Draft Statements

Draft Statements

At-Large Summit – Mexico

The Future Structure & Governance of ICANN

Working Group 2 will prepare a statement encapsulating the views of the At-Large community on the future structure and governance of ICANN. This is a major area of work in ICANN at the present, known as the “Improving Institutional Confidence” process.
More than two years ago, the President’s Strategy Committee (PSC) commenced a series of consultations on how to strengthen and complete the ICANN multi-stakeholder model. In addition, the recent midterm review of the Joint Project Agreement (JPA) between the United States Department of Commerce and ICANN produced useful comments about ICANN’s performance and future.
More information about this process may be found athttp://www.icann.org/en/jpa/iic/improving-confidence-revised.htm

Document prepared by Working Group 2(1|https://st.icann.org/static/]**


The comments around the documents prepared by the PSC and specifically “Improving Institutional Confidence” where organized in 5 areas:




·Financial and Operational Security

·Security and Stability

The Working Group 4 is working on “ICANN Transparency and Accountability”.

The Working Group 5 is working on “DNS Security Issues within ICANN's Remit”

To avoid (as much as possible) overlap this WG2 concentrate his work on the following 3 items:



·Financial and Operational Security

During the last Icann meeting in Cairo we had an in person meeting with PSC members and since we had different conference calls also with the PSC members’ participation.

In the same time we are starting our work – prior to the Mexico Icann meeting and our ALS Summit and also prior to the last release of the document “Improving Institutional Confidence in ICANN” du before the Mexico meeting.

As At-Large members we are one of the newer stakeholder group and with a long story to be where we are today.

We are strong participants and supporter of multi-stakeholder ICANN’s model.

1. Safeguarding against capture

There are different and possible ways to capture Icann. One is to capture the organization and the other one is to capture the policy making process.

At-Large seeks the following actions as safeguards against capture:

·broaden participation

·broader involvement of all communities’

·necessity to recruit, maintain and address the concerns of all constituencies

·allow participation in various languages

·simple documents (in different languages) to help people to participate

Another question is how a single person can participate with possible different hats in different structure. Each one of us can speak on behalf of:

·Him as individual end-user

·His organization (group of end-users…)

·His company as business end-user or any other business engage in the ICANN process (registry – registrar -…)

·His country


Do we want to apply?

·one vote one person in the whole ICANN

·one vote one person in each body the person participate

·one person can’t be elected in more than one body


2. Further internationalization of ICANN

It is an important issue to:

·safeguard the global/worldwide role of ICANN regarding domain names and numbers identifiers

·enable larger participation from all around the world from all stakeholders


At-Large is acting each day as much as possible in a very international environment.

Our experiences can be useful for the full community.

·working in multiple languages (even for conf call)

·documents in multiple languages

·real multi-regional bodies (i.e. ALAC, Ex-com, Secretariat coordination)

One way to think the future of ICANN regarding internationalization is to have all important functions/responsibilities split into various regions/languages/cultures:

·Head quarter



·President and CEO



·Chairs of the SO/AC


·Oversight by?





Diversification of funding sources

Do ICANN need that?

What is the goal of a diversification of funding sources?

It is more sources or/and more resources?

Actually all the fond are coming from the registrants (individuals and businesses).

If needed, for individual end users what other funding sources could be acceptable?

And what it will change for ICANN and the relation with each and all the constituencies / stakeholders?

First draft established by Sebastien Bachollet the 18th of February at 9:30am UTC.

(1|https://st.icann.org/static/]Members of the group

Carlos Aguirre - LACRALO / Izumi Aizu - APRALO / Vittorio Bertola - EURALO / Victor Ciza - AFRALO /

Louis Houle - NARALO / Rachida Jouhari - AFRALO / Tommi Karttaavi - EURALO / Didier Kasole - AFRALO /

Fernando Maresca - LACRALO / Glenn McKnight - NARALO / Michael Miranda - NARALO /

Antonio Medina Gomez - LACRALO / Sivasubramanian Muthusamy - APRALO / George Otieno - AFRALO

Jose Ovidio Salgueiro - LACRALO / Seth Reiss - NARALO / Jose Salguiero - LACRALO /Vanda Scartezini - LACRALO

Michel Tchonang - AFRALO / Aislan Vargas – LACRALO

Vice-Chair: Sylvia Herlein Leite - LACRALO

Chair: Sebastien Bachollet - EURALO
