Zoom chat: 2020-08-05 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call
00:29:00 Michelle DeSmyter: If you would like to follow along with RTT today: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
00:32:04 Michel TCHONANG LINZE: Hi everyone
00:41:06 Michelle DeSmyter: If you would like to follow along with RTT today: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
00:42:35 Alfredo Calderon: Apologies for my lateness.
00:46:49 Bill Jouris: The Registrars' approach appears to be aimed at getting yet more constraints generated as a matter of law. Rather than getting them generated by ICANN itself.
00:48:08 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: Eliminate the “all”. That will keep a door open.
00:48:43 Holly Raiche: Agree we should make an additional statement along the lines suggested - for GENERAL agreement with all the parties
00:49:00 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: +1 @Holly
00:49:00 hadia Elminiawi: +1 Holly
00:49:25 Holly Raiche: @ Ed - if we say ‘GENERAL’ agreement - it does leave an out
00:49:36 Alfredo Calderon: I would agree using “General” agreement.
00:51:21 Marita Moll: + 1 with Eduardo and Alfredo
00:51:27 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thx @Michael
00:51:42 hadia Elminiawi: Thanks Michael for this information
00:51:57 Michelle DeSmyter: If you would like to follow along with RTT today: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
00:52:42 hadia Elminiawi: Our understanding is that RDAP allows for reverse lookups
00:52:50 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: *General* agreement
00:54:56 hadia Elminiawi: reverse lookups: like you can find the domain names associated with a specific email address
00:55:22 SivasubramanianM: Such a reverse look up feature is definitely a good feature to wish for.
00:56:47 Evin Erdogdu: Will do @Justine
00:56:49 Evin Erdogdu: Thank you
00:56:53 SivasubramanianM: from Alan, I understand that it is not only domain names associated with a specific email address, but also domain names associated with a specific registrant, a specific registrant's organization, a specific phone number to look for patterns.
00:58:31 hadia Elminiawi: @Sivasubramanian correct not only email addresses that was only an example, domain names associated with any of the relevant fields
00:59:50 SivasubramanianM: Thank you @haldia
01:00:19 Evin Erdogdu: Thanks @Hadia
01:01:00 hadia Elminiawi: Thank you
01:14:12 Justine Chew: The list of cities we're talking about is found at this url https://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic-social/products/dyb/documents/DYB2018/table08.pdf
01:16:27 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Paris Australia
01:16:54 Marita Moll: Paris is a capital city so not a good example
01:17:45 Harold Arcos: Like "Cuenca" = Ecuador, Spain, Phillipines
01:17:49 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I am well aware @Marita thus I assume @Gregs next example
01:18:26 Marita Moll: Not likely with your TATa suggestion Greg -- gTLDs cost a lot of money. Underpopulated areas are not going to applay
01:18:30 Justine Chew: @Greg, what is a palatable way forward?
01:20:25 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: The question was ti the UN list
01:20:44 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: as linked in the presentation, was it the only list looked at by the small team
01:23:32 Sébastien Bachollet: https://www.iata.org/en/publications/directories/code-search/?
01:24:00 Sébastien Bachollet: Replace by this other list
01:26:01 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: @Justine I believe @Siva was making a statement not a question regarding the "harm' we are trying to ameliorate in this matter
01:27:01 Justine Chew: @Cheryl, noted but it still pertains to SL which this discussion does not cover. But noted.
01:27:27 Greg Shatan: But what is that protection?
01:27:32 Bill Jouris: Perhaps we could write a restriction into registrations themselves that, for city names (however defined), second party sales cannot be for an amount greater than the original registration costs. That would seem to address the resale issue.
01:28:02 Roberto: Is the list dynamic? I mean, if a city with a population of 99.999 have a newborn will it be automatically protected, and vice-versa does a city with 100K lose protection if somebody dies?
01:28:25 Michelle DeSmyter: Jonathan Zuck has a question on the phone
01:28:27 SivasubramanianM: Thank you Cheryl. As a further clarification, the Registries, by discussion in a relevant working group, may consider taking note of the TLD level concerns as discussed and decided, in their Registry policies for second level domain names.
