ALAC ExCom 30.08.12 Summary Minutes
ALAC ExCom Meeting
Thursday 30 August 2012 at 1500 UTC
Summary Minutes and Action Items
Notes taken by: Matt Ashtiani and Silvia Vivanco
1. Roll call and apologies – Staff (2 minutes)
The roll call and apologies were held
2. Review of Action Items from 28 August 2012 ALAC Meeting and the 7 August 2012 ExCom Meeting - Olivier (15 minutes)
The Action Items were reviewed and updated as necessary
3. Policy Advice Development Page -- Tijani, Olivier (20 minutes)
a. Recently approved ALAC Statements, Documents or Groups:
i. ALAC Statement on the Request for Community Input on Formulation of 2013-2016 Strategic Plan
ii. ALAC Statement on the IDN Prioritization in the New gTLD Program Targeted at the ICANN Board
iii. ALAC Statement on the Security, Stability & Resiliency of the DNS Review Team (SSR RT) Final Report
iv. ALAC Correspondence to the ICANN Board Chair on the ALAC/At-Large Improvements Implementation Project - Final Report for Review by the SIC
v. ALAC Correspondence Endorsing the IPC's Statement on the .com Renewal and Thick Whois
vi. ALAC Statement on the Preliminary GNSO Issue Report on the Protection of International Organization Names in New gTLDs
vii. ALAC Statement on the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part C Policy Development Process Initial Report
viii. ALAC Statement on the ALAC Advice to the Whois Review Team Report
3. Policy Advice Development Page -- Tijani, Olivier (20 minutes)
b. Statements currently being voted on or reviewed by the ALAC
i. Request for Community Input on SAC054 - Domain Name Registration Data Model - ALAC to vote shortly. - Vote to begin shortly
ii. ALAC Reply to Comments on the Draft Statements of ICANN's Role and Remit in Security, Stability, and Resiliency of the Internet's Unique Identifier System - ALAC vote started 29 August
iii. ALAC Draft Statement on the URS - AG: The URS is exceedingly crucial. ICANN budgeted money on bottom up community input, but nothing has happened as of right now. If the New gTLD WG approves it soon, we should try to schedule a vote online. We need action on this. We can submit the Statement to the At-Large for comments. We can then submit the Statement for a vote.
3. Policy Advice Development Page -- Tijani, Olivier (20 minutes)
c. Current open policy forums:
i. DSSA Working Group Phase 1 Report - Comment Period closes 13 September - At this stage there is to be no comment.
ii. SSAC Report on Dotless Domains - Comment Period closes 23 September - LACRALO to prepare statement.
CLO: At the end of the ALAC Meeting, I raised the issue of the draft policy document on the IDNs and TLDs. After the meeting, this paper was published by ICANN. It is actually a normal PC call. To that end, I don't think we need to change what we discussed at the ALAC Meeting.
OCL: Regarding Consumer Metrics Final Advice - The vote is to start shortly.
4. Follow up from 28 August ALAC Meeting - Olivier (20 mins)
OCL: The ALAC call was a very busy, fruitful call.
AG: On the call, the ALAC conducted a vote to approve the Advice to the Board on the Whois AOC Report. I have since discussed, with a relatively senior ICANN Staff member, if the Board can act without GNSO Policy Advice. The constituencies have identified a few of the recommendations. I do not understand why the Board cannot make a Statement or act on various items without the advice of the GNSO. Regardless, because of the controversy, the Staff member thought it would be useful if the ALAC identified the few items that the Board should act on, but that we should also give an analysis of all 16 items. I have sent the analysis in a spread hseet last night. 3 of the items might require GNSO policy advice, 1 of them would require GNSO input but it is not a formal PDP (proxy services), the other 12 would not require GNSO input. The registries and registrars also general feel this way. Would the ExCom support this process?
AG recommended: Statement to go to Board today.
EL: I agree with Alan. Can we in fact make it clear that we explicitly do not believe this all to be policy work. That much of this is implementation. Staff should not require GNSO Policy Advice for implementation. We should note that all of, if not most of the report, is implementation and not policy.
