Summary Minutes 20 January 2009

Summary Minutes 20 January 2009

Participants: G Shearman, C Langdon-Orr, O MJ Oliver-Crepin, W Kleinwaechter, L Donnerhacke, E Leibovitch, E Diaz, V Scartezini, D Thompson, O Ortiz, S Herlein Leite, W Ludwig, F Seye Sylla, R Vansnick, S Bachollet

Staff: H Ullrich, N Ashton-Hart, M Langenegger, L Honecker (KCA)

Discussion of Revised Summit Schedule

Following W Ludwig’s presentation of version 5 of the summit programme, there was a discussion on the involvment of invited guest from outside At-Large. N Asthon-Hart from Staff noted that it might be useful to move the events with outside involvement from Sunday to Tuesday to facilitate engagement from people who might not be in Mexico on Sunday.

A discussion was held about whether it was desirable to have facilitators at the summit. While some argued that there was enough talent within the At-Large community to hold the summit without facilitators, others were of the opinion that an outside person such a Patrick Sharry could provide a fresh look on things. Following this discussion, it was decided that each RALO would staff two theme sessions each.

E Leibovitch, who suggested that the RALO chairs should play an active role, as facilitators of the meeting, will work with KCA to reach out to the RALO chairs and secretariats in order to staff the theme sessions. They will be asked to be rapporteurs and/or moderators of the thematic session

N Ashton-Hart from Staff then introduced Leslie Honecker from KCA to the summit WG and shortly explained KCA’s role at the Summit. KCA is basically providing the summit participants with logistical assistance both in preparing the meeting and on the ground in Mexico.

N Ashton-Hart presented the second survey data, which contained the thematic preferences of the summit participants. Nick suggested that the participants would be placed in the thematic working groups according to their preferences. The participants of the summit WG agreed with this proposal.

The Staff will ask all summit participants who have not yet been placed in a working group to send in their preferences.

Outreach and Communication Update

M Langenegger from Staff gave a short overview of the latest activities on the Summit website. He noted that many o documents that will be posted on the Summit website, such as the participants list and the summit programme are about to be finalised and will be ready for posting shortly.

S Bachollet provided an update on the latest activties on the ICANNwiki. See: http://test.icannwiki.org/UserSummitMexico for further information.

Update on possible sponsors (will be carried over to the Core Summit Working Group meeting)

Next Meetings

There will be a meeting of the core summit group on either Friday, 23 January or Monday, 26 January to discuss the thematic working groups further, parts of the Thursday and Wednesday agenda and possible sponsorship.

The next Summit WG meeting will be on Tuesday, 27 January at 2030 UTC.