14 January 2009
Summit Content Working Group Teleconference
Date: 14 January
Time: 2030 UTC
Meeting Number: AL.SU/CC.0109/2
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¿Cómo se puede participar en la teleconferencia?
Dial-outs: Dial-out list 2009
Interpretation: EN and ES
Summary Minutes: Summary Minutes 14 January 2009
Action Items: Action Items 14 January 2009
Recording: English, Español
Participants: C Langdon-Orr, H Xue, F Seye Sylla, V Scartezini, D Thompson, G Sherman, E Leibovitch, W Ludwig, S Bachollet, K Kouba, O Ortiz, A Vargas, W Kleinwächter, L Donnerhacke
Staff: M Langenegger, H Ullrich, N Ashton-Hart
Suggested Agenda Items:
1. Results of the 2nd Summit Survey
- Priority topics for Summit Working Groups - (Staff)
- Final number/percentage of ALS responses
Please click here for the final results of the 2nd summit survey
2. Formation and Operation of Working Groups
- Process - (see text below)
- Structure - selection of chairs, etc
- Responsibilities - Preparation of agendas and draft statements
- Timing - Deadline for agendas and draft statements
Relevant text as approved by Summit WG:
Selection of Working Group Topics
There will be five working groups as a part of the Summit programme. The purpose of the working groups will be to develop a written statement for ratification during the General Session at the close of the Summit. The statements will then be sent on to the Board of ICANN as a position of the entire At-Large community.
Each Summit attendee will be expected to participate in one working group during the Summit, and, to participate in the work of preparing a draft statement on the subject of their working group in advance of the Summit.
You will be automatically assigned to the working group that you have rated most highly below which is also in the top five across all respondents. The Summit organisers may assign you to one of your next-highest-preference choices in order to balance the number of participants in each working group.
You and the others who complete the survey will choose the subjects of the five working groups. We have prepared a list below of subjects that are currently being debated in ICANN for you to choose from. If you choose “Other Issue” you will be able to input an additional subject, which will be visible to others who complete this survey. They, like you, will be able to enter new issues, but they will also be able to ‘vote’ for the issue that you have provided, just as you are able to ‘vote’ for issues entered by those who have completed this survey before you. These subjects will be considered for other elements of the Summit programme, but in any case for them to be included they would need to be related to the mandate and mission of ICANN.
It is suggested to limit the size of the different working groups to 25 to ensure that there is enough room for accommodation. The working group rooms are for a maximum of 25 participants.
3. Review and Approval of Summit Programme and Room Requirements
- Discussion and Approval of Draft Programme
- See attached Draft Programme v3 (prepared by Wolf Ludwig) DraftSummitProgramme_rev3.doc
- Discussion of Room Requirements and Technical Requirements
- See attached Atlas Room Doc. v5 Copy%20of%20ATLAS%20Room%20Requirements%20v5.xls
4. Travel and Meeting Planner Update
- Update on travel booking activities (Staff)
- Update on Meeting Planner Agencfy (Staff)
5. Outreach and Communication Update
- Update on At-Large website for Summit activities (Staff)
- Update on ICANNwiki and next steps (Sebastien)
See: <http://test.icannwiki.org/UserSummitMexico>
- Establishment of a "Summit Request Hotline" (Staff and Core SWG)
6. Summit Sponsors
- Update on possible sponsors (Core Summit Working Group)
See: http://mex.icann.org/en/sponsorship
7. Next Steps
Vanda - in our LACRALO meeting today it was suggested to see if there will be a small window to "teach" soe interested ALS in how to use the wiki. we have some ALS with difficulty in our region and probably there will be other in different regions with similar problems.
contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2009-01-16 01:05:40 GMT