Zoom chat: 2020-04-01 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call
12:42:34 From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome to the Consolidated Policy Working Group Call
12:49:52 From Evin Erdoğdu : Hello all, welcome.
12:52:09 From Evin Erdoğdu : Sounds better on telephone
12:52:13 From Evin Erdoğdu : Thank you!
13:01:07 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Shall we start the meeting?
13:02:18 From davekissoondoyal : Hello everyone
13:02:29 From laurin : hi all!
13:03:59 From heidi.ullrich : Hi, Ill.
13:04:31 From Alfredo Calderon : Hello to all! Hope everyone is safe./ Saludos a todos! Espero todos se encuentren bien y a salvo.
13:04:39 From Matthias M. Hudobnik : hello all :-)
13:04:43 From Roberto : Sorry, line dropped - reconnected now
13:04:51 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Doing our best @Alfredo
13:04:57 From Alfredo Calderon : I have a hard stop at 2100UTC due to another call.
13:06:27 From Michel TCHONANG : Hi everyone
13:06:46 From Gunela Astbrink : Good morning. The connection was slow in connecting.
13:06:48 From haroun mahamat cherif : hi everybody
13:07:23 From Seun Ojedeji : Hello everyone
13:07:28 From Alfredo Calderon : Hi @Cheryl. Hope you know that here in the Island we have a tougher lockdown. On Sundays, everything will be closed (except Pharmacy and Food Stores) and no one will be allowed on the street, unless an emergency and evidence must be show to Police or National Guard.
13:07:29 From Hadia Elminiawi : Hi Seun
13:07:41 From Claudia Ruiz : Yes, we will reach out to him
13:07:48 From Evin Erdoğdu : Noted Olivier and Marita, thank you
13:08:04 From Justine Chew : We both just got off NCAP DG call, Greg and I. He's fine.
13:08:24 From Seun Ojedeji : @Alfredo that lockdown is similar to what we currently have.....stay safe
13:08:43 From Alfredo Calderon : @Seun, you too!
13:08:50 From Justine Chew : Holidays? I want one!
13:09:12 From Roberto : @Alfredo - same in Italy
13:09:29 From Roberto : until 13 April, after Easter
13:09:42 From Justine Chew : @CLO, okie dokie.
13:10:40 From heidi.ullrich : The link to the full report is hyperlinked on the agenda.
13:10:46 From heidi.ullrich : As are Cheryl’s slides.
13:10:51 From Evin Erdoğdu : Thank you for confirming Greg is okay, Justine :)
13:10:56 From Alfredo Calderon : It seems that ours will have a 3rd extension till 30 April. This second round is until 12 april.
13:13:16 From Marita Moll : Thanks Justine. As New York is an epicenter of covid-19 right now, one can't help but extrapolate
13:16:08 From Hadia Elminiawi : Thanks Justine, lets hope we all stay safe
13:16:48 From Glenn McKnight, Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities to Claudia Ruiz (Privately) : I was on a course and forgot about the call until I saw an apology from dev
13:17:28 From heidi.ullrich : CBI has been used by At-Large as well.
13:17:48 From Hadia Elminiawi : the sound is cutting
13:19:09 From Claudia Ruiz : https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
13:20:46 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : sound's all fine here
13:21:52 From Michel TCHONANG : Thank Claudia
13:22:08 From Justine Chew to Claudia Ruiz (Privately) : next slide please
13:22:10 From Ricardo Holmquist : Hva the same problem of Hadia
13:22:19 From Ricardo Holmquist : *Have
13:22:22 From Lutz Donnerhacke : Hadia: It's not just the australian dialect.
13:22:35 From Marita Moll : For me the sound is fuzzy
13:22:40 From Holly Raiche : Should we be on the next slide
13:22:48 From Greg Shatan : Hi everyone. Greetings from the Epicenter.
13:22:56 From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome Greg
13:22:57 From Evin Erdoğdu : Welcome Greg :)
13:22:57 From Justine Chew : NEXT Slide
13:23:16 From Marita Moll : Hi Greg -- good to hear from you.
