AC Chat: 2018-10-31 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call
Claudia Ruiz: (10/31/2018 12:23) Welcome to the At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) Call on Wednesday, 31 October 2018 at 20:00 UTC
Claudia Ruiz: (12:23)
Evin Erdogdu: (12:39) Hello all - welcome back from ICANN63!
Christopher Wilkinson: (12:57) Good evening everyone. CW
Cheryl Langdon-orr (CLO): (12:57) morning from me
Jonathan Zuck: (13:00) DelBianco will connect at 20:10
Christopher Wilkinson: (13:01) lovely tune
Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (13:02) hello all
Vanda Scartezini: (13:04) hi everybody
Claudia Ruiz: (13:04) Welcome Vanda Scartezini
Cheryl Langdon-orr (CLO): (13:05) mute is a terrific thing people
Vanda Scartezini: (13:05) hi Claudia
Mohamed Elbashir: (13:05) Hello Everyone
Holly Raiche: (13:06) I haveto leave this meeting in 45 minutes
Holly Raiche: (13:06) Great
Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (13:06) ok great
Claudia Ruiz: (13:11) Welcome Steve DelBianco
Claudia Ruiz: (13:11) Welcome Harold Arcos
Steve DelBianco: (13:11) Am I here too early?
Jonathan Zuck: (13:11) You're fine. We just took a bit to get going and had to move Holly up
Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (13:12) Hi Steve, no not early just on time
Harold Arcos: (13:12) Thanks Claudia, Hi evryone,
Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (13:12) Hi Harold
Claudia Ruiz: (13:12) Welcome Juan Manuel Rojas
Juan Manuel Rojas: (13:13) Thanks
Harold Arcos: (13:13) Hi @Hadia, nice to greet you again,
Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (13:14) :)
Evin Erdogdu: (13:16) A new PC (opened yesterday, workspace en route): Supplemental Initial Report on the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process (Overarching Issues & Work Tracks 1-4)
Jonathan Zuck: (13:17) Thanks Evin, we'll pick that up next week.
Cheryl Langdon-orr (CLO): (13:20) yes we are thevPDPn'gift' that keeps on giving... WT5 INITIAL Report out soon....
Claudia Ruiz: (13:20) Welcome Greg Shatan
Claudia Ruiz: (13:20) Welcome Joel Thayer
Jonathan Zuck: (13:21) Let's have DelBianco go next
Vanda Scartezini: (13:21) welcome Steve...waiting to hear your thoughts
Evin Erdogdu: (13:21) Thank you @Holly
Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (13:22) @Olivier sure
Holly Raiche: (13:23) I have had a look at the CCT Report and will put text in the wiki page within the next few days. Happily, the date for comment is late in November
Alan Greenberg: (13:23) Steve is an alternate on the EPDP.
Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (13:23) great work steve and Derek
Cheryl Langdon-orr (CLO): (13:23) WELCOME Steve
Holly Raiche: (13:24) True, that meeting was, what we call, a dog's breakfast
Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (13:25) @holly very messy
Holly Raiche: (13:25) Indeed, VERY messy
Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (13:26) @Steve sure could and should happen
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (13:27) The diagram is on:
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (13:27) for anyone unable to see the AC screen correctly
Claudia Ruiz: (13:37) Welcome Glenn McKnight
Glenn McKnight: (13:38) Thanks Claudia
Glenn McKnight: (13:38) Just saw the notice on Skype
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (13:40) @Glenn: the decision to have the call was very short notice - but so much has happened, we could not wait one week until our next call
Holly Raiche: (13:40) Folks- sorry but I have to leave this call. I"ll read the transcript laer
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (13:41) ok Holly -- thanks for letting us know about the RDS-WHOIS2
Jonathan Zuck: (13:41) Sorry!
Glenn McKnight: (13:43) its too bad we don't have captioning , I have a poor connection so the audio is very poor
Greg Shatan: (13:44) Hadia’s audio is a bit unclear.
Claudia Ruiz: (13:44) @Glenn - would you like a dial out?
Glenn McKnight: (13:45) As Greg stated it was Hada audio, I can understand Jon
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (13:45) Hadia needs to speak a little further from the mic
Glenn McKnight: (13:45) I think she audio is echo and the speaking too close to the reciever doesnt help
Jonathan Zuck: (13:46) What if it just says "Access Model" instead of assuming there will be a unified model under ICANN. Dunno.