01:29:02 SivasubramanianM: Not necessarily to replicate the same rules, but to follow certain general good practices.
01:30:34 Bill Jouris: @Sivasubramanian, But do the Registrars *ever* take note of a "good practice" which would limit their possible income from increased domainname sales?
01:30:56 SivasubramanianM: For, it would not feasible for Registries to be so thorough on these processes, which would make Registry operation complicated, but they could have a certain manner of being cautious / careful or selective about allocating city names etc
01:31:08 SivasubramanianM: to the extent possible
01:33:27 SivasubramanianM: @Bill it could also turn out to their advantage. This might open up the possibility of categorizing careful names such as city names in a category , which may enable the Registrars to charge a dollar or two more for these names which require a different process
01:33:48 Greg Shatan: What does the notification allow the city to do?
01:34:09 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: Sounds like a Trademark Clearinghouse type database
01:34:16 Sébastien Bachollet: Sorry old hand
01:34:21 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: same sort of mechanism?
01:34:22 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I assume SUpport if asked to give non Objection letter OR Object @Greg
01:34:26 SivasubramanianM: Even though Registries and Registrars might like to have more names registered, not all of them would like to compromise a city name for a dollar in profit
01:35:28 avri doria: when you say anyone do you include those who might want to apply for the string in the future. Ime. left me know if my competitors are applying so I can object.
01:35:35 Justine Chew: @Jonathan, I also thought to limit to GAC Members because GAC Members have "jurisdiction" over any city in their respective countries.
01:36:27 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: I mean the type of database was like the TMCH --- i.e. notification of the appicant for the TLD that they might be using a string that's recognised as geographical by some. Of course for TLDs, not 2nd level
01:36:42 Marita Moll: @Greg -- a simple notice, no right applied to it -- just heads up
01:37:31 hadia Elminiawi: @Olivier yes Jonathan said he is looking for something like clearinghouse
01:38:09 Isabelle Olesen: merci
01:38:44 Marita Moll: @Jonathan -- I think that confuses the issue. The discussion here has really been around geonames.
01:38:50 hadia Elminiawi: @avri - good point
01:45:58 Michel TCHONANG LINZE: Merco Justine
01:46:31 Michel TCHONANG LINZE: Yes
01:48:27 Greg Shatan: It wasn’t complicated before now?
01:50:07 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and letter from *ALL* NC Cities of the specific size not just 1 of 3 oer so
01:50:22 Bill Jouris: First we see whether we get Yes or No. Then we decide what the criteria should be
01:50:39 Holly Raiche: Agree with Cheryl
01:50:50 Roberto: Agree with Bill
01:51:12 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: noting the added bit to yes on ALL forms and historic use that we did nt cover today
01:51:20 Harold Arcos: no
01:51:23 Cherie Lagakali: be stronger
01:51:34 hadia Elminiawi: do more
01:51:44 hadia Elminiawi: I voted yes
01:51:47 Michel TCHONANG LINZE: Yes
01:51:51 Harold Arcos: do more,,,yes
01:51:51 Judith Hellerstein: voted yes
01:52:00 Roberto: Voted no
01:52:08 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: poll polling
01:53:03 Holly Raiche: So that makes it 80.5% with JZ
01:53:26 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: IF everyone in the chat voted in the Poll
01:53:56 Marita Moll: That's a lot more people voting than last time
01:57:43 hadia Elminiawi: Thank you all - bye for now
01:58:03 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Bye for now
01:58:05 Cherie Lagakali: thanks everyone bye
01:58:05 Michelle DeSmyter: Next meeting: Wednesday, 12 August 2020 at 13:00 UTC
01:58:07 Hanan Khatib: thank you all
01:58:09 Michel TCHONANG LINZE: Thank Olivier and staff for this good meeting, bye bye
01:58:19 Marita Moll: Thanks to all -- see you next time
01:58:23 Evin Erdogdu: Thank you all!
01:58:34 Roberto: bye