Zoom chat: 2020-08-12 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call
00:26:56 Yesim Nazlar: RTT Link: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
00:28:28 Herb Waye: Greetings everyone, nice to see your names
00:32:48 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: yes "it" submitted makes more sense and "I" :-)
00:33:59 Jonathan Zuck: Freudian?
00:39:38 Jonathan Zuck: Looks good!
00:40:23 Holly Raiche: Happy with the statement - again, k taking into account where possible, what GAC and SSAC say
00:42:29 Holly Raiche: That doesn’t sound line ‘strong support'
00:47:44 Jonathan Zuck: Well, unless the AG steps in prematurely…
00:48:34 Herb Waye: Can’t stay for the rest of the meeting… take care everyone and stay safe.
00:49:32 Bill Jouris: @Jpnathan, Do you actually see grounds (which were pretty apparent with .org) for the AG to weigh in?
00:50:45 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: Thanks for passing by @Herb
00:51:37 Marita Moll: Wait for next week with sub pro
00:51:50 hadia Elminiawi: @Alan correct rec #18 is not supported by ALAC, GAC, IPC, and BC, but still is this strong support?
00:51:52 Jonathan Zuck: @Bill, there were absolutely NO grounds for the AG to weigh in. No decision had bee made, none of the accountability mechanisms had be attempted. It was quite literally a preemptive strike resulting from lobbying. Not the time for this debate though.
00:55:03 Nadira AL-ARAJ: liaison on different working group to trigger incoming issues
00:56:46 Evin Erdogdu: CPWG Position Development Process - See: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99713472/Consolidated+Policy+Working+Group+CPWG
00:56:48 Alan Greenberg: GNSO Council meeting in September is on 24 Sept at 12:00 UTC. The next scheduled meeting (if a decision is not taken on the 24th) is on 21 October. There is also a meeting on the 20th August at 21:00 UTC where the process and timeline of the EPDP decision will be discussed. There is also an item on the next steps for the EPDP Prio 2 issues.
01:02:15 Alan Greenberg: The term is "Issue Report"
01:12:48 Vanda Scartezini: sorry to be so late, was attending ccPDP
01:13:24 Jonathan Zuck: Yes!
01:14:33 Amrita Choudhury: Upcoming is better
01:15:11 hadia Elminiawi: @Holly making use of the resources (previous issues) is indeed very important
01:17:48 Marita Moll: Agree with Alan in not taking a narrow view
01:18:13 Yrjo Lansipuro: +1 to Alan
01:20:31 Jonathan Zuck: Yes, thank you. I was just trying to be complete, that’s all.
01:21:04 Alan Greenberg: @Marita, there have been MANY Issue Reports - at least one per each PDP. It is one requested by ALAC that is a rarity.
01:22:11 Nadira AL-ARAJ: +1 Marita
01:22:57 Alan Greenberg: For WT5, we did have formal members, but they were not there "representing". For the EPDP, we WERE representing.
01:23:24 Nadira AL-ARAJ: a different work modality need to be initiated
01:23:48 Nadira AL-ARAJ: Atlas III ambassadors could be utilized
01:24:08 Roberto: @JZ that should be the way
01:24:16 Holly Raiche: @JZ - in WGs, the idea is that we bring the perspective of end users
01:24:51 Alan Greenberg: I need to leave now. Appreciate speaking next.
01:26:38 Yrjo Lansipuro: The stages of the pipeline indeed offer participation opportunities for more people. It should somehow tie in with more input from expertise in the ALS’es
01:26:46 Jonathan Zuck: But perhaps we should NOT spend that much time on them, Alan
01:28:41 Jonathan Zuck: Sorry, See, I haven’t forgotten you!
01:28:59 Jonathan Zuck: Seb
01:31:48 Jonathan Zuck: Agree, we shouldn’t take our position lightly!
01:33:51 Nadira AL-ARAJ: +1 Christopher to active of how At-large is in trusted
01:33:54 Yrjo Lansipuro: Without At-Large, ICANN community would be just an industry association with governments participating in advisory capacity’
01:35:04 Bill Jouris: +1 Yrjo
01:37:08 Jonathan Zuck: OFBWG
01:37:12 christopher wilkinson: OBF?
01:38:05 hadia Elminiawi: @Sebastien +1 if members other than the representatives would like to draft the public comment they should be encouraged and prioritized
01:38:46 christopher wilkinson: Have to leave the call: will listen to the remaining recording.
01:39:02 Marita Moll: On working with the ralos, just noting that NARALO has started to use its monthly call to bring people up to speed on issues -- devoting each call to an issues. Seems to be working well
01:39:03 hadia Elminiawi: Thanks Christopher
01:39:26 hadia Elminiawi: @Marita great
01:39:38 Nadira AL-ARAJ: need more discussion on this
01:40:08 Evin Erdogdu: Upcoming Public Comment Proceedings: https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/upcoming-2012-02-25-en
01:40:17 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: Looks like the Adigo Line has been muted
01:40:31 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: I was speaking and not woring
01:40:41 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: I see Adigo Operator phone is back there
01:40:43 Jonathan Zuck: Oh sorry. Staff, please unmute Olivier.
01:40:55 Yesim Nazlar: Olivier - you are unmuted
01:40:59 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: I was not muted. All Adigo was
01:41:16 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: "Adigo Operator" was muted on Zoom. It's not unmuted.
01:41:19 Yesim Nazlar: ADIGO line is unmuted now also
01:41:21 Holly Raiche: Great ide Evin
01:41:32 Holly Raiche: )and JZ/OCL as well)
01:42:45 Jonathan Zuck: Exactly
01:43:03 Holly Raiche: Sounds like a great plan
01:45:16 Evin Erdogdu: Glad to hear Holly - and all comments welcome from CPWG members
01:48:19 Holly Raiche: Maybe have a session on one of the upcoming issues
01:49:45 Vanda Scartezini: thanks Jonathan will think on this
01:51:55 Judith Hellerstein: Amrita great idea
01:52:20 Marita Moll: +1 Amrita
01:53:06 Vanda Scartezini: yes jonathan last meeting was almost an large webinar
01:53:31 Vanda Scartezini: agree Amrita.
01:53:49 hadia Elminiawi: Great idea Amrita
01:54:25 Vanda Scartezini: thanks to all. see you next week
01:54:26 hadia Elminiawi: Thank you all - bye for now
01:54:28 Amrita Choudhury: Thank you everyone
01:54:32 Judith Hellerstein: bye all
01:54:36 Evin Erdogdu: Thank you all!
01:54:39 Gordon Chillcott: Thanks and bye for now.
01:54:40 Marita Moll: Bye all. Have a good day
01:54:43 Roberto: bye all
01:54:46 hadia Elminiawi: Great time to all:)
01:54:50 Dave Kissoondoyal: Thanks and bye to all