13)


1.            SSAC MEETINGS.  The SSAC Meeting scheduled on 10 October was cancelled. 

2.            SSAC WORK PARTIES.  I am currently participating in two SSAC Work Parties:

  • Identifier Abuse Metrics Work Party – There have not been any meetings of this work party during the reporting period.
  • DNS Abuse Work Party  - I participated in a meeting of this work party on 24 September .

3.            BOARD RISK MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK WORKING GROUP.  Having received the final report by Westlake Governance, the Board-level DNS Risk Management Framework Working Group (DNS RMF WG) has initiated a public comment cycle prior to sending the Framework to the ICANN Board and staff for implementation.  I drafted an initial response which was updated by Olivier Crepin-Leblond, with input from Alejandro Pisanty, and the final draft was submitted on 27September.

4.            SSAC WORKSHOP.  The SSAC Workshop was held on 24-26 September in Los Angeles.  Unfortunately, because of prior commitments, I was unable to attend either in person or by teleconference.

5.            FURTHER BOARD DECISION REGARDING INVESTIGATION OF POTENTIAL NAME COLLISIONS FOR NEW gTLDS.   On 7 October, the ICANN Board New gTLD Program Committee (NGPC) approved an updated proposal, titled “New gTLD Occurrence Management Plan”, to mitigate the risks of potential name collisions caused by the introduction of new gTLDs.  The Collision Occurrence Management Plan directs staff to undertake an additional study to develop a name collision occurrence management framework. The framework will include appropriate parameters and processes to assess both probability and severity of harm resulting from the occurrence of name collisions.  It is intended to enable a more realistic risk assessment and to propose corresponding risk mitigation strategies.   Further details can be found at:
