Zoom chat: 2020-09-16 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call

Zoom chat: 2020-09-16 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call

00:11:29 Claudia Ruiz : Welcome to the Consolidated Policy Working Group Call
00:14:24 hadia Elminiawi: Hello all
00:15:46 Bill Jouris: I do have a brief presentation on the SLD LRG
00:18:15 Claudia Ruiz: Apologies, internet is very slow
00:20:21 Claudia Ruiz: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99639100/2020-09-16+Consolidated+Policy+Working+Group+Call
00:29:26 Vanda Scartezini: hi everyone, sorry to enter late..
00:31:55 Michelle DeSmyter: To follow along with the RTT: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
00:34:07 Justine Chew: @Christopher, there is always the ICANN Board?
00:34:27 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and the Org
00:35:38 Jonathan Zuck: +1 CW. This is SO focused on fairness and predictability for applicants which is a pretty small constituency
00:36:02 Holly Raiche: But the Board is VERY wary of intervening in GNSO decision )and rightly so)
00:38:32 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I would however assum that in the case of SPIRT ALAC would be well advised and likely to appoint a formal REPRESENTATIVE (with all that means from the ALAC Rules of Procedure
00:39:05 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: others from our Community would always of course be welcome to join as now outlined by @Justine
00:39:22 Holly Raiche: Agree with CLO - it is critical to have someone as rep on SPIRT
00:40:19 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: indeed !Alan we need a string REP on it
00:40:28 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: strong
00:40:36 Bill Jouris: +1 Cheryl
00:41:16 Holly Raiche: +1 Alan
00:41:19 Marita Moll: Yes, @Alan. Good points. Only so much energy and have to choose our battles
00:42:00 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thanks @Justine
00:42:02 Maureen Hilyard: Thanks Justine
00:42:16 Sarah Kiden: Thank you Justine
00:43:17 Holly Raiche: It just confuses me!
00:43:40 Roberto: To add to confusion, for instance brand TLDs are gTLDs, but not “generic”
00:46:21 Jonathan Zuck: Google applied for .app, for example
00:49:26 Filina Natalia: hello all, sorry I`m late.
00:49:40 Holly Raiche: Did the Board or GAC define what they meant by public interest?
00:50:14 Greg Shatan: @Holly, I don’t believe so.
00:50:20 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: No Holly they did not
00:50:21 Marita Moll: @Alan -- it was probably a buying time manoeuvre
00:50:25 Holly Raiche: Thanks Greg
00:51:36 Holly Raiche: OR - are they allowed on terms in a previous slide?
00:52:38 Justine Chew: There is a huge split in the SubPro PDP WG on what "status quo" means.
00:53:10 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: it is As implemented in 2012 round or written in AGB
00:53:55 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: here in this topic Sub Pro has specifically asked the current Board to clarify what either was meant in 2015 or IS intended now
00:54:12 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: The Boaed *is working on that*
00:55:37 Justine Chew: I luv snarky!
00:56:22 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: NOTE: in the Public Comment form we have presented these three proposals Not as typified here ;-) and ask IF there are any overarching Principals in any or all of them that might be supported by the Community
00:57:35 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: So identification of such Principles in this assessment towards scorecard activity will be *very useful*
00:58:17 Sergio Salinas Porto: I'm sorry to have to retire.
I have had to double my work hours a few months ago due to the issue of the COVID19 pandemic and I must attend to give classes, see you at the next meeting.
01:00:56 christopher wilkinson: @.earthquake: so now weight be considering .covid. …
01:01:18 christopher wilkinson: Might
01:03:22 Jonathan Zuck: Google DID do some interesting experiments with .New, allowing you to do sheets.new, docs.new which DOES seem a least a little innovative. I think they left it "open" but have not yet delegated it.
01:05:40 Lutz Donnerhacke: Jonathan, of course, postpending a function might be seen as an Innovation. IBTD
01:08:06 Carlton Samuels: Really good distillation of the proposals from Alan.