Greg Shatan: (13:46) Agree with JZ
Jonathan Zuck: (13:46) show the UAM is one possibility on the right hand side instead of a given
Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (13:47) yes sure let ICANN talk about it now - we tlak abou it later
Steve DelBianco: (13:48) Agree, Greg.
Claudia Ruiz: (13:48) @Hadia- would you like a dial out? Your audio is a bit muffled.
Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (13:49) ok yes claudia thanks
Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (13:49) +201003300867
Steve DelBianco: (13:50) @Greg -- you're right that the UAM might not actually involve policy. It could be ICANN compliance with the law
Greg Shatan: (13:50) Someone has an open line, but is not speaking.
Greg Shatan: (13:51) I am a mere Observer of the EPDP (and the Human Condition).
Claudia Ruiz: (13:52) Welcome Humberto Arthos
Greg Shatan: (13:53) Put “Discussion Draft 31 Oct 2018” on the top
Greg Shatan: (13:54) Agree that Rr/Ry’s would be the better “publisher.”
Greg Shatan: (13:56) Who is the bull in this metaphor?
Greg Shatan: (13:56) There was at least a hint in prior correspondence from the EPDB that something like this would be welcomed.
Jonathan Zuck: (13:57) Not even sure it would be US who did that. Could be anyone so it's just about us supporting it.
Cheryl Langdon-orr (CLO): (13:57) audio?
Jonathan Zuck: (13:57) Hadia is starting to celebrate halloween!
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (13:57) oops I was going to say that Hadia's voice was much better but now a major problem with the CODEC
Alan Greenberg: (13:57) Bull elephant?
Greg Shatan: (13:58) Also, it is possible to make a reasoned legal analysis of the model.
Greg Shatan: (13:58) Someone slowed down the tape....
Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (13:59) ok steve that sounds good
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (14:00) we need an ICANNLeaks to release this diagram anonymously
Cheryl Langdon-orr (CLO): (14:01) thanks indeed
Glenn McKnight: (14:01) Thanks
Evin Erdogdu: (14:01) Thank you @Steve
Vanda Scartezini: (14:01) thank you !!
Steve DelBianco: (14:01) Thanks for allowing me to present. Bye for now.
Claudia Ruiz: (14:01) @Oliver- Hadia is back
Claudia Ruiz: (14:01) @Oliver- Hadia is back
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (14:02) Thanks @Claudia
Greg Shatan: (14:04) The “get everyone on the bus” approach to the ePDP will crash the bus.
Greg Shatan: (14:05) everyone = every issue ever thought of about WHOIS.
Greg Shatan: (14:07) Merely replicating all of the foibles of a regular working group twice as fast is not the recipe for success.
Vanda Scartezini: (14:09) totally agree with ALan..
Greg Shatan: (14:10) Audio?
Cheryl Langdon-orr (CLO): (14:10) lost her
Greg Shatan: (14:11) Saammmmeeee pppprrrooobbblllleeemmmm
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (14:11) terrible again
Greg Shatan: (14:11) The solution for Hadia’s audio issue was worse than the problem....
Claudia Ruiz: (14:14) Hadia is back '
Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (14:15) i was cut off again
Vanda Scartezini: (14:15) i lost her
Cheryl Langdon-orr (CLO): (14:15) gremlins
Vanda Scartezini: (14:15) maybe she can write
Greg Shatan: (14:15) Should go back to the first method, which was at least stable.
Mohamed Elbashir: (14:15) @Hadia you might try to use a fixed line if you are using a mobile line
Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (14:18) Ok Mohamed thanks for the advice - I am now on adobe connect but the voice is extremely fade
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (14:20) @Greg: the NCSG is saying that the ALAC is actually not taking the needs of end users into account
Cheryl Langdon-orr (CLO): (14:20) indeed Jz
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (14:21) It's two very different perspectives of the same problem
Greg Shatan: (14:22) OCL, I see no factual basis for that statement.
Greg Shatan: (14:23) Of course, those actually fighting cyber abuse beg to differ with the NCSG view.
Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (14:23) @Olivier so why does the NCSG think that we are not looking after the interests of the end users
Greg Shatan: (14:26) Registrants have numerous reasons why they would want access to the RDS data of other registrants. The registrant view is not cut and dried. The privacy advocacy view is much clearer....
Alan Greenberg: (14:26) Sience!
Cheryl Langdon-orr (CLO): (14:26) sigh
Greg Shatan: (14:26) Silence or Science, Alan?
Greg Shatan: (14:27) @CLO, breathe....
Cheryl Langdon-orr (CLO): (14:27) trying @ Greg
Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (14:28) ALAC is trying to find the balance between the protection of privacy and the right to have a safe secure and stable internet which is what the NCSG fail to acknowledge
Greg Shatan: (14:29) Complying with GDPR should provide one half of that balance....
Vanda Scartezini: (14:30) thanks Chris
Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (14:32) @Greg the other half depends on us - but the NCSG are not allowing it to happen - the whole Internet community is losing because of their short sight
Greg Shatan: (14:35) Time to drink Absinthe in the back corner of a darkened bar....
Cheryl Langdon-orr (CLO): (14:36) certainly a plan @Greg
Cheryl Langdon-orr (CLO): (14:41) going to get a sugar cube @Greg
Christopher Wilkinson: (14:41) Well actually Brazil etc.
Vanda Scartezini: (14:42) yeah argentina has nothing related to amazon but the example is ok
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (14:42) corrected for the record
Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (14:45) @greg well said
Greg Shatan: (14:48) Olga’s leadership on the .Amazon issue can lead to the assumption that the Amazon flows through Argentina. :-)
Vanda Scartezini: (14:48) because she was vicechair of GAC when this started touching GAC
Greg Shatan: (14:48) Chris, that’s a fundamental fact of gTLD policy development. If you can’t agree to change a policy, it doesn’t change.
Cheryl Langdon-orr (CLO): (14:49) I am working from the PDP Charter @CW. this is an opportunity to propose changes where lacking is noted
Greg Shatan: (14:49) That should incentivize those who dislike the 2012/2007 model to compromise and get some movement....
Cheryl Langdon-orr (CLO): (14:50) you would think so @Greg
Greg Shatan: (14:50) That’s not what cybersquatting is....
Greg Shatan: (14:51) How to break the logjam, Christopher?
Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (14:51) Thank you christopher
Christopher Wilkinson: (14:55) "Greg I am aware that US law defines cyubersquatting as limited to trademarks.- Thate is not the usual use elsewhere.
Greg Shatan: (14:57) Can you refer me to sources for the “usual use elsewhere”? My Internet search is boringly consistent with what you call the US law definition.
Greg Shatan: (14:58) Perhaps my search engine (Bing, in this case...) is too US-centric.
Evin Erdogdu: (14:58) Thank you @Mohamed
Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (14:58) Thank you Mohamed
Alan Greenberg: (14:59) I note that this call was scheduled for 90 minutes.. It is unclear from the agenda what the target was because some items have a time and others a blank. We are now at 2 hours. Going forward to all us to allocate our time, please let's sync.
Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (14:59) I did step forward on that
Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (15:00) unified access model
Cheryl Langdon-orr (CLO): (15:00) and try not to clash with other calls
Greg Shatan: (15:01) Such a thirst for policy discussion should be satisfied, but not by busting the clock...
Vanda Scartezini: (15:02) thanks all
Greg Shatan: (15:02) Morning being 1300?
Vanda Scartezini: (15:02) need to leave
Greg Shatan: (15:03) CLO! Oh my...
Cheryl Langdon-orr (CLO): (15:03) bye for now...Thanks everyone...
Gordon Chillcott: (15:03) Thanks and bye for now
Mohamed Elbashir: (15:03) Thanks, Bye
Greg Shatan: (15:03) Bye all!
Kaili Kan: (15:03) Productive meeting. Thank you all. Bye!
Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (15:03) i missed the part where greg talked about the UAM
Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (15:03) bye
Evin Erdogdu: (15:03) Goodbye all!
Harold Arcos: (15:03) thanks to all,,bye
Greg Shatan: (15:04) I mercifully did not discuss UAM
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (15:04) @Hadia -- good point
Greg Shatan: (15:04) Will go to the list
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (15:04) please Greg and sorry for cutting it out but we really ran out of time badly