CS: I agree with Alan. The ALAC should be on record with its own views on this issue. We should do a comparative analysis and send it to the Board as well. There are two tracks: continue what we are doing now and then follow up with the analysis as Alan suggested. This will help us reinforce our point.
There was general consensus with Alan's points.
AG: Evan, I am reluctant to say that some of these issues are not policy. I would be cleared and state they are not GNSO Policy. We are implementing ASO Review, but not policy. I think the spreadsheet is noting if GNSO Policy is required.
EL: This is a stalling tactic driven by two components of the community ... contracted parties that don’t want to endure the expense to implement and the NCUC that just likes obfuscated WHOIS.
CS: That is exactly as i see it. My argument is against this concept of GNSO Policy.
OCL: We also need to be wary of strictly noting that this is strictly Staff work.
AG: Well, this is not Staff. This is the ICNN Board. The Board has a role in policy.
5. Discussion of Toronto ALAC Agendas and Collection of Questions - Olivier and Staff (20 minutes)
HU: The main meeting page -
HU: Sunday - - ALAC and Regional Leadership Working Session 1. This agenda was reviewed by Heidi Ullrich.
CLO: Can I go first, please?
HU: There has been some discussion about visiting ALSes in Armenia.
CLO: We should be wary of simply sending Fadi and others to all of our ALSes. They should be briefed to the extent necessary.
AG: The thought that the new CEO and Senior Executives want to meet ALSes when the travel is exceedingly encouraging and exceedingly scary. When we give them contacts, we need to pick good people who will represent us well. We should not simply pick the name of an ALS representative in that city.
AG: Hopefully we will not find the right person from a defunct ALS.
OCL: The discussion that I had with Fadi at the beginning of the Prague week yielded this result. In order to get ALSes to feel more of a part of ICANN, we have had discussions with Fadi that he would meet with the ALSes. We can suggest which ones Fadi meets with.
OCL: Regarding the IGF, the other discussion we had with Fadi, was for ICANN to have an event taking place at the event. That would actually mean having our APRALO and AFRALO representatives to actually be cohosts or actively involved in being invited in the event that would take place in Baku. We need to push for all of these people to push for a small amount of time with Fadi. Once of the reasons why Fadi should meet with our ALSes is that we have nothing to hide and this will push our RALOs to be more productive. We need to make sure that ALSes, when they join, have something that will support them in the ICANN process.
SB: We should just be careful when asking for a budget for a summit.
HU: The EURALO GA at the EuroDig has been confirmed.
HU: - Friday.
HU: Please note the limited serviced on Friday. From what I have heard, there will be internet, but there will not be an AC Bridge. There will likely not be interpretation, but I do think there will be microphones.
OCL: If we do not have an AC Bridge, Interpretation, or recordings, I don't see the point to these meetings.
HU: We are working on the full details and on alternative methods.
OCL: Before you continue Heidi, I have received some feedback on the Sunday session noting that it is a bit of patchwork.
HU: Fadi has been invited to speak about the role of At-Large during the NARALO Event. OCL will be speaking on the RALO achievements as well. Please wear yellow.
HU: There have been wiki pages to post questions.
Compliance -
ICANN Board -
Global Partnerships -
Communications Dept. -
Participation and Engagement -
At-Large Topics for Public Forum in Toronto Workspace -
HU: Is Sandra asking for a full three hour session. Can we split it up into two sessions during the week? Doing so will be far simpler.
CLO: OCL, will you be in the DSSA Meeting? Will Carlton or Evan be conducting the Wrap Up Meeting?
6. Topics for Policy Update Webinar (Olivier) (10 mins)
Policy Update Webinar scheduled for Thursday, 4 October at 12.00 UTC and 19.00 UTC
Completion of ALAC Improvements
ROP revision
RG activities
Policy and process
7. Any other Business - Olivier (5 minutes)
There was no other business.