01:08:27 Lutz Donnerhacke: As a closed gTLD you may even use .mix and use this to "route" E-Mail Addresses for Mixmaster. Like adressing the Darknet with .onion
01:09:05 Jonathan Zuck: I was wrong. .new IS delegated. It just costs $500/year
01:09:10 Holly Raiche: Could we, at least, consider the proposal developed by George, etc…
01:09:53 Lutz Donnerhacke: Jonathan, I'd oppose any TLD, which moves away from DNS to operate.
01:10:42 Holly Raiche: Could someone send the link please
01:10:49 Jonathan Zuck: @Lutz, is sheets.new an example of that, in your opinion? If it's a web service, it's really not much different than sending a parameter to a domain, no?
01:11:12 Justine Chew: Links to the 3 proposal are in my email to the CPWG mail list asking for comments on Closed Generics.
01:11:44 Justine Chew: The links are also in the Draft Finali Report.
01:12:02 Roberto: If ALAC believes that one proposal is better than others, the fact that this proposal “might not get enough support” should not stop us from supporting it.
01:12:19 Jonathan Zuck: +1 Roberto
01:12:25 Justine Chew: Yes, Roberto
01:12:28 Lutz Donnerhacke: Jonathan, yes .new is a Concept which should be prohibited. The single step Redirect is not enough. .onion does not even use this step. You may check, if Chrome really does use the DNS for .new or use an internal call instead
01:13:16 Jonathan Zuck: interesting thoughts, Lutz
01:13:50 Justine Chew: .pharmacy is considered as a verifiled TLD
01:13:51 Jonathan Zuck: .bank is another "open" gTLD with lots of rules
01:14:47 Jonathan Zuck: @Lutz, .new works from other browsers so it's not Chrome code for sure
01:15:23 Lutz Donnerhacke: .aero has also a limited scope
01:15:34 Justine Chew: They are "open" gTLD in that third parties outside of the registry can apply for a SL domain. A verified TLD has rules as to who can apply for a SL domain.
01:15:45 Carlton Samuels: Excellent presentation from Allan; well balanced I thought. Declaration: I'm inclined to favour the Sadowsky, Kleinman, Greenberg et. al. proposal. Speaking to the proposal from Jeff Neumann and reference to "competitors", I say this. It is not novel to consider competitors in 'advancing the public interest". We have evidenc in the ICANN space right now; say GAC vs. ALAC. Mention made of competitors in the 'do gooder' space; as in the Red Cross vs. Medecins Sans Frontiers in the disaster relief community.
01:16:12 Lutz Donnerhacke: @Jonathan, helpers for a minority is not enough. .onion has also Webpages, which direct you to the correct use of a TOR-browser
01:17:41 Justine Chew: Alan is correct.
01:17:43 Roberto: Some of the early TLDs had stirct rules and tight control - e.g. .edu, .gov, .int, …
01:18:04 Roberto: *strict*
01:18:10 Betty Fausta: +1 Carlton
01:18:11 Lutz Donnerhacke: @roberto, most ccTLDs are restricted in this way
01:18:39 Roberto: @Lutz - agree, I was only giving gTLDs examples
01:20:01 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: PLwase NOTE what I said earlier in chat as to what the PC is asking for in this matter
01:20:04 Jonathan Zuck: Okay. we'll close the queue, giving CW the pithy last word
01:20:07 Claudia Ruiz: @all - we are now closing the queue after Christopher Wilkinson- thank you!
01:20:41 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: repeated again... NOTE: in the Public Comment form we have presented these three proposals Not as typified here ;-) and ask IF there are any overarching Principals in any or all of them that might be supported by the Community So identification of such Principles in this assessment towards scorecard activity will be *very useful*
01:21:20 Greg Shatan: Cheryl’s point is important....
01:21:41 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I try @Gref ( but hey what would I know ;-)
01:22:10 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: @Greg that typo might have been a 'Freudian slid !