13:23:55 From Holly Raiche : @ Greg - glad you are okay
13:23:57 From Ricardo Holmquist : @Greg: for those of us coming from the future, good luck, and stay care. Greetings from Madrid
13:24:17 From Gopal : Defining the Process Owner is very important. it is not clear to me how this happens.
13:24:18 From Filina Natalia (Euralo Secretary) : Hi all! sorry, I am late
13:24:22 From Greg Shatan : Thanks! I am hunkered down at home.
13:24:27 From Hadia Elminiawi : @Ricardo, how are you doing?
13:24:57 From Ricardo Holmquist : Staying home since three weeks ago, and actual expectation is for 30-45 days more
13:26:35 From Alfredo Calderon : @Ricardo, same here in the Island.
13:27:50 From Alfredo Calderon : @Ricardo, I still have some medical appointments to meet. And when I go It’s almost in a “bubble”.
13:27:55 From Alberto Soto to Claudia Ruiz (Privately) : @Ricardo, me too in Argentina
13:28:45 From Filina Natalia (Euralo Secretary) : I like the wording very much
13:29:08 From Ricardo Holmquist : @Alfredo: take care!, really is a problem going to a MD this days. Here about 80% of the Sanitary personnel is dedicated to the crisis
13:30:16 From Alfredo Calderon : @Ricardo, Thanks. Doing my best… with my support system and all.
13:31:58 From Gopal : This process itself is more on De Jure methods. We need a core team only for this process.
13:32:14 From Hadia Elminiawi : Thanks Cheryl
13:32:16 From heidi.ullrich : Excellent slide re interaction opportunities. Might be useful to post that slide prominently
13:35:47 From Lutz Donnerhacke : If you really stay at home you might see this (tight now in my hometown) https://michael-böhme.de/corona/ … as a result we are allowed to open some more stores tomorrow, So STAY!
13:37:57 From Michel TCHONANG : Thank Cheryl
13:39:41 From Holly Raiche : My fear - the multi-stakeholder becomes less of a ‘multi’ stakeholder participation model
13:40:12 From Chokri ben romdhane : +Christopher
13:40:44 From Marita Moll : Agree with Holly and Christopher. Some things that could restrict participation.
13:41:16 From Michel TCHONANG : Yes Holly that is a problem
13:41:53 From Holly Raiche : Hopefully, some flexibility can be introduced to accommodate the difficulties that we identified in participation for volunteers
13:41:59 From Roberto : Sorry, line keeps dropping - reconnected again
13:42:06 From Filina Natalia (Euralo Secretary) : @Marita @Holly @Christopher agree
13:44:31 From Gopal : ICANN can have certain aspects of PDP 3.0 as De Facto. This will improve the efficiency of this process. We need to categorize De Jure and De Facto clearly. I can assist Cheryl. It was a good presentation.
13:45:10 From Holly Raiche : @ Gopal - no question of increased efficiency - but at the expense of participation?
13:46:04 From laurin : the problem is also what will be made out of the baselines here outlined. can technically go either way.
13:46:16 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Exactly @Greg
13:46:37 From Gopal : Cannot help it. There must be an ambience of enterprising approach by volunteers.
13:47:25 From Holly Raiche : @ Gopal - not sure what you mean by ambience in this context
13:47:25 From Alberto Soto : I agree Greg
13:47:31 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Indeed @Greg :-)
13:47:55 From Holly Raiche : All too true Greg
13:49:55 From Holly Raiche : I think we know the answer Cheryl.
13:50:13 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Thanks everyone as I say Happy o come back to this AS we Review how it all goes...
13:51:08 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Thanks everyone... I have been doing my best to get the attention of ALAC and At-Large on all this as it developed but it is what it is now...
13:51:29 From Holly Raiche : @ Alan - yet another issue with the PDP3
13:51:33 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : and I have **only presented** the facts here NOT opinion
13:52:00 From Carlton Samuels : @Alan. Glad you pointed out that little wrinkle with the participatory model...and measurement outcomes
13:52:32 From Greg Shatan : @CLO, thank you for your endless attention span
13:53:17 From Gunela Astbrink : Thank you @Cheryl
13:53:29 From Carlton Samuels : @Greg +1. A medal for sticktuitiveness!
