13 October 2008 Summary Minutes
Participants: E Leibovitch, D Kasole, S Bachollet, C Langdon-Orr, W Ludwig, G Shearman
Apologies: S Herlein Leite, D Younger, D Thompson
Staff: M Langenegger
Meeting minutes prepared by Staff in the first instance
The meeting was called to order at 2109 UTC.
W Ludwig gave a short summary of the recent activities in Europe. It was decided that the answers to the summit questionnaire could be submitted by phone as well.
The participants decided to use Adobe Connect during the Summit preparation workshop on Saturday at the Cairo meeting.
C Langdon-Orr asked the Staff if S Hoffberg and N Tommasso would be available for a short discussion during the workshop.
The Staff noted that he contacted them but that they did not confirm that they would be possible to come to the meeting. The Staff will follow up on them and underline the importance of this meeting.
The Staff will send the updated results from the Summit questionnaire to the WG after the 22 October deadline.
Workshop schedule
W Ludwig and E Leibovitch worked on the agenda for Saturday.
The idea was expressed that some lead ALSes, such as those of ALAC members, could send two representatives to the summit. The funding should be provided by the leftover of the budgeted fund for non-attending ALSes.
The next meeting will be on 01 November 2008
The meeting was then adjourned.