01:23:49 Justine Chew: Closed Generic are not lmited to English generic words See: GAC Category 2 strings at https://newgtlds.icann.org/en/applicants/gac-advice/cat2-safeguards
01:25:36 Alan Greenberg: .antivirus, .app, .autoinsurance, .baby, .beauty, .blog, .book, .broker, .carinsurance, .cars, .cloud, .courses, .cpa, .cruise, .data, .dvr, .financialaid, .flowers, .food, .game, .grocery, .hair, .hotel, .hotels .insurance, .jewelry, .mail, .makeup, .map, .mobile, .motorcycles, .movie, .music, .news, .phone, .salon, .search, .shop, .show, .skin, .song, .store, .tennis, .theater, .theatre, .tires, .tunes, .video, .watches, .weather, .yachts, .クラウド [cloud], .ストア [store], .セール [sale], .ファッション [fashion], .家電 [consumer electronics], .手表 [watches], .書籍 [book], .珠宝 [jewelry], .通販 [online shopping], .食品 [food]
01:25:37 hadia Elminiawi: to me innovation means bringing new values
01:26:00 Matthias M. Hudobnik:  justine
01:27:30 Matthias M. Hudobnik: good point raised!
01:30:56 Justine Chew: Exactly Alan, that's is why we should look at elements that we think should govern Closed Generics
01:31:07 Holly Raiche: Thanks Alan for a very clear presentation
01:31:23 hadia Elminiawi: Thank you Justine and Alan
01:31:55 Maureen Hilyard: Great presentation Alan
01:34:12 Alan Greenberg: Thanks all.
01:36:50 Justine Chew: Thanks @Alan.
01:38:57 Jonathan Zuck: I showed a lot of homoglyphs in my DNS Abuse presenation
01:40:11 laurin: SSR2 also looked at this, and made recommendations based on that. will see to having this included even though we are pretty much at the end of the process.
01:42:23 Jonathan Zuck: Indeed
01:42:34 Justine Chew: @Bill, good stuff!
01:42:51 Maureen Hilyard: Really interesting ..
01:42:53 hadia Elminiawi: Thank you Bill
01:43:04 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: Is there a rule that limits allowed characters for a TLD to a set of characters from the relevant script?
01:43:18 Justine Chew: @Holly, yes!
01:43:42 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thanks @Bill
01:44:29 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: Jonathan & I will be checking when next we can have this topic in the agenda
01:44:44 Alan Greenberg: Need to leave now. Bye all.
01:44:56 Maureen Hilyard: Bye Alan
01:45:40 Evin Erdogdu: Thanks Alan
01:45:53 hadia Elminiawi: Bye Aan
01:46:05 hadia Elminiawi: *Alan
01:46:06 Judith Hellerstein: yes. i have to leave as well
01:46:10 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: Do we visualize a situation wherein a Registrant picks up a string from two or more different scripts, and expect the user to type the domain name by switching across keyboards of two or more scripts?
01:46:32 hadia Elminiawi: Bye Judith
01:47:22 Jonathan Zuck: yes, that's the exact situation I'm talking about
01:47:31 Jonathan Zuck: Thanks
01:47:43 Lutz Donnerhacke: Russia was not allowed to register .ро and the fixed it by reinventing the russian federation resulting in .рф
01:48:01 Jonathan Zuck: yes, and Google and other words. that's why I said it couldn't be an outright prohibition but a pause check. Thanks
01:48:36 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Bye for now everyone!
01:49:40 Bill Jouris: One other feature: different fonts. Those little serifs on some fonts are about the same size as some diacritics. And we've all been trained to ignore them.
01:49:52 Evin Erdogdu: +1 thank you Justine! Stay tuned for email to CPWG list for comment on scorecards.
01:49:52 Hanan Khatib: thank you all and goodbye
01:49:59 Jonathan Zuck: Yes, these scorecards are the envy of the whole ICANN community!
01:50:02 herb waye ombuds: Always great to hear voices and see names. Take care everyone, stay safe and healthy.
01:50:10 Evin Erdogdu: Thank you Bill for the presentation on LGRs
01:51:07 Justine Chew: Thanks, all.
01:51:08 Evin Erdogdu: Thank you all!
01:51:08 Marita Moll: By all.
01:51:09 laurin: thanks all!
01:51:11 Roberto: Bye
01:51:11 Harold Arcos: thank you all,, great update!!
01:51:13 hadia Elminiawi: Thanks all bye for now
01:51:14 Maureen Hilyard: Bye all