13:53:46 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Need to leave this ZOOM room now for my ATRT3 Plenary call
13:54:07 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : I might see if I can still listen in here at least via mobile
13:54:28 From Gopal : On GNSO PDP 3.0, to offset any restrictions on participation as pointed out, we need to work on Inclusivity.
13:54:34 From Evin Erdoğdu : Thank you Cheryl
13:54:49 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : Thanks @Cheryl
13:56:02 From Sébastien Bachollet : Taking the same way as Cheryl,
13:56:16 From Sébastien Bachollet : Have a good meeting
13:56:41 From Alfredo Calderon : Thanks @Cheryl. It looks like we may have to organize a Webinar to better understand the future rules of procedure … ;-)
13:58:22 From Holly Raiche : @ Hadia - great summary so far
13:59:01 From Matthias M. Hudobnik : indeed thx for the update hadia :-)
13:59:20 From Hadia Elminiawi : Thank you Holly and Mathias
14:00:06 From Hadia Elminiawi : +1 Alan
14:01:20 From Gopal : Legal is a good deterrent in the process. It is better if we see natural persons most of the times based ob ethics. Legal to be included where and when necessary. It is not Legal Vs Natural persons.
14:02:34 From Greg Shatan : The issue is, or should be, what GDPR requires for legal compliance. No more, no less.
14:03:34 From Carlton Samuels : In my view data collected and held for any purpose, especially a regulatory one must be accurate. And if accuracy must be compelled then so be it. regulatory
14:04:33 From Carlton Samuels : Any other posture is counterproductive, counterintuitive and purely wrong headed.
14:04:33 From Hadia Elminiawi : This is not what we agreed to, we agreed to a hybrid model which could evolve if we do not have an evolving mechanism we have a totally distributed system not an evolving one.
14:05:39 From Bill Jouris : Is "cartelization" really the correct term? Somehow "regulatory capture" seems like the more usual term. At least outside ICANN.
14:06:04 From Bill Jouris : That is, those supposedly being regulated taking over the regulatory body
14:06:24 From Gopal : To make my position clear, the regulatory method has GDPR in the form of rule base that any natural person in adherence to ethics will abide by. Yes, we will make Legal prominent in communications. It is not Legal Vs Natural persons.
14:07:39 From yrjolansipuro : Could the two issues (legal/natural, evolution) be the stuff of a joint ALAC/GAC statement?
14:07:39 From Gopal : Coming from India, the term Legal often times signals Courts and Cases.
14:07:51 From Chokri ben romdhane : I've got the impression that the EPDP working group is no longer policy developement WG but a legal/technical debates WG
14:08:04 From Matthias M. Hudobnik : In general, gdpr is only applicable for legal persons if the legal person is linked to a uniquely personal identifier/natural person
14:08:13 From Hadia Elminiawi : We are looking for a system in which the decision making is hybrid that is sometimes the decision is taken by the CP and on other occasions where legally and technically permissible the decision is taken by the central gateway
14:08:49 From Justine Chew : @Yrjo, good question.
14:10:05 From Hadia Elminiawi : @Yrjo, yes I think so the gac has the same position
14:10:09 From Oksana Prykhodko : +1@Yrjo
14:11:27 From Matthias M. Hudobnik : thx alan!
14:12:07 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : sorry I keep dropping my current bandwidth from my satilite connect is poor and trying to maintain two devices in two rooms doesn't help
14:13:01 From Hadia Elminiawi : @cheryl I upgraded my bandwidth today, I tripled it
14:14:46 From Matthias M. Hudobnik : https://www.i-scoop.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/GDPR-overlap-GDPR-protection-personal-data-and-data-which-concerns-legal-persons-the-Recital-14-exception.gif
14:16:07 From Matthias M. Hudobnik : this picture explains it quite well
14:17:09 From Hadia Elminiawi : @Mathias, the problem is that some groups say that it is a policy issue and not a legal issue and that no matter what kind of advice we get from the Bird and Bird (the legal advisors) they will not change their position
14:17:39 From Hadia Elminiawi : *From Bird & Bird
14:17:43 From Gopal : How Many New gTLDs, and How Fast? Any upperbounds ? What should be theguidelines in this case? my concern is due to the .dotcom fiasco.
14:18:39 From Chokri ben romdhane : thank you all
14:19:48 From Holly Raiche : Well done Justine
14:20:25 From Matthias M. Hudobnik : @hadia ahaaa i see what you mean ;-)
14:20:34 From Alberto Soto : Sorry!!
14:20:42 From Marita Moll : Great plan Justine --
14:21:58 From davekissoondoyal : +1 Justine
14:22:29 From Greg Shatan : @Justin, I look forward to cooperating with you!
14:23:33 From Alan Greenberg : Is there any belief that there will be any travel in the forseable future?
14:23:35 From Gopal : I know that all volunteers preparing the documents spend lot of time. Thanks. The structure of the documents may have to include hyperlinks to the core documents referred to. This will help in preparing for the meetings.
14:24:05 From Roberto : @Alan - not in the part of the world where I am
14:24:16 From Alfredo Calderon : @Alan, my impression is that nothing will be f2f until next year.
14:24:52 From Roberto : Maybe the IGF in November, if something
14:25:35 From Bill Jouris : Travel in late fall is not inconceivable. But thru summer, nothing much is going to be moving.
14:26:05 From Oksana Prykhodko : What about documents for visa expenses? Canadian embassy did not send invoice for visa(
14:28:30 From laurin : agree. even short transfers can cost hundreds of dollars.
14:28:52 From Gopal : Travel is not really an instinct in me. No share room is better.Does ICANN have authorized travel service providers?
14:30:30 From Glenn McKnight, Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities : Marita and I did research on travel insurance
14:30:56 From Greg Shatan : Judith, the ones you said were ridiculous, I agree.
14:32:09 From Gopal : If ICANN has travel agencies, concerns on local transport [pickup and drop], early check-in, late check - out, extra meal can automatically billed.
14:32:39 From Gunela Astbrink : Travelers should be funded to their closest airport
14:33:05 From Daniel Charles : visa fees can be expensive. Some need to fly to another country to get a visa. Eastern Caribbean is an example.
14:33:26 From Gopal : Time sharing of shared rooms usually becomes cumbersome.
14:33:43 From davekissoondoyal : +1 holly
14:33:44 From Marita Moll : ICANN rules make it impossible for us to use our credit card medical insurances -- but we are ICANN rules make it impossible for us to use our credit card medical insurances. But we are not compensated for that. Totally unfair!
14:33:52 From Sarah Kiden : Some visas are extremely expensive
14:33:54 From Glenn McKnight, Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities : Fellows normally have a long line to receive their cash
14:33:55 From Greg Shatan : It’s not time sharing that’s being discussed —it’s parallel sharing.
14:33:57 From laurin : agree on visa cost, agree on bank accounts, def agree on the major airport issue.
14:34:38 From heidi.ullrich : I am
14:34:42 From Greg Shatan : Major airport feels discriminatory against participants from certain geographies. Most likely to be our people.
14:34:47 From laurin : yes, Glenn, fellows get cash. don’t know exactly why. would have preferred bank transfer myself, when I was in that position.
14:34:58 From heidi.ullrich : CT staff
14:35:29 From Carlton Samuels : I am simply AMAZED that issues like visa costs and logistics attending continue to befuddle reasonable people!
14:35:32 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : agree @Greg
14:35:35 From laurin : major airport even has an effect on people in highly developed countries. some pay hundreds already because transfers aren’t paid
14:35:36 From Glenn McKnight, Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities : Laurin I don't see them doing this for the Fellows given the past history of problems of sending money. I expect them to continue their practice
14:36:21 From Greg Shatan : In NYC, I have 3 major airports to choose from (when I’m not sheltering in place in my apartment). Most in the global north have at least one.
14:36:27 From laurin : For example, train to airport is not covered. that can be a lot of money.
14:36:46 From Evin Erdoğdu : Revised Community Travel Support Guidelines: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/alacpolicydev/pages/102663567/At-Large+Workspace+Revised+Community+Travel+Support+Guidelines
14:36:50 From Evin Erdoğdu : Will do
14:36:58 From Claudia Ruiz : Presentation is linked to the wiki
14:37:07 From laurin : I am close to you Greg, my Amtrak to Newark is about 200 per meeting.
14:37:16 From Greg Shatan : The room sharing issue should be dealt with upfront — either two rooms from day one or one shared room. That avoids the concern that Alan raised, so it becomes a true savings.
14:37:18 From Holly Raiche : Sorry - @ Greg - the issue isn’t the global north
14:37:42 From laurin : holly, it was me saying it is also global north. see example.
14:38:52 From Marita Moll : Sorry -- have to leave the meeting now. Stay well everyone
14:39:00 From laurin : I am able to pay that but for others it might be prohibitive particularly if you add visa fees, and the fact that per diems are more than tight, etc. it adds up.
14:39:45 From Alfredo Calderon : Leaving for my other call. Stay safe.
14:40:08 From Greg Shatan : @Holly I was trying to use short-hand for the lucky ones. Whatever it is, it’s not a random distribution of stakeholders between those who are “lucky” and those who aren’
14:40:37 From Holly Raiche : @ Greg - agree with you
14:40:54 From laurin : and being lucky vs a bit annoying can result from small distances when money is concerned.
14:41:00 From Evin Erdoğdu : Thank you Dr. Gopal
14:41:01 From Hadia Elminiawi : Thank you so much
14:41:09 From Roberto : Thanks Dr. Gopal
14:41:11 From Evin Erdoğdu : Great collaboration between AFRALO-APRALO
14:41:36 From hanan khatib : Thank you Dr Gopal.
14:41:36 From Evin Erdoğdu : Closes on 3 April
14:41:50 From Hadia Elminiawi : DR. Gopal is the statement linked to the agenda
14:42:45 From Evin Erdoğdu : Thank you will do
14:43:45 From Gopal : I did see it on the Agenda. Evin sent a couple of responses. The numbering was the concern. I will post the revised statement tomorrow for mt colleagues in APRALO and AFRALO to finalize.
14:43:50 From davekissoondoyal : agree Evin
14:44:10 From Hadia Elminiawi : @Dr. Gopal thank you for that
14:44:11 From davekissoondoyal : Thanks Dr Gopal
14:44:24 From Seun Ojedeji : thanks Gopal
14:44:38 From hanan khatib : Thank you everybody
14:45:21 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : for the record again I do still wish these important meetings did not overlap other major ones
14:45:30 From Oksana Prykhodko : Thank you all, stay safe!
14:45:37 From Matthias M. Hudobnik : bye
14:45:42 From Hadia Elminiawi : Thank you all and bye for now
14:45:47 From laurin : thank you all!
14:45:48 From Daniel Charles : thank you all/stay safe !
14:45:51 From Lutz Donnerhacke : Take care ans stay at home.
14:45:54 From davekissoondoyal : Thanks and bye to all. Stay safe and stay at Home
14:45:57 From Filina Natalia (EURALO Secretary) : thanks all, stay safe!
14:45:59 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Bye Bye for now.
14:46:21 From Sarah Kiden : Thank you everyone, bye!
14:46:21 From Gunela Astbrink : Bye everyone. Stay well
14:46:28 From Evin Erdoğdu : Thank you all!
14:46:44 From Gordon Chillcott : Bye all!
14:47:02 From Filina Natalia (EURALO Secretary) : bye! thanks
14:47:03 From Harold Arcos : thanks all,,, stay safe,,
14:47:05 From Harold Arcos : bye bye
14:47:06 From Michel TCHONANG : THANK BYE ALL