Summary Minutes 23 April 2008

Summary Minutes 23 April 2008

Participants: C Langdon-Orr (Chair), W Ludwig, W Kleinwaechter, S Herlein Leite, D Younger, S Bachollet, R Vansnick, A Piazza, S Ricciardi, G Shearman

Apologies : V Scartezini, H Diakité, D Thompson, E Leibovitch

Staff : N Ashton-Hart, F Teboul, M Langenegger

Minutes taken by Staff in the first instance

The Chair called the meeting to order at 2011 UTC.

The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved without objection.

Revised ATLAS Budget

S Bachollet pointed out that the new ATLAS spreadsheet has a more accurate set of figures for Cairo and did not alter any fundamental issues covered in the earlier draft. These projections used the ICANN standard formulas.

The Summit WG endorsed the ATLAS Budget v2.2 with one abstention. There was no objection.


This document will be presented to the ICANN Finance Staff in Paris.

ALS Questionnaire

The Staff noted that the translated questionnaire was expected to be back by the end of this week. It expressed his hope that the questionnaire will be ready in about a week.

D Younger proposed to distribute the questionnaire through the ICANN website to reach the widest possible audience.

The Staff will post the questionnaire on the ICANN website. The questionnaire is open to anybody who claims him or herself to be part of the At-Large community.

The Staff will make sure that there will be at least one response from each AlS.

D Younger’s Previous and current Fellowship participants proposal was withdrawn without objection.

Preparatory Meeting during Paris

The Preparatory Committe meeting, a private meeting for the Summit WG will take place on the first day of the Paris.

The participants of the Summit WG will note the proposals put up by Wolf to the Wiki and the option of an evening meeting for PrepCom.

There will a possibility for remote participation for via the Skype group chat.

Remote Participation in Paris

The Chair asked S Bachollet to provide the participants with an overview of the technical settings in Paris.

S Bachollet pointed out that there will be a good Internet connection at the Paris meeting. This, however, does not by itself guarantee that remote participation will be satisfactorily. He noted that he had some concerns with regards to the communication system using plain old telephony system instead of the excellent high bandwidth Internet connection. Personally he is in favor of using electronic means to participate with VOIP.

The Staff noted that there were some projects in the pipeline such as Adobe connect which is like Webex.

The Chair pointed out that she had posititve experiences with Adobe connect.

The Chair noted the Summit WG should do its best to make sure there will be a slot for a public workshop in the beginning of the week.

The Staff noted that it would speak to IT about using Adobe connect in Paris for remote participation.

Outreach effort with other constituencies

C Langdon-Orr raised the question if the Summit WG participants would be interested in preparing promo flyers which could then be distributed to other constituencies in an outreach effort. Nobody objected to producing such information material.

C Langdon-Orr asked for volunteers to produce such a flyer. There were no volunteers.

The next meeting will be on 7 May at 2000 UTC.

The meeting was adjourned at 2128 